week six: the snake clan is back making and tying to make a food hold

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

to the how-to-do-darkland-and-tutorial how to jone comment below or go on Discord

a have increased my delegation and whit all of you we are sitting at 950 steem power. all players get there post up voted and comments now even more comments then last week**

the outpost is reporting these is the last week the are buying stone at 1 1/2 rate to wood. the snake clan has been spotted. the outpost want them gone.


all photos from pixabay
you need to expect miss spelling in the post. its a work in progress on many levels. special this week did not have time to go over it as much.

The trading outpost.

we got a new member ejgarcia he is telling us the snake clan has taking over his old colony. and are building a wood wall there. most we need to remove them. before the get a foot hold here. if you are successful you take all there resources wepones etc. we at the outpost can sent two archer to help whit the assault.

special offer we buying stone 1-1 1/2 wood NB: last week.
buying wood and food 1-1

  • (+1 armor hide leggings,(one silver)
  • (+2 armor hide chest (two silver)
  • (+3 heavy stone spear (4 damage)(three silver)
  • we are buying +3 wepons for 4 wood or stone

Rules, updates and Quests

the playable quest. going to get a new post every turn less confusion and am going to be more
strict on passive players. no loot or getting focused by the enemy's. but you can do passive quest if you are busy etc. u can get a different player to controlling u or the game can. but this most be clarified from the beginning of the quest. and am going to try have 2 playable quest at the same time. also helping on the confusion.

All info in the file the playable quest day is Wednesdays so make your turn before Wednesdays.

Overview over all collonyes getting update every week.

removing info from the players update (shorter post)
bulding when you get more buldings only manufacturing are in the post.
all building are in the "info file"
workers on one line.

food food food
(still to much food)
hunters are to overpowered on the food and hide.
so its reduced to +3


is gong to visit gunnar. when he arrives in the cave. gunnar is
standing outside. the creatures has overrun the cave. after the others colonist
left. gunnar but to be honest if was a bit of a shit hole anyway. am going to seeking shelter the outpost. but at some point a want to get rest of my things back. but a manage to get all my old pickaxe out. a have a few of them you can get one to. on the way back you find a bit of food to. your stone Miner had a excellent week. but your Forager had a bad one.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (two workers)
Wood 21 (+4 worker)(-1 fire)
Stone 11 (+7 worker)
Food 6 (+2 worker))+2 quest)(-4 consumption three workers)
Silver 2

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 Stone +2 farm -1 wood -1 food (cold)
+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

Colony defense
Blockurator 5
4 workers 12

(+3 stone hammer)(+3 stone club)(+4 iron axe)
(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)

Fire place -1 wood
Research bench

Colony Phase:
you can move u four workers around if u want.
to hire one more cost 15 silver

1 Lumberjack; 1 Forager; 1 Miner; A Builder; 1 Scientist;

Farm 20 wood 5 stone +5 wheat
Lumber yard 20 Wood 5 Stone +5 wood
Quarry stone 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 40 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)
silver mine 30 wood 5 stone

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall

Event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
scout the goblins (medium)
Enter the spider cave (hard) multiplayer don't go alone.on cooldown

@cyber.explorer (fyres forest)

his hunters are report it sems to get less food form hunting then expected.
but we have a lot. so no problems. the lumberjack has a lumber mill now so expect stable of wood. the colony is starting to get in a very nice stat. cyber.explorer is arming him self and going over to the outpost to jone medhus on fining more info on the goblins. but when he is arriving its just chaos. the kitchen at the outpost has lost all its forks the are just all over the place and for some bizarre reason it stops the outpost of doing anything, so instead of going to the goblins medhus and cyber.explorer is helping finding all the forks. in the end of the week the kitchen has recovered most of them forks and the outpost is going well ones more. you get some food and a few ale, so it was not a wast.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 15 (+14 worker)(-20 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 9 (+4 trade)(-5 construction)
Food 19 (+6 workers)(+2 quest)(+1 Blaze)(-7 consumption six workers/dog)
Silver 8 (+4 quest) (-2 trade)
hide 5 (+2 hunters)
ale 2 (drink one +1 Resources and (to hit +2) one week

