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RE: Steemit Roadmap 2018: Community Input Requested

in #roadmap20187 years ago

Wow. The upcoming changes sound pretty dramatic and exciting! Looking forward to them.

As to prioritization, I think Steemit is really going to have to find some way to deal with the 'bot situation' here on Steemit. Doing so will deal with a lot of the other problems.

I'm not incredibly sure how to implement this, but it's clear that it's something that's going to need to happen at some point. That's my number one thing if I could just wave a magic wand, but I do understand that a solution would be complicated.

Power distribution is also pretty screwed on the platform right now, leading to a low retention rate for new users. Second thing on the list, although there's a possibility that this will naturally sort itself out with time.

A filter option to prevent things you post on other Steem dApps (dMania, Zappl, DTube) from posting onto your Steemit blog would be a life saver. Perhaps out of everything I've asked this would be the easiest to implement.

Thanks for hearing us out, and keep up the great work! I can't believe how far the Steem blockchain and Steemit have come in just a little over a year!


As to prioritization, I think Steemit is really going to have to find some way to deal with the 'bot situation' here on Steemit. Doing so will deal with a lot of the other problems.

While this may seem/feel like a problem, it is, imo, not something that is ever going to be resolved fully. I mean, look at Facebook, they recently revealed that Messenger has well over 100k chatbots as of this year. If Zuckerburg can't change that, Steemit can't change that. lol

Power distribution is also pretty screwed on the platform right now, leading to a low retention rate for new users. Second thing on the list, although there's a possibility that this will naturally sort itself out with time.

Socialism at it's finest - This will not solve anything, IMO. Work hard, create great content that people want/like and form communities. Taking power from certain people and then redistributing to some other people will do nothing but cause more imbalance in a different way - AKA "Same shit, different diaper."

A filter option to prevent things you post on other Steem dApps (dMania, Zappl, DTube) from posting onto your Steemit blog would be a life saver. Perhaps out of everything I've asked this would be the easiest to implement.

YES! So. Much. Yes. People have been screaming for this, along with a resteem tab, for the past 18 months or more. Instead, now there is some kind of useless tab that changes how your blog posts are displayed on your page... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

did you just call that socialism? Socialism is collective ownership of the means of production.

Don't fucking insult us with your welfare capitalism

While this may seem/feel like a problem, it is, imo, not something that is ever going to be resolved fully. I mean, look at Facebook, they recently revealed that Messenger has well over 100k chatbots as of this year. If Zuckerburg can't change that, Steemit can't change that. lol

The point about Facebook is thinking by analogy - i.e. Facebook couldn't do it so we can't... But Steemit has already accomplished things that Facebook couldn't in a million years dream of. However, I acknowledge that there may not be a simple solution. However, it needs to be voiced as a problem. Also, while 'hard' solutions are unlikely, you can't tell me there aren't various changes to be made that would discourage bots.

Socialism at it's finest - This will not solve anything, IMO. Work hard, create great content that people want/like and form communities. Taking power from certain people and then redistributing to some other people will do nothing but cause more imbalance in a different way - AKA "Same shit, different diaper."

Lol. Wut? Saying that there's a clear power problem automatically makes me a socialist? Ridiculous. There's a power differential, and it's effecting user retention. These are facts. Telling new users to 'suck it up and work hard' ain't gonna fly, bro. They'll shrug their shoulders and go back to Facebook laughing. Then the few people that have Steem can trade amongst each other, because that'll be it's only use, lol. You have to make the platform appealing to new users, not tell them to adjust and put in the year of effort... Don't know what's difficult to understand there...

YES! So. Much. Yes. People have been screaming for this, along with a resteem tab, for the past 18 months or more.

I know, RIGHT? This is one thing we can all agree on. They need to get right on this! Handling the resteems could be tricky. After all, what's the point of resteeming if folks are just gonna block it out? It'd be nice to have the option, but I also sort of like that folks have to think long and hard before they resteem, or risk losing followers.

The point about Facebook is thinking by analogy - i.e. Facebook couldn't do it so we can't... But Steemit has already accomplished things that Facebook couldn't in a million years dream of. However, I acknowledge that there may not be a simple solution. However, it needs to be voiced as a problem. Also, while 'hard' solutions are unlikely, you can't tell me there aren't various changes to be made that would discourage bots.

