About Robot

in #robot6 years ago


Robot is a mechanical or virtual , artificial schedules. Robots are usually an electro-mechanical system, whose activities, shapes and movement robot robots are used as alternatives to human beings.


What is a robot:-

The word robot originates from the Czech word 'robota', which means forceful labor or human slavery or boredom or labor that can work. Robot is a computer controlled automation, which can work just as people do, or it looks like the artificial intelligence of its work. Robot's multidimensional definition is possible. Simply put, the instrument itself helps man's work and is used as a substitute for manifold work, so the robot.Any robot displays all or part of the following religions.
Not natural, artificial
Have the ability to feel the environment.
Can work with environment objects.
There is some intelligence, with which to decide the environment can decide.
Programmable via computer
Can rotate and move.
Can demonstrate efficiently organized movement.
Volunteer work, can give such a glimpse.


Many cultures of the world have had an idea about the autonomous story. Ancient civilian engineers and inventors from the beginning of ancient civilization For example, engineers of ancient China, ancient Greece and Paleolm Egypt tried to make machines, they were very similar to animals and humans. Among the earliest descriptions of automatic objects found in the beginning, artificial decks of artwork, artificial mojo and Lu Ban birds, able to speak, automatically speak of the hero of Alexandria, Fleet of the Byzantium and human league in the washstand.
Many ancient myths and most modern religions have artificial people, such as the Greek god Hefaiastas, the villains of the Romans, the clay legends of the Jews, the clay legendary giant Nors, and the mythical image of Galatata and the pigmoulion. From about 400 BC, the stories of Crete, such as Talos and the Bronze statue, were guarded by pirates for the island of Cretan in Europe.
Greek engineer Ctesibius (c 2770 BC) in ancient Greece used the first moving organs and water clocks, using pneumatic and hydraulic technology. In the fourth century BC Greek mathematician Tantum created a mechanical steam-powered bird of Arctus, which he called "The Pigeon". The Hero of Alexandria (10-70 AD) was a Greek mathematician and inventor who created many useful automatic devices which were driven by air pressure, steam and water.

Service Robot:-

Robots used in industrial manufacturing are made of robotic arms and manipules, which are used mainly for production and distribution. The term "service robot" is not specific. The International Federation of Robotics has proposed an experimental definition, "A service robot is a robot that is semi-complete or fully autonomous organization that is useful for the convenience of people and equipment, but they are beyond production."

Robots used in education:-

These robots are used as educational assistant for teachers. Since the 1980s, turtle robots were used in schools and programmed using logo language. There are many robot kites, such as Lego Mindstorms, BioLoad, Ollo, which originate from robotics. Besides, Botabrean educational robots can help children learn mathematics, physics, programming and electronics. Robotics has been introduced in the form of robot competition for the first time in primary and high school students, known as FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). The organization is specially known for its first Robotics Competition, FIRST LEGO League, Junior FIRST LEGO League, and the FIRST Tech Challenge Competitions.
Besides, there are more devices to look like robots: for example, Leachim (1974) and 2-XL (1976). Apart from this, a robot can be played / learning toy based on 8-track tape player by Michael J. Freeman.

Modular robot:-

Modular robots are a new species of robots designed by their architecture, design and modularizing. It is easy to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of modular robots compared to conventional robots. These robots are made with one type of unit, multiple identical modules or similar shaped modules. Their architectural structures provide hyper-reddening facilities because they can be designed with 8-degree free independence (DOF). Programmers using kinetics and dynamics for the modular robot are more complex than conventional robots. Modular robots can be composed of L-shaped modules, cubic modules, and U and H-shaped modules.
Industrial robot is a type of robot that can communicate safely and effectively with human workers while performing artwork. However, it is necessary to evaluate whether the risk of environmental conditions can be created before using the industrial motion control application. Most robots used in the industry are now built by Universal Robots of Denmark.



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