
Haha I thought that I saw her burning the glass and then in half, but I must have just imagined that lol.. it was kinda cool so I added that extra magic from the bartender lady :)

I will do my absolute best to get there this year yes :) But probably I will be the same as you are in the beginning, like damn these people are strangers, although I recognize those with pictures.. but maybe I won't feel comfy to just mingle at the beginning haha.. hopefully it won't be too bad and I will run into nice people instantly.. to break the ice :)

Throw a few drinks back and muster up that confidence. If I see ya I’ll run right up to ya!!! But I’m not sure what you look like!!! Lol

Lol, maybe you're looking for the girl in my profile picture :P including flower in the hair haha... I never posted a picture (for several reasons) so me coming to steemfest is also something that I'm a bit nervous about as I haven't been anonymous for no reason but good reasons from the past ;) ... but we'll see in a while how everything goes, I'm not that big of a drinker though (I'm like upside down after 1 cocktail lol)

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