#RPGADay2018 Day 16

in #rpgaday20186 years ago

RPG-a-Day 2018 High Contrast.jpg

Day 16; Describe your plans for your next game.

I have a few ideas, honestly. D&D already has some stuff for various dinosaurs and we were talking about it the other day so when one of my three games that I DM for ends I may pick up some homebrews to cover remaining species and run an ARK themed campaign since I really, really love that game. Also thinking on a Skyrim/Elder Scrolls based game too, but that's less planned out than the ARK one.

I'm also applying for games to fill in my Thursdays and Sundays on roll20 and finding a few ideas that I'd like to run as well that I'm keeping track of. One in particular is about the whole world having gone mad and one city being a last bastion of sanity among the whole ordeal. Refugees still having their sanity flee to that city like safe zones in a zombie apocalypse, and the idea of the campaign is that our characters could still fight so as a way to help out they patrol and defend the city from the crazy ones trying to attack and other threats from the wild.

I really love that idea, but also the idea of a zombie apocalypse one. Both situations allow for players to feel like they are actually saving the world by helping to save the city that remains and trying to find a cure for whatever it was that's made all the people go mad or into zombies or whatever.

Honestly I'm excited. There are so many ideas bouncing around and the fact that I can't run them right now means I can sit and carefully plan them out and I love it :D

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