13 countries in 37 days – Our road trip in Europe

in #roadtrip7 years ago (edited)

Hey steemers!
I want to share this Europe trip with you because I think it's a way to experience something and I hope you will get something out of it :)
Me and my fiancé love to experience other countries and do crazy things. In 2016 we bought a small red car from 1999 without air condition and drove in Europe :D

This is the little car we drove in, isn´t cute? :)

Our road trip started in Denmark then to Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Romaine, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Netherland. We drove almost 9000 kilometers from start to end. We started our trip 20th of July 2016 and came back home 27th of August 2016.

Here is our road trip to Greece and you can see our way home down below :) Those cities are not exactly but almost :)
Skærmbillede 2017-06-23 kl. 11.35.11.png

Skærmbillede 2017-06-23 kl. 12.30.21.png
We took a ferry from Greece to Italy and from Italy to Spain :)

Before we drove to Europe we have prepared a lot of things, like toilet paper, plastic cups, fire extinguisher, small chairs, soap, towels, sun cream, aid kit, safety vests, offline map and our positivity ;)

This is a picture before we drove from Randers Denmark.

I will post a summary for each country we drove in. The next post will be about Germany.


What a charming little red car you have. Have fun and enjoy your adventure. I wish I have more time to go on travel. I look forward to your next post about Germany. Great country and friendly people.

Yes it is a charming little car and it fit us perfectly :D
Thank you for your comment @greatpath and we will post about Germany soon ;)

Oh so that's the cute little red car in which you passed by Berlin 😊 It's really a very very cute one ;) Oh and your boyfriend looks ways more comfortable with the weather compared to your pictures from greenland 😉

What an awesome idea you guys had. What a trip! I travel with my dog Rocket, go have a look @wildone Hoping we can go to that side of Europe soon as well. Please do a post with your top spots. Following!

Thank you @wildone :)
I will look at your trip with your dog right a way ;)

What a great journey :0) cute car. Cant wait to see what next. Thx for sharing. Upvoted. Have a great weekend

What a cool trip! I can't wait to see more pics!

Thanks ;)

Awesome journey! I love all of your pictures! You two are a cute couple :)
Hope you gave me a follow so you can see our Colorado trip when we go next month!

Thank you @ajnapanda :)
I follow you ;)

Great post I gave you a follow !

Thank you :)
You got a follower too ;)

Sara hi
Great quality posts you have here, we share a similar passion, I traveled a lot in the last 15 years and look to start sharing the experience and wealth of knowledge with others..
I find Europe by car is very exciting and rewarding, short distances, lots of cultures, great food and people.
Will be following your posts

Thank you so much @muxacka ;)
Love to hear that you have the same passion! I have also followed you :)

That's sounds like an amazing adventure! Last holidays me and my fiance drove about 2800km, from Wrocław, Poland where we live to Valencia, Spain. It was so much fun. Thank you for sharing! <3

Thank you so much @xxvjs <3
Yours sounds also amazing! TRAVEL IS AMAZING ;)

Nice red car - Please follow me :D


I am following you now

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