Robert David Steele You Will be Missed! One of the Best Mentors out there in dealing with Child Sex Abuse Cases including SRA and the Crux of it All! Continue to ARISE USA!

in #robertdavidsteele3 years ago (edited)

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Robert David Steel's page states the following,

Sadly Robert David Steele passed away on 28 August 2021 of COVID-19 pneumonia.

Donations are still being accepted in order to honorably close out the Arise tour as planned.

All donations are guaranteed to be used exclusively for the debts incurred through expenses outlined under the Funding tab.

Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and continued support for Robert’s vision.

See Robert's page here Intelligence with Integrity

The story goes,
He got sick and it went into a lung infection as it does with some.
Robert was also prone to getting bronchitis as many of us have for years, which is a high risk among asthma sufferers.
Even those who detest us, if they saw us at certain family events or get togethers witnessed those of us who had asthma attacks, coughing bouts and couldn't take their smoking, not because we made the choice for them, but because it caused more breathing problems.
Went into the hospital on August 17

So 8.17.2021
8 is infinity or New Beginnings
17, well you know what that means for each side Good or Evil side.
5 for the cabal is death and defense
5 for the Sons and Daughters of God is Grace and Redemption

Robert David Steele

Mark Tassi on RDS getting sick on his tour.
Mark had previously met Robert David Steele at the Liberty Event in Philadelphia, which was a small gathering.

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Robert spent a great deal of his own money to get the tour going.
Even when out of money he continued his bus tour as Robert was always a trooper.

  • Former Marine
  • Former Reconnaissance Agent for CIA and spoke out about those who were nefarious
  • Partnered with Cynthia McKinney to take on the cabal and predators as she had stood up to Rumsfeld. Remember?

One of the Greatest Heroes in trying to expose the wickedness of child and human sex trafficking.
God bless Cynthia and God bless Roberts family!

Cynthia McKinney questions Rumsfeld on DynCorp

Interesting where she states in here the following. . .

. . .Crisis of the sex trade the president
called for the punishment of those
involved in this horrible business but
at the very moment of that speech
DynCorp was exposed for having been
involved in the buying and selling of
young women and children?

While all of
this was going on DynCorp kept the
Pentagon contract to administer the
small pocks and anthrax vaccines and is
now working on a plague vaccine through
the joint vaccine acquisition program.

Mr. Secretary is it policy of the US
government to reward companies that
traffic and women and little girls?
That's my first question.

My second question Mr. Secretary is, according to the
Comptroller General of the United States
there are serious financial management
problems at the Pentagon to which Mr.
Cooper eluded fiscal year 1999 two point
three trillion missing fiscal year 2000
1.1 trillion missing and DOD is the
number one reason why the government
can't balance his checkbook the Pentagon
has claimed year after year, but the
reason it can't account for the money is
because it's computers don't communicate
with each other.

My second question Mr.
Secretary is who has the contracts today
to make those systems communicate with
each other how long have they had those
contracts and how much have the
tax payers paid for them finally mr.
secretary after the last hearing.

I thought that my office was promised a
written response to my question
regarding the for War Games on September
11th I have not yet received that
response but would like for you to
respond to the questions that I've put
to you today and then I do expect the
written response to my previous question.

We are approaching 9/11
We all know what truly lies beneath.
One of the latest stories I did on this incredible mentor, Robert David Steele was the Crux of it all and the series he was doing. Not to mention how opposed the cabal was to his tour of Arise USA as they don't like Anyone threatening their control and exposure.

To see and read more with full sources and connections go here,

We Have it all! How and Why? Remember when Cynthia McKinney, first black woman elected to Georgia House took Rumsfeld on DynCorp child trafficking, how multiple corps involved, also used jabs to keep contracts , Trillions missing DOD, 9/11 War Games Sim?

Mark states,
Robert had a dynamic presence that didn't always come fully across on the screen.
he was a pure heart.

