[Road to steemfest] - Let’s play

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago


As suggested there should be 3 fun facts involved in this weeks #roadtosteemfest. This is going to be hard, my sense of humor is so crooked that what is funny to me is just offensive of rude to others. Or things that makes me laugh or smile are just way too weird for others to understand.

Fact number 1:

I’m lover of random facts. Tiny pieces of totally useless information that amuses me. And people close to me have to suffer from this because I blur these facts out every now and then when I feel like amusing my self or others. Or if the situation begs for it. (Sorry not sorry @eveuncovered)

The best random facts are just knick-knack-kinda information which has no real value other than amusement. And trivial pursuit. In which I kick ass!

How does the mother platypus breastfeed it’s cubs? They have beak after all...

Or how much does owls head turn ? And how is it possible ?

Oor, how much calories does banging your head against the wall approximately burn?

See, totally useless, and still I have the answers to those mindless questions.

Fact number 2:

I’ve been somewhat hobo about half from my adult life. Nomad of some kind. I’ve always travelled because of work, not because my work would include traveling but because I’ve changed work so often.

For person who is as materialistic as I am, this is weird to be honest. I hate to hang in other peoples corners but somehow I always manage to “mess” my things that I don’t really have any other choices.

I have never worked anywhere more than 2years. It used to be 1,5years but my last job broke the record. Tho I was more than 3months in sick leave, so it depends on how would one count it. Usually it has been a lot less than 1,5years, and during those periods I’ve been larping hobo. When you count it all together it makes almost 5years nowadays. Sorry people ! Wonder why I don’t have friends....

Fact number 3:

I have serious problem when it comes to my hair color. I have colored my hair every other color, except yellow. I have had the full rainbow of colors on my hair.

Everything from basic red to green, blue and purple. Some just for days some longer. Yellow is the only color I never have or will put on my hair. Why? I think yellow is, as a color, repulsive. I hate yellow. It is still ironic that I have yellow raincoat and rubber boots that I find to be cutest combination in the whole wide world.

Before I went to back my “natural” color (as in black) my hair was bright pink for a long time. I haven’t seen my real color in more than 20years. So if I would have to pick a color to my hair for rest of my life, it would be black.

I can not really say what is my problem with color yellow but there still is one.

And let’s go still with one more additional fact!

I already got my sf3 ticket! Have you already purchased yours?



"! Wonder why I don’t have friends...."
I am sure that Ei would not like hearing this. at least now I have something to blackmail you with😉

I fail to see what do you have on me. Ei is my partner of crime, not a friend

Owls head turns 270 degrees, in both directions! I know because you told that one just recently. Fucking useless random facts...

And yet, you tend to remember the facts I tell you....

That is the worst part, damn it!

banging your head against the wall burns 150cal per hour, so keep walking, it is more efficient!

I walked to the big Prisma, and back, today, be proud of my accomplishment!

Cute, just cute.

The only real question I have is: what colour will your hair be at SteemFest? ;-) Cool facts and we'll meet in November! :D

I’m pretty sure I stay with black 😁 we’ll meet !

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