South African Roads.

in #roads6 years ago (edited)

2018-07-03, Extremely Cold Tuesday

Have been unable to locate Previous, my assistant on all projects.

Take out the Cagiva, and head for his place in Princess.

Turns out a little Girl had come there with her Family over the
Weekend , played with his phone,and that was the last anybody saw of

On my way home went on a different route , through a Factory area,

Heading for a left hand bend, this is in front of me!


In swerving to miss the pothole,

I go skidding sideways , part of this liquid is ice!

Do not fall, stall the bike , and take some Photo's.

From where I parked the Bike, looking backwards.


Walked back down the hill and took this looking up the road.(don't I make a Tall Shadow?)


My Son Wayne , who is a Rep, regularly wrecks tyre's and buckles Mag
Rims due to the shocking condition of the roads here.

A Scenic Feature , as appearing in a lot of the Roads .


The parked Cagiva , no worse for wear!


I do believe if you Damage your Wheels, take a photo of the damage and
the road condition, you are able to claim from the Municipality

Saying that , the Mogale Municipality has owed me just under R5000.00 for an overpaid Electricity Bill for about 2 Years? ( I just met someone there who may actually sort it out?)


gooood luck with those Morons.

Ha ha ha you really think there is anything left in the coffers to pay anytime soon.... Patience with electricity is a game being played "pass the blame"!

Potholes appearing, latest in road design. Roads actually repaired, latest game "pass the bucket and fill"...

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