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RE: 210sp !!! and the winner ... is ?


that's awfully kind, there's nothing much to understand there. I said i was going to give 10% away and whenever i get 10sp i give 1 share in @steembasicincome to someone , thats about it for these posts :)

What i want ? well like most people here i want some @ned and some @blocktrades money lol. That goes without saying. It would be little more confidence inspiring if the sbd price wasnt manipulated back to $1 atm but for lack of that level i'll start with a $1 vote ... i could technically say no to handouts once i have that.
Independence , mate :) independence and catfood for my cat


Hahahaha... Now I know, you're trying to get more attention from the whales, well Have a Good Luck 👌

not really, lol

the last thing i want is to owe somebody and im not much of a teamplayer, im certainly not good at grovelling for handouts so i doubt most of those benevolent enlightened whales would be very helpful anyway, i even put my first tag, the "root" under my accountname so it has less chance of showing in the main sections

i actually hate the spotlight, but i gotta eat :)

You are an exceptional 🙌, I respect your way.

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