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RE: Why Steemit makes sense as a place to talk about indie tabletop RPGs

in #rpg7 years ago

I've been here about a month and recently have put up some RPG -related content that I might have thought about putting up on the Google+ Role-Playing Community or Story Games, but certainly never RPGnet and – it's done all right.

It's still fairly obvious that the best way to get upvotes on Steemit is to write masturbatory articles about cryptocurrency and/or Steemit, which I suppose is par for the course, but I like to think that there is a small yet dedicated core group of role-playing-interested people lurking around, looking for good content and being stymied because of the lack of Communities or even a decent search system on the platform.

(Which reminds me, we really need to standardize on one reasonable tag for role-playing game -related content. Maybe #tabletop-rpg?)

I'm still figuring this out.

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