Remembering Ruby Ridge: 25 Years Ago Today, Vicki Weaver was Murdered by the FBI.

in #ruby-ridge7 years ago (edited)


For those that don't know the story of Randy Weaver, and the siege at Ruby Ridge in Idaho, I highly encourage you to research it.

25 years ago today, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot and killed Vicki Weaver while she was holding her ten-month-old child in her arms.


The day before, federal agents had shot and killed Weaver's 14-year-old son Samuel. Samuel's father Randy was also shot the next day, in the shoulder/back.


What was Weaver's "crime"? Basically: wanting to live alone and at peace, and homeschool his children.


The murderers of these innocent people have not been convicted of any crimes.

Randy Weaver and daughter, Sara.

Please see the video below for the full story:



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I remember the "event", but haven't thought of it much over the years until the recent events here in the US.

I grew up in the 50's and remember when there where separate bathrooms, water fountains etc. I could never understand it and I got in trouble a few times by using the closest bathroom or fountain. Actually I got off for free but I caused problems for the people using the bathroom and fountain. Fair? No way! But I was the accepted color...

I'm sorry but I simply don't understand the white separatist movement. I've spoken with a few people I know who hold those beliefs and it just doesn't make sense. It reminds of what I know about Hitler and the Jewish people.

I totally agree that this was a huge tragedy. My understanding of the situation is limited, but there was no reason for the FBI to be on their property. If it was about homeschooling then there were and are procedures to check into the situation. We home schooled our son for a few years in the late 80s .

I fear that more of these tragedies will occur because of racist thinking and the government's overreacting.

I have no answers and lots of questions...

Right. I don't agree with the white separatist movement either, but I am not sure Weaver was one of them so much as the media portrayed him to be so. It really was a tragedy, I agree. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. What a perspective you have, having lived through the segregation era.

What's crazy about it is what people do not know. Before I was "red pilled" I would have easily brushed these people off as a bunch of loons. In my adult life, reading about this made me nauseous. Unbelievable tragedy from a family that just wanted to be left alone, it is the fulfillment of Brave New World in real life.

@markwhittam Just "escaped" from Sweden because they want to home school and their oldest was put on a CPS list to force into school or take the child from them. Home schooling is illegal in Sweden.

Just went through that post, completely jacked up. God, do we even have a choice anymore? Horrible.

To a point I think so, but you have to be awake and paying attention.

Without a doubt. More people awake/aware = more individual rights.

I read @markwhittam 's post the other day. Fucking disgusting. Hoping they are alright. Standing with them.

The irony is this post was right below their post in my feed.

I wonder if the Weavers were treated the way they were to make home schoolers look like terrorists, laying the groundwork for the future. They made them look like home grown terrorists long before their war on terrorism.

The red pill is so important. I used to think along the same lines.

It's until you really think for yourself, you're completely blind.

Thank you for sharing the tragic story. I never heard of it before. I think that was so cowardly of FBI to shoot Randy Weaver in the back then kill his son and wife too. I feel for the innocent dogs too. As you say that was pure evil and cold blood murder. Very disheartening story.How can we hold the Government/FBI responsible for this and make them pay? This world can be so unfair

A touching story, must be recalled and repeated again, so that all people know

If you hate the government so much, why don't you just go off and live in the woo...
Oh right.

The actions they took escalated it all, many times the opportunity was there for a peaceful resolution but that is the norm when dealing with government. You will comply or they will kill...

ohh intrested its totally new for me and good work to share this full story i will try to to more research on it @kafkanarchy i really see many time fbi and cia prove selfish itself.. many time they killed many persons without reason..i see mostly fbi and cia are really wrong and only show selfish behaviour

really exciting story and i dont like fbi bcz fbi use others only and also amaircan agnecies use only countries on the name of friendship

I don't said 'f- u' there at the end with a non peaceful tone. Are you really all about peace?
But yes, I get your frustration and outrage.

I haven't researched enough to know how loving and peaceful the family may have been(you painted them as innocent saints). But no matter what, just like the Florida night club shooter that was provoked or coaxed and prodded by is never okay to 'catch someone' criminally for an act that YOU orchestrate. That is every way WRONG!

And as another addition of cotrarianism ...a bit... Not sure what facts and details the sniper himself knew. Maybe he should have had charges brought...shooting a mom in the head on her own property is pretty f'd up. But someone gave that sniper the command. And someone above that person gave them the authority to give the command....those two, in the least, should have served prison time. They made horrible judgment calls and should have been held accountable. If the sniper had any humanity still in him, probably lived through his own prison for his act in that event. Probably he was military and wss very good at following orders. Maybe a court order of 20 years of weekend community service in inner cities would have been a good thing for his soul. my many 'probably' and 'maybe' can testify...I don't know as much as what I could about this event.

I just know, that, just like Waco, the criminality(trumped up, forced or what) did not IN ANYWAY warrant the actions and outcomes of the FEDS.

Very sad stuff. More sad, is, that it seems our children are about to be living through even worse events. Citizens against citizens. And FEDS against citizens. Bad stuff looming ahead.

Peace and understanding and clarity of communication brother!

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