It's been an arguing factor since mid 2016. The bot or no bot war has been ongoing for a while. If someone can come up with a way to fix it, great. But imo, no matter what is set in play, there will always be a way around it, and people will always find "that way". So I guess, in my eyes, it's just wasted breath to keep on about it until someone with enough computer knowledge and with a belief that it is , in fact, a large enough problem comes along and fixes it.

Lol. Wut? Saying that there's a clear power problem automatically makes me a socialist? Ridiculous. There's a power differential, and it's effecting user retention. These are facts. Telling new users to 'suck it up and work hard' ain't gonna fly, bro. They'll shrug their shoulders and go back to Facebook laughing. Then the few people that have Steem can trade amongst each other, because that'll be it's only use, lol. You have to make the platform appealing to new users, not tell them to adjust and put in the year of effort... Don't know what's difficult to understand there...

No, no, no. Wanting to take power from the ones who have been here the longest and redistribute it so that we all have a minimal amount of power is what makes that a socialistic outlook. haha If money weren't involved, this wouldn't be an issue....I mean, people don't stop signing up for Twitter when they see that Taylor Swift has 85.6M followers and start feeling like that can't obtain that kind of popularity - yet, if I change that to 85.6M STEEM or USD or EUROS, all hell breaks loose. None of the other big name social media sites are currently giving out money, but people keep signing up and using them...for free....Without calling for power redistribution. Maybe that only makes sense in my head. lol!

I know, RIGHT? This is one thing we can all agree on. They need to get right on this! Handling the resteems could be tricky. After all, what's the point of resteeming if folks are just gonna block it out? It'd be nice to have the option, but I also sort of like that folks have to think long and hard before they resteem, or risk losing followers.

Absolutely! I uhgree!
I think having the option would be the important thing, for sure!

Btw, not attacking you - I hope you know that! The beauty in this world is that we are all allowed to have our own opinions! :D

Mm. I guess I don't have more to say on the first point. You're right about this being a discussion since time immemorial on Steemit (a whole year and a half). Ultimately, there will certainly always be some way around. I'm just saying that I think the community as a whole is going to have to eventually draw some sort of line - though you're correct in that I have no idea how that line would be drawn.

No, no, no. Wanting to take power from the ones who have been here the longest and redistribute it so that we all have a minimal amount of power is what makes that a socialistic outlook. haha If money weren't involved, this wouldn't be an issue....I mean, people don't stop signing up for Twitter when they see that Taylor Swift has 85.6M followers and start feeling like that can't obtain that kind of popularity - yet, if I change that to 85.6M STEEM or USD or EUROS, all hell breaks loose. None of the other big name social media sites are currently giving out money, but people keep signing up and using them...for free....Without calling for power redistribution. Maybe that only makes sense in my head. lol!

Lol. I'll admit, this was pretty funny. That being said, you'll notice that I didn't call for any redistribution.

Me: Hunh. That's funny, things are looking pretty uneven...

You: Don't you dare redistribute my shit!

I'm not saying anything should be necessarily be taken from those with a lot of Steem holdings (definitely nothing they've already earned). Just that there may need to be some tweaking of the system towards new users and minnows, again. Hell, there are probably even solutions that wouldn't require that much. Currently, new accounts start off with a small amount of delegated Steem. A community initiative/sponsor system to do this to a larger degree for new users who create excellent content would be a great solution.

On point 3 we have defintely reached agreement, haha! And yeah, man, I know you're not attacking me. We're just a couple of Steemians shootin' the shit on how to make the platform better.

Yeah, that's kinda where I am too. I can't fix it, nor do I see a way to fix it....soo...yeah. lol!

you'll notice that I didn't call for any redistribution.

Yeah, I guess you're right, but when I read:

Power distribution is also pretty screwed on the platform right now

I heard a call for redistribution...That's typically where that convo ends up next. Haha I admit, I jumped the gun a bit. I believe that by the time Steemit is out of beta, reward distribution will be quite a bit more fair....Maybe. lol We'll see.

Yessir! Bingo. Wish more people could shout about stuff and still be friends in the end! haha

A filter option to prevent things you post on other Steem dApps (dMania, Zappl, DTube) from posting onto your Steemit blog would be a life saver.

True! People also should be able to choose which feeds they want to follow, when they click follow. All, of just blogposts or everything with zappl tweets, dmania entries, etc...

That'd be really cool, too. Maybe even separate feeds for each one, though, while convenient, that might end up hurting the other platforms...

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