He felt he should contact his friend Robert and tell him, Whatever you do, don't take the drugs that are on the protocol. Is this a wake up call for those being given Remdesivir?

You've seen the reports. Even their own trusted agencies are reporting this, though it appears not many if any in MSM are attending to this.

This is from a whistleblower nurse and we have heard of this happening to far too many people. Sadly they trust the western medical field as many times they have family and friends working in this industry and are not always aware of alternative news and what is happening around the world as MSM stifles real news.

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  • Robert had some tablets.

Mark assumes these were HCQ, but those of us who keep informed around the world with alternative meds as we know western medicine has in many cases been compromised. . .realize there are also peoven cases of success with Ivermectin as logged by the protocols and case load of patients treated by some doctors.

It is feasible they were Ivermectin tablets or HCQ. Either way, it is alleged the hospital would not let him take them. Does This not seem overbearing to you?

His friend and others have verified that he had previously put another family in charge of his care if he were to not be able to make decisions himself.

Juan says according to reports he got, the hospital claimed he got combative. If this were the case, that would be why the family member was allowed to make the decision to intubate even though only 1 in 32 patients make it when intubated.

Most hospitals know it is next to a death sentence to intubate. The lungs can become pressurized and collapse and infections can easily occur when intubated.

  • It appears that by not allowing any natural medications they were trying to force his family to put him on a ventilator.
  • It has been found that the ventilators are killing 90% of the patients. We tried to warn people early on, but in the wake of those who believe in the system, they do not listen to us and many get angry if we do try to warn, so all warning were done in various ways earlier.

We can only give out the message, we do not force. If the message is not listened to or received well, that is the person or family's choice.

  • Robert David Steele was doing well until they put him on Remdesivir. This is the drug Fauci was pushing for over a year and has become hospital protocol though there have been many proven negative effects by numerous doctors speaking out, but being silenced.

The question was posed by Mark and has been asked by others,
What caused the people to have to go on the ventilators? Was the infection or was something else going on?

Remember HCQ was not only suppressed, but those who spoke out about it were censored, then belittled, mocked and name called by those who were willing to support the Overlords and corporate owned media/ DARPA run social media.

Then do you remember their Prized Studies were Retracted?

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It has been proven by various doctors and medical studies that the Remdesivir was causing renal failure, which in turn was causing Pulmonary Edema.

Thus exacerbating the existing breathing problems.

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So the person's lugs would fill up with water so they couldn't breath.

So then on to the ventilator that can cause to much pressure to the lungs or even an infection while intubating and has been killing people for the last year and a half.

In other words, they continue a failing protocol over natural treatments that Do Work.

Many times we encourage people Not to be placed in the system, as it has been said by many, if you stay out of the hospitals.. .you'll probably live!

If you go to the hospital, it very likely Could Be a death sentence, so patient beware.

Best scenario, build your immune system by eating healthy and staying healthy so you are not put in a position where you are compelled to go to the hospital.

I can tell you from personal experience, no matter how bad my breathing gets. . .I want Nothing to do with the possible compromised so have succeeded in treating family and myself numerous times with all natural meds based on Eastern Medicine and years of Homeopathic solutions rather than predatory pills which generally create both long term customers and More Problems.

Mark reminds that Fauci did the same thing with HIV. Killed thousands with AZT.

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Mark states they ran the same scam then of giving False Positives and now we are being told even by their trusted agencies Not to Trust the PCR test.

Can you trust Anything these agencies funded by the globalists and people like Fauci tell you?

Were they killing people with AZT, then calling it AIDs? you decide.

Mark states that Fauci is at the head of a satanic, criminal syndicate.
One cannot deny these people are Very Connected in.
Just look at Fauci's direct connections to Bill Gates and the WHO, not to mention the profits all of them were able to gain.

What was it Commander and Chief Trump stated over and over?