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+2 wood +0 hunting (cold) -2 stone +1 stone (gunnars pickaxe)

Colony defense
cyber.explorer 5
6 workers 18

(+4 stone spear)(+5 iron sword)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)

Hunter cabin (+3 food +1 hide per worker)
Lumber yard +5 wood

Colony Phase:
u can move your six workers if u want.
to hire one more worker u need 15 silver

2 Lumberjack; 2 Forager/hunter; A Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Quarry stone 5 wood 20 stone +4 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 40 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)
Armorer 30 wood 40 Stone
Blacksmith 30 wood 40 Stone
Brewery 40 wood 30 stone 10 silver (making ale form wheat)

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,Brewery,stone wall

event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
scout the goblins (medium)


got news of the outpost buying stone at a good deal so decided
to go all in on his stone gathering. not a bad plan it sems. a few days inn he is going to check the immediate area he finds a lot of good farm land but not much stone. he things he things he can see a stone tower in the forest bit its a long way a way. maybe something to check out one another day.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 28 (+20 Trade) (-1 fire)
Stone 13 (+13 worker)(-8 trade)
Food 5 (+1 workers)(+2 quest)(-5 consumption five workers)
Silver 9 (-3 trade)(-5 hire one worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 food (cold)
+2 farm -1 stone

Colony defense
Creativetruth 5
5 workers 15

(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+2 armor horn helmet)(+1 armor hide leggings)

Buildings: bed
Fireplace (-1 wood)
Research bench

Colony Phase:
you can move your five workers if u want
U have 10 silver u can hire one worker

A Lumberjack; 1 Forager; 3 Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist

u can build buildings if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Farm 20 wood 5 stone +5 wheat
Lumber yard 20 Wood 5 Stone +5 wood
Quarry stone 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 40 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)
Blacksmith 30 wood 40 Stone
iron mine 40 wood 10 Stone 10 silver

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,Brewery,armorer,stone wall

event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
scout the goblins (medium)
The dark tower (medium)


you take the staff home. you feel like it can be Research maybe if a use the
Scientist a can make sens of it. a lot of mining where done this week and we got the lumber mill up and ruining.
(on your comment you had one to many jobs a removed one of the lumberjack.
since this is the last week on good stone trading at the outpost)

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 1 (+4 workers)(+8 trade)(-20 construction))(-1 wood fireplace)
Stone 13 (+16 worker+Ecoinstant)(-5 construction)
Food 6 (-6 consumption six workers)
Silver 5 (+3 trade)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: 0 food (cold) +2 farming -1 stone and wood

Colony defense
Ecoinstant base 5
6 workers 18

(+4 bow)(+4 stone spear)(+5 long sword)(+2 hide armor)(+1 wood shield)
(+1 hit gem necklace)(staff unknown)

Lumber yard +5 wood
Farm +5 (wheat/food)

Colony Phase:
u can move your six workers if u want
you can hire one worker 15 silver

1 Lumberjack; A Forager/farmers; 3 Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist

u can build buildings if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Quarry stone 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 40 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)
Brewery 40 wood 30 stone 10 silver (making ale from wheat)
silver mine 30 wood 5 stone

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,staff what is t good fore?,

event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
scout the goblins (medium)
The dark tower (medium)


is going to the outpost to get the info on where the goblins are there he is meting cyber.explorer. its all forks...say agend its ALL FORKS.
so he joning to find the missing forks at the outpost. forgetting the goblins.
eating some good food, some good conversations hear a story of the protectores of the land the tower guards. apparently the have magic power. he dont now anything what this means. but its a nice story. when he is going back he get some ale and a bit of silver and food on the way home. he dis some good trading this week. and notes the new wall at the outpost is almost done.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Wood 25 (+24 trade)(-20 construction)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 14 (+14 workers)(-16 trade)(-5 construction(
Food 6 (+2 quest)(-3 consumption three workers)
Silver 11 (+4 quest)(-1 trade)
Ale 4 (+2 quest) (by drinking ale +1 Resources +2 to hit in combat one week)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +2 stone +1 hunting -2 food (cold)
(+1 stone gunnars pick axe)

Colony defense
Methus 5
3 workers 9

(+3 bow)(+4 bow)(+4 spike wood club)(+4 stone spear)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)

Buildings: hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide

Colony Phase:
u can move your three workers if u want
you can hire one worker 15 silver.

