Murray Rothbard once said that it's not a sin to be ignorant of economics.

in #rothbardlast month


The only sin exists when people have vociferous opinions about economics while being ignorant.

Rothbard was an economist. It doesn't surprise me that he specificity talked about economics in that context.

Still, one can, and probably should go further.

Ignorance itself isn't a sin. In fact, we should view it as nothing less that admirable for people to admit their ignorance and ask people who know better to make the world make more sense.

What I'm going to say is that there's a massive moral difference between the people who know what they're talking about and don't want to throw people in prison, and the people who don't know piss and head from their sister's titty and do want to throw people in prison.

The former is clearly the better person than the latter.

The former has put the time, energy, and probably money into understanding a damn thing, and decided not to put people in cages over that thing.

The latter doesn't know piss and head from his sister's titty; but, he or she still wants to put people in cages even without the ability to explain why.

To me, the most important and relevant example of this problem is gun control.

There are plenty of people who know more than me. Both my dad and my big sister are former military. I'm definitely a better shot than my dad. I don't know about my big sister. Still, I've been around the block.

I'm not even in the stratosphere of Demolition Ranch or Garande Thumb or the likes in terms of money, resources, training, etc.

Still, just to bring in a little bit of perspective, I was posting images of a ballistics gel block a few months ago.

You know how much that cost?

The gel block alone, prior to tax and shipping, was $110.

After that, there was shipping, handling, and taxes.

After that, there was the cost of ammo. There was the cost of a platform to actually put the block on. There was the cost of actually going to the range.

I'm not rich. I'm telling you that shooting that gel block probably cost me, at minimum, $300.

You know why I did it? You know why I spent the money?

I want to be educated.

I wanna know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Hell, in this day and age, it's useful to have physical proof when people can't use logic.

I spent the time, money, and energy on that gel block because I just got a new carry gun. It's .45 ACP. I wanted to test a couple of carry rounds to see if they would expand properly, if they would travel in the way that I expect them to travel, and if they'd stop to prevent collateral damage.

I spent my own time, money, and energy to do what the FBI does every day on taxpayer dollars.

So, when Democrats start pushing for gun control, and they start telling us that a .223 round will rip your head off, or a 9mm will rip your lung out of your body, just understand that there are probably millions of people in the world who know that you're full of shit.

I don't expect my opponents on this issue to even do the work that I've done.

The claim that a 9mm bullet will rip your lung out was so absurd that Garande Thumb debunked it faster than I could cry "macho." Most of his video was actually spent seeing if there were a gun out there that would rip your lung out.

He uses a ballistics dummy that was actually built with artificial blood and organs to simulate a human torso. That thing costs about ten grand. I can't afford it. The FBI can, and does. Garande Thumb can get his hands on it.

The thing is that literally all of these politicians, up to and including the POTUS, have all of this information available. Almost all of them make more money in a year than I've ever made in a year.

It's cute to make fun of Biden, or his fellow Democrats, for dumb statements like, "A 9mm bullet will rip your lung out of your body." or, "We shouldn't allow more than eight bullets in a round."

But, all of this comes with the reality that these people, who don't know piss and head from their sister's titty, want armed police to take you down and throw you in a cage for years, all while not knowing what the hell they're talking about.

I mean, holy shit, I know that Kamala Harris probably makes my yearly salary in a few hours; but, I would be happy to buy a ballistics gel block and take her to the range for a few hours if she just let me record it.

These are people who have thrown people in prison out of their own ignorance. They seem to be proud of their ignorance.

I view their pride as evil, not their ignorance.

My offer stands to take anybody who disagrees with me about gun control to the range at my expense.

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