See evidence with sources inside of here,

Is Bill Gates trying to Help you or Harm you? Perhaps you should ask women in Kenya given Tetanus shots with sterilization hidden. Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci evidence from the WHO site of working together for a decade on vaccines. Gates came from Money.

Mark calls the others who support and are hoodwinked by this agenda as having "captured consciousnesses." Which is very fitting!

He encourages what all anons, guardians and warriors have been trying to light a fire under people to do. . .Do the RESEARCH!

Remember how we have told people to

  • Trust Themselves

  • Research for Themselves

  • Question Everything rather than being lazy and calling anything that challenges your belief system as "conspiracy theory." Proven coined term by the CIA anyhow. Talk about willingly Hoodwinked!

  • Once Robert was placed on the Remdesivir it resulted in his oxygen levels immediately dropping and they immediately began shaming the family to force him onto a ventilator.

Which is interesting because it has been proven that not only do hospitals receive more funding for covid patients but a great deal more when they place people on ventilators. #FollowTheMoney as to why this is the preferred protocol by Fauci and hospitals from higher ups that teach their staff that it is imperative to do so.

Interesting that Robert died in hospital in Florida considering how the cabal and corporate owned media despise Desantis' policies and the fact that he is not going along with their globalist agenda aka scamdemic.

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Iatrogenic disease Leading cause of death?

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Check it out, it was John D. Rockefeller and Carnegie who started getting Universities to train medical students in the chemical and synthetic rather than the natural because they wanted to make money.

Remember, Rockefeller had an oil/Chemical background, so he saw mass profits in roping the medical industry and people's health into his Big Business!

Which is interesting because. . .

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How John D Rockefeller Medicine killed Natural Cures and Alternative Medicine / Herbal Medicines

This was the most current article on Robert David Steele's work

Here is what he was working on,

We have begun PRINT production (Robert David Steele) — a five-volume set that will help our President educate the American public first, then other publics as to the deep Satanic pedophilic nature of most of their leaders. Each volume is 8.5 x 11 full page size, with the footnotes displayed on the pages rather than as endnotes. Each book has its own index. This is a PhD-level reference work highly relevant to the campaign to take down the Deep State and the Satanists, Pedophiles, & Secret Societies that Torture Children and have cheated hundreds of generations of humanity of their inheritance.

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How they have tried to keep this hidden and How Many who have been outspoken about their diabolical sacrifices and trafficking have been made to pay a price?



Christ Cornell
Chester Bennington

This man started the first band Chris Cornell was in called the Shemps. Information on the movie Cornell was backing about child sex trafficking, The Silent Children

Avicii, Cornell, Bennington, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Blackstar, Blackhole Sun, Call a spade a spade, get red eyed, black eyed, reprogrammed or taken out! The unspoken clarified!

Avicii's song on Child Sex Trafficking and a #DayOfReckoning called For a Better Day

Those who speak out about their Scamdemic
President John Magufuli

How they hated him for this, then he was gone. . .
May 17, 2021?

Interesting. Just like with Robert, they tried to claim the Rona took Magufuli too. Someone else sold out to God! Interesting!

His friend was suspicious.
The other tour that split off, those people got sick also.
Admitted among friends not necessarily the best diet as it is difficult to eat for the best nutrition while on tour.
We have all seen this when traveling. You can make better meal choices, but it is a choice and takes a lot of discipline and also working around others and their desires for eating establishments.

Time Line

  • Entered hospital about 2 weeks ago
  • Had a hard time breathing, oxygen uptake very low

According to The Sun,

Mark Tassi wrote alongside the video: "RIP Robert David Steele.

"I am sad to report that the great patriot, Robert David Steele, has just recently passed."

As he spoke about his late buddy, he told his listeners: "Open your eyes. Don't take my word for it. Do the research, as I have done.

"He was doing well until they put him on Remdesivir... This immediately resulted in his oxygen levels dropping and they began shaming the family to force him onto a ventilator."