A Lumberjack; A Forager; 3 Miner; 1 Builder;A Scientist

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard 20 Wood 5 Stone +5 wood
Quarry stone 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 50 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)
Blacksmith 30 wood 40 Stone
Armorer 20 wood 40 stone

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,Brewery,stone wall

Event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
scout the goblins (medium)
The dark tower (medium)


is dooing some trading and then going to visit gunnar. she is meeting gunnar on the way from the the outpost. he had to leave his home the creatures the colonist encounters last week had pushed him out. he is going to start his new life at the outpost. but he manage to save his collections of old pick axes so you can have one. but a want my old stuff back at one point. a may need your help. on the way back you manage to shoot a duck.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 25 (+15 trade)(-10 construction)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 10 (+5 worker)(-10 trade)
Food 13 (+3 quest)(-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 4 (-3 trade)

'Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +1 stone +2 hunter -2 wood
-1 food (cold)+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

Colony defense
Paradigm42 5
2 worker 6

(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Buildings: bed
Fireplace (-1 wood)
Research bench

Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
you can hire one more worker 15 silver

A Lumberjack;A Forager; 1 Miner; 1 Builder;A Scientist

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker
lumber yard 20 wood 5 stone +5 wood
Quarry stone 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 40 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine,silver mine,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,Brewery,

event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
scout the goblins (medium)


was not sure what to do. but his workes notest the are low on stone so he going mining ronaldoavelino is joning him.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 15 (-1 fireplace)
Stone 8 (+6 worker and ronaldoavelino)
Food 9 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 12 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+0 food (cold) +1 stone gunnar pick axe

Colony defense
Ronaldoavelino 5
one workers 3

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club)(+2 armor hide chest)
(+1 gem necklace "special items")

Fire -1 wood ever week
Research bench
Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
you can hire one more worker 10 silver

A Lumberjack; A Forager; 1 Miner; A Builder; A Scientist

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 40 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)
Blacksmith 30 wood 40 Stone

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,Brewery,armorer,stone wall


Discovered the immediate area (easy)
event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard)
scout the goblins (medium)


one day he can here voice he ses a group of people coming. he start running away the dident seem like the friendly type one the had a banner whit a snake on it. he is going to the outpost and get invited to jone. he accepts.

the snake clan at ejgarcia old colony. its working on fortified the colonye.
a few is gathering food and the are building a wood wall.
the start working on making a wood wall. whit a lumber shipment
the have are armed whit clubs and hammers. some armor.
the one in charge has better equipment.

Wood 33 (+75 shipment)(-50 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 14
Food 5 (+12 wokers)(-10 workers)
Silver 18

Wood wall



is going to Discovered the immediate area (easy) he find a lot of stone and ses moose he thinks he need a hunter cabin to get it. not so much berrys etc. but he manage to find some anyway. on the way to cam he find a camp fire its still warm in the grund next to it he find a stone hammer and a
hide helmet. u can see foot steps going in the the forest. your worker had a ok week mining stone.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 5
Stone 9 (+4 worker)
Food 2 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0 (-5 hire a worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed (-20% production)
+1 stone +1 hunter -1 food

Colony defense
@happyme 5
one worker 3

(+3 stone hammer)(+1 armor hide helmet)

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
u can hire one worker 10 silver

A Lumberjack; A Forager; A Miner; A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker
Fireplace 5 wood (-1 wood a week)
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

follow foot steps (medium)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
Event ejgarcia camp is been invaded by the snake clan (hard) its a playable quest.


