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RE: 210sp !!! and the winner ... is ?

mh, well im awaiting a few answers, but these shares i post here i have already given , im past that steem power by now but you might be right i sense a discrepancy in the force somewhere ... it depends on the number of posts you make per week too

so that's where i'm waiting for some answers, i need to be able to factor it in because to me this is not entertainment (well its one of the more interesting passtimes i have had in years but its also a bit of do or die ... sounds bad, ... well it IS bad here lol, with nothing to lose i can only gain, or stay with nothing

which i already have)

since i promised 10% from the start i give one share in sb ever 10steem power i get, if it turns out that's not working out i will stop doing that ofcourse, i've spoken with @josephsavage several times and i dont have the impression he's a fraud at all so

as for that 10% it's a double whammy since i would give the 1steem power anyway, this way i get a share too, even if it IS pennies lol

thats a bit my reasoning about it, and my vote is

WAS worth 0.04 yesterday and now 0.035 again, i have no clue who is wrecking the price but a downtrend this long on planet crypton means its either government regulation threat, or whale wars, so plankton like me can do little but sit it out

but i aint going nowhere, there's really no alternative for me, if you know one let me know hahah

i agree at higher level its probably not worth the investment but its still worth giving them out since for low accounts it can get all your posts over dust treshold (meaning they get paid, which they don't if they don't reach an absolute 0.02 - the U.I. here rounds up so anything from 0.015 will show as 0.02-payable but it might not be ... )

etcetera, so far i havent lost faith and i really think they're trying to make it work but i have my own few little tidbits and i understand these things actually work better in smaller units

as with steemit itself, if it grows too fast there's less for everyone :)

like someone else said earlier today

"we'll see" :p


wow. what an amazing reply @rudyardcatling

thank you for your time and effort. I appreciate it a lot.

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