When someone said "this is all Florida is offering," Tassi said the state is being "targeted" because Gov Ron Desantis "is not going along with the agenda."

In regards to Steele's death, Tassi said "the whole thing is very suspicious."
He ends with, "I can't make any claims, but Robert has died and the whole thing is very Suspicious!"
I see it suspicious from both sides.
Are we still watching a show?
We've been told several times by the upper echelon of Military Intelligence we sure are.

The Paul Ryan, Mike Pence assassination, coup email chain. Says it all! Why would they risk hijacking a National Presidential Election?

A certain Free Mason group in which Mirth was considered King is said to lead Directly to D.C. Possible high profile connections All Across the Land!

General Flynn, his background, why did Pence allegedly want him out? Why the cabal fears Flynn and Qanon and all they tried to hide concerning FISA

The story of Haleigh Cummings and what Timothy Holmseth encountered as an investigative journalist Clip of interview

Robert David Steele brief history

Beyond being a mentor, partnering with one of my greatest heroes, Cynthia McKinney, beyond being a Warrior in the Fight to save children from satanic ritual abuse and all forms of pedophilia, beyond being an author and leader of Arise USA, beyond the Most Important role of his life. . .Son of God. . . Robert David Steele


  • USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996
  • CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988 inclusive of three back-to-back tours with five times the regional average in recruitments
  • three HQS tours in counterintelligence
  • advanced information technology, and satellite futures
  • USMC Civil Service 1988-1993
  • #2 civilian in USMC Intelligence
  • responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity and service as Study Director for Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations in the Third World
  • CEO Open Source Solutions, Inc. 1993-2010
  • responsible for creating the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discipline worldwide
  • training over 7,500 mid-career officers from across 66+ countries
  • CeO Earth Intelligence Network, 2006 to date.
  • External Researcher, US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 1998 to 2017.
  • Now leading the OSINT Done Right – Active OSINT movement as well as a campaign to create Open Source Agencies and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Innovation Centres where desired.
  • As of 1 January 2018 he is the Chief Counsel and a Commissioner for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse
  • part of the treaty-mandated International Tribunal for Natural Justice also nurturing a free book online, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State, now with a tag cloud index.

He was a supporter of open-source intelligence and argued that the CIA refused to take open-source information seriously and should not be responsible for developing new systems that ran contrary to its history of secrecy.

In July 2021, he held a demonstration in Belfast, Maine to claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged and called COVID-19 a hoax. He claimed to be the first person to call COVID-19 a hoax.

His wiki page claims the following, though his own page states pneumonia. I can verify as a bronchitis and asthma sufferer as Robert was, bronchitis very easily turns into pneumonia.

Notice the opportunity the cabal takes to spin it in their favor. Yet another tell if you ask me that Perhaps Things are Quite as they appear. That's All I'm going to say on that!

Gilbert, David (2021-08-30). "QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Claimed COVID Was a Hoax Even As It Killed Him". VICE. Retrieved 2021-09-02.
Schachtman, Noah (December 14, 2007). "How to Restore Spies Credbility: Go Open Source". Wired. Retrieved September 2, 2021.
"Former CIA officer and conspiracy theorist who called pandemic a hoax dies of Covid". The Independent. 31 August 2021.
Toffler, Alvin; Toffler, Heidi (1993). War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. p. 230-232. ISBN 0316850241.
"Accusée par des complotistes, la NASA obligée de nier qu'il y ait des enfants-esclaves sur Mars". Le Monde (in French). July 3, 2017. Retrieved September 2, 2021.
Carpenter, Murray (July 28, 2021). "As Far Right Activists Rally In Belfast, Protesters Gather Outside". Maine Public Broadcasting Network. Retrieved September 2, 2021.
Mistler, Steve (August 30, 2021). "Conspiracy Theorist Who Spoke At Far-Right Rally In Maine Dies Of COVID-19". Maine Public Broadcasting Network. Retrieved September 2, 2021.

