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RE: The road to SteemFest: Funding the campaign

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

Essentially, my answer to everything in this life is the same, work. If I want something, I have to do the work for it and making sacrifice, learning to take a risk or two, investing in the future is all part of the responsibility of work.

It can be achieved with hard work. Most things can if you are stubborn enough to keep going. I have plenty expenses, motgage, car loan....... Enough to take most of my pay check every month. But I can still live fairly comfortably. I get up work hard and earn enough of a wage to cover all of these. If I didn't work this hard I wouldn't have enough to cover my outgoings and would probably lose the house.

But that is only the money coming in. It's the money going out that concerns me. Obviously we have certain set expenses that have to be paid no matter what. Outside of that however there are so many places that we can be smart with our money. Being smart about it makes all the difference. Looking for better contracts, switching brands, not buying designer clothes...... there are a hundred small savings that we can make without reducing our quality of life and over time really add up to big savings.

If you can reduce your weekly spend by $50 that is $2600 in just one year. More than enough for a trip. I work in retail so I can see how to do that for most people with just their grocery shopping and changing a few habits.

Hopefully you can make it to steemfest and it should be a great occasion for everybody who does go.

Posted using Partiko Android


I get up work hard and earn enough of a wage to cover all of these.

The wage part is a problem as I am self-employed and month to month there can be wild swings but unfortunately, not upward as high as the lows. Each month the variation in various health expenses swing too and a forced hospital visit on the wrong day can wipe out 20% for the month. Still managing though so far which in some ways makes me confident that if things do improve a little, we will be okay.

If you can reduce your weekly spend by $50 that is $2600 in just one year. More than enough for a trip. I work in retail so I can see how to do that for most people with just their grocery shopping and changing a few habits.

I remember reading about a guy who put 10 dollars a week for a couple of years into bitcoin (not at the start - last few years) and ended up with a couple 100k worth without even trading much. I don't think people really utilize their fiat coins well enough. What does that 50 dollars look like in 5 years spread 10 each across 5 likely future contenders? at current prices, that 10 a week is 700 steem a year. 3 ethereum. 100 EOS. 0.085 BTC and some other. if the Steem goes to $4 from here, it covers the cost for all the rest.

What does that 50 dollars look like in 5 years spread 10 each across 5 likely future contenders? at current prices, that 10 a week is 700 steem a year. 3 ethereum. 100 EOS. 0.085 BTC and some other. if the Steem goes to $4 from here, it covers the cost for all the rest.

That's a great way to think about it. I've topped up my portfolio with a hundred here and there when i could afford it. There are a few coins like STEEM that i would be optimistic about going forward so if i took this approach it could be very beneficial in a couple of years. Especially investing right now while everything is going so low. It might all come to nothing but money in the bank is only losing value so is it not better to take a chance with some of it. As long as you can hold your position and not have to cash it out.

The wage part is a problem as I am self-employed and month to month there can be wild swings but unfortunately, not upward as high as the lows. Each month the variation in various health expenses swing too and a forced hospital visit on the wrong day can wipe out 20% for the month.

I can see how this would make it very difficult to plan if you don't know what will be going in or out in any given month. I'm fortunate enough to have a monthly contract so i will get paid the same amount regardless of what happens. The downside obviously is that i can't earn any extra or overtime no matter how many hours i work in the month It does make it a lot easier to plan as i have the same income and roughly the same expenses every month. That is why i love steemit and hope that in the future it will be able to provide that extra income to give me breathing space from my bills and allow me more freedom to start my own business or choose a job because i love it rather than because it pays well. Hopefully we will see that someday.

The downside obviously is that i can't earn any extra or overtime no matter how many hours i work in the month It does make it a lot easier to plan as i have the same income and roughly the same expenses every month

This is the drawback indeed and why future supplementation is going to be such a large part of the economy I think. Companies will scale back also with tech advancements so essentially, being here is being ahead of the curve. The advantage isn't just over others though, it is to help others transition in when the time comes. New industries are going to be born, this is school.

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