did hire one lumberjack whit his silver but was not sure what to do so he joined the worker on collecting wood.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 14 (+6 worker)(+3 simplegame)
Stone 5
Food 2 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0 (-5 hire one worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed (-20% production)

Colony defense
@simplegame 5
one worker 3

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
u can hire one worker 10 silver

1 Lumberjack;A Forager;A Miner;A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Fireplace 5 wood (-1 wood a week)
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)


is hire one lumberjack and after a few days she ses his success and
Deciding on and finding the stone she has great success. she is finding out she is allows a worker.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 9 (+4 worker)
Stone 11 (+6 wren1221)
Food 3 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0 (-5 hire one worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed (-10% production)

Colony defense

@wren1221 5
one worker 3

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
u can hire one worker 10 silver

1 Lumberjack;A Forager;A Miner;A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Fireplace 5 wood (-1 wood a week)
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)



Under colony defense it says I have 4 workers, but under Colony Phase it says "1 Lumberjack; 1 Forager; 1 Miner; A Builder; 1 Scientist;"

I delegated 20 SP and bought 1 worker. I started with 1 worker. So that's 4.

yes this is correct you have 4 workers. the colony defenses are the same workers just there base stat.

Okay, so I'll have a lumberjack, miner, forager, and scientist working on their projects. Same as last time. I'll go on the snake clan event wearing the +2 hide chest, +1 hide leggings, and carrying my best weapon.

@blockurator what is your scientist working on this week?

I believe I said silver mine.

a yes..noted.

I think the scientists comes with the research bench, and can only science, nothing else.

the scientists is the same as a normal worker. so one week he can "scientists" next week he can be a lumberjack

I will be marching off to assist ejgarcia in fending off the snake clan! I will bring: (+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+2 hide armor)(+1 wood shield)
(+1 hit gem necklace)

My 6 workers will divide themselves up like the following:

1 scientist will research the mysterious staff!
1 farmer
2 miners
2 lumberyard workers

See you all next week!


How long will my worker work for the 5 silver?
What does the (+4 worker) beside the Stone 9 mean in the resource phase?

I'd like my worker to go to the outpost and trade the stone for wood at 1.5 wood for 1 stone and continue mining stone for now.

I'll go see the dwarf since I don't have the option of joining the party against the snake clan. I'll forage for food along the way. It seems I will run out of food soon.

the worker is permanently. Stone 9 (+4 worker)
the first nummer is what is in your stock pile the next one is where you got the ekstra from this turn.

notat on the turn :)

OK, thank-you for that information.

I would like to trade 10 stone for 15 wood from the trading post, as well as buy 1 set of leggings for 1 silver.
I will have my miner continue to mine stone with the Gunner pickax, and have my other worker research a cabin.
I will put on my helm +1, chest armor +2, and my new +1 leggings with my +2 bear cape. I will arm myself with my +4 bow and +5 sword. I will leave the rest of the weapons for the workers to protect the camp with.
I will do the playable quest of scouting the goblins and hunt along the way.

eksellente notet :)

I will hire another worker for 10 silver. He will be a Scientist and he will research Iron Mine.
My other worker will be a Forager and I will give him the +3 wood spear.
I will buy +1 armor hide leggings for 1 silver.
I will equip the weapons and armors and I will go discover the immediate area.

I want my builder to use the wood and build a fireplace.

I want to help the forager gather food.

a like it . notet.

Workers: I'll have all 3 of my workers mining with that special pickaxe (+1).

Trading Outpost: I'll again take them up on the stone for wood at 1:1.5 rate and trade the remaining 14 of my stone to the outpost for 21 wood. Also I'll buy the leggings for 1 silver.

Quest: I'll gulp some ale to get my courage up and try again on the quest to scout the goblins, taking my bow(+4) and wearing my hide chest piece(+2), leggings(+1), and helmet(+1).

good to have a ale before questing. notet :)

Builder use the wood to build a bed.
I will work in the silver mine. (Can I work the silver mine?)

you dont have a silver mine :( u can mined stone if u like.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 56998.67
ETH 2405.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.28