Further information

This from The People's Voice,

Last week news outlets began reporting former CIA officer Robert David Steele had died as the result of COVID-19. In December of 2017, Steele was communicating with investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth regarding information Holmseth obtained regarding an international cartel that was/is operating the largest human harvesting and child trafficking operation in the history of mankind.

Steele told Holmseth he received an email of “Pence sodomizing a child while choking them to death, at the same time that his female partner, not necessarily his wife, stabbed the child from in front with a curvy dagger in the heart”. Steele also said whistleblower Tory Smith was murdered by an Indiana State Trooper.

This lines up with the information that has been floating around.
Many of us that saw the information and footage could not discount the following.


Concerning what can be done as far as prevention measures Not to end up in a hospital, thus placed precariously into the hands of what has been proven to be a compromised captured system/operation if you have to go to a hospital. One must also be careful with alternative perceived cures like Ivermectin and HCQ as we are reminded by Great Warrior Grace Lander. ..these are Also pharmaceuticals though they have a lower cost.

Here is a post to help with your search about this,
Meme from Grace and it is So Apt and we all Know it either from our own experience or from watching others, in my own case BOTH!

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All I can say for this one is, proceed with Caution as it is True there are side effects to these alternative drugs and Grace is Spot On. . .they are Still pharmaceuticals. Now I say this after taking for a Very Short time in smaller doses Much less frequently than others. . .the horse paste as Nothing else natural was working for me, doctor left practice who I could trust because she was more about the natural as I was and telledoc [at least the guy I got] could have Cared less when I told him my symptoms. . .prescribed prednisone which is western med protocol, but I have had very little success in the past with it And Always detrimental side effects many of which most would never realize are long term. I did all of this until God reminded me of something else as I was indeed worried about negative side effects of Horse Paste though proven helpful for many, one must be So Cautious. If there is a Completely Natural, safe alternative, Why Not use it?

Symptoms I experienced from shedders/spreaders of the jab,

  • Rash that started on upper side forehead of face then went down to chin very swollen like goiter then down to arms all over both arms and both legs. Tea tree oil with Dead Sea salt baths helped cure this along with a 7 day, then 3 day liquid fast.

  • Extreme breathing problems to the point of sleepless nights, difficult days of breathing even when taking eastern medicinal teas made from organic ginger, turmeric, garlic, honey, Himalayan salt and acv.

  • Better breathing results after the fast and dead seal salt baths as many toxins are always removed, but the breathing issues started back up within a few weeks as I usually get bronchitis which goes into pneumonia every fall. This is when I had the dream this year so God's way of reminding me what I had read years earlier on a cancer protocol that worked for many other patients.

  • Severe bleeding during cycle with numerous clots. We're talking scary loss that leads to bruising when only getting bumped. Verified by doc to have low blood cell count so always easy to bruise, but was even more intense.

Something that has worked for many others and I can testify worked for me as I can now run again when before I couldn't run, then when tried to start back up after a bought of severe symptoms from shedders where I went on a 7 day, then 3 day liquid fast with salt baths [dead sea salt mixture] sometimes twice a day] I could only run by being willing to stop when lungs and heart started hurting about 5 times on only a 2.5 mile run. Keep in mind, I have run marathons and half marathons before so 2.5 miles should be very doable.

I write in response to what Grace's Post reveals the following on what worked so well for me after experiencing severe rash all over body, breathing problems that were going into pneumonia, lung and heart issues. . .{the heart usually happens due to stress from the lungs laboring}.

Completely agree.
I have had experience with BOTH, or multiple sides as nothing natural was working and I got severe side effects from spreaders and shedders as I never masked up nor would I take a diabolical jab; so in other words I did not partake in the diabolical scam to forcefully Lower the functioning of my immune system by suppressing it's ability with a greater intake of CO2 due to mask suppression of airways, nor did I allow them to put altering solutions into my body which were said from the get go to be experimental.

Due to a history of asthma and getting bronchitis almost on an annual basis for years [so well before the scamdemic ever took place and even lib fam and friends saw my asthma symptoms so it is Verified] couldn't seem to escape going into bronchitis after the shedders infected me. They are everywhere as when we go out we never know who has been vaccinated which was part of the nefarious master plan.

I know it's not the zombie's complete fault as they have been tricked and are blinded, so I hold the globalist cabal responsible.

Anyhow, I DO agree with you Grace as I have used a nebulizer with acv organic before with some results. I had a dream not too long ago where God was reminding me of something I read a few years back on hydrogen peroxide. Now this was done intravenously and of course under a precise, carefully measured protocol and solution using that and proper saline, but they had cured numerous cancer patients. So in the dream I started wondering if this could be done with a nebulizer.

Next morning got up and found out sure enough some docs had already been using this protocol. Safe, effective, even added in just a couple drops of iodine to a solution where I made my own Himalayan saline so it's good for you in the right quantity. Just used over the counter 3% hydrogen peroxide. Not even food grade, which I have used in other applications before, but one must be careful as it must be diluted properly, so the 3% seemed best for this.

I can't tell you what a difference it made as for years those inhalers the doc gave were just a band aid and sky high so stopped even using those as I Hate cover up interim fixes and Want a Solution. I don't want to be a life time customer and slave. It is suggested that even for people who are worried about catching flu or anything after being in close quarters with a lot of people, on a flight, etc. you take equipment with you [small nebulizer, corded kind and the solutions] so you can set up and nebulize when you get to your destination to ward off. Even do it Prior as it is safe and effective. Helps increase your bodies ability to take in oxygen.

I am now back to running. I have to continue this nebulizer protocol [at home corded small machine so nothing fancy, just what is needed to get the job done] and only once a day if I notice the breathing problems and possible cycle symptoms and pain are coming back if out in public since we have No Way of knowing who the shedders are and I don't do quarantines or lockdowns. Obviously when had rash from Them, I stayed put until most had gone away and let the fam help run shipments to the post office.

See these sources for nebulizer treatments as you can purchase your own from a local store or amazon. Corded is better than battery run.

You can read about these protocols here.
I advise reading, researching then making your own decision on whether to use the natural methods as opposed to the medical industry.

Find the work of Dr. Richard Cheng and his integrative health here

Thank you so much Great Warrior Brenda Snyder for the following video link.

Following you will find a brief summary and this is the radio show host this happened to for those not familiar.

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This is yet Another Effective protocol that got this man out of the hospital when they went in for pneumonia. Even with his severe evidenced breathing problems a nurse Insisted he put a mask on.

Then they Cv tested him and called what he had Covid Pneumonia.

They refused the hospitals/ICU protocol which involved non working medications and a vent with a Lot of pressure.

Using a protocol his wife and family demanded he was doing better within 48 hours.

3 1/2 days later released from ICU and 5 days total in hospital.

They had to threaten taking him out of hospital and using hospice and the people with medical degrees were mocking the vitamin protocol the family insisted on.

The hospital's protocol coming down from the CDC, because the hospitals get far more money for ICU and ventilation.

So her husband walked out of the hospital and ICU faster than anyone by NOT using the hospitals protocol.

USE your Power!
Don't listen to the so called "medical professionals" who try to pressure people into doing an obviously Failed Protocol!

How are they getting by with continuing to use something that is Clearly Not Working?

People MUST stand up to it.
You have the Right and Duty to stand up for yourself and your loved ones.

A Must Watch!
Our First Hand ICU Story What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital

Article done last year on an interesting book from the 1980's that could have warded this off, but too few want to hear or have the Natural cures as this virus cannot exist under high temperatures!

Other sources used or referred to

More Sources

Help and protocol here,



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