Steemit Roadmap 2018: Build and Support Global Communities

in #roadmap20186 years ago (edited)


To Steemit Inc,
This is an answer of a question asked by @steemitblog in this Post, what would you like Steemit make a priority for 2018?

@steemitblog needed us to give our own opinion thru the comment at the post or you will write your post about to answer the question. I leaved some wordrs there and now I am going to write some words in my post to answer the question clearly.
We must understand that Steemit Inc. can not do everything we propose to. In this post I just want to ask for Steemit team works to focus on the most important issue: building and strengthening the global communities.
Now I am presenting Indonesian Steemit Community (KSI) Chapter Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC). All of us really need a full support of Steemit in educating newbies and promoting the steemit in our country, Indonesia.
Indonesian Steemit Community (KSI) did so many events to strengthen the community in Indonesia. KSI have organized some coordination meetings in gathering Indonesian Newbies in Steemit and building some chapters of KSI during 2 months.
The objective of the coordination meetings were to make Indonesian Steemians aware that we can't work alone in Steemit. We have to work together and support each other to be a good Steemian with having a good rewards as well.


Both of Indonesian Curators, @levycore and @aiqabrago always work hard by supporting some new communities in Indonesia mainly in Aceh Province, East Java, West Java, Bali, Middle Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Kalimantan,and other Province.

Indonesian Steemit Community are working very hard to build a strong community and promoting the Steemit in Indonesia. The Steemit Inc have to give a full support for us because Indonesia have so many active Steemians and netters in the world.


I can go to a coffee shop to have a cup of espresso with some SBDs in my Steemit account wallet. It was one of a great improvement of Indonesian Steemit Commnunity. And there have been some coffee shops receiceved SBDs from Indonesian Steemians and I think it is a part of seriously efforts we did so far.

Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC) is a part of Indonesian Steemit Community laucnh their community and a great website:

Sumber Foto
Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC) is a part of Indonesian Steemit Community just organizer a Steemit Writing Workshop and really a amazing event.

images (13).jpeg

Steemit Inc.
I am very happy to wait for your answer of my current post. Thank you very much for your attention, and you must know that we still love Steemit very much.

Warmest regards from Aceh Province, Indonesia.



Ha...ha. Jawa Timur nggak disupport ya... Sedih... Tapi nggak apa2 selamat bekerja . Siip

Lupa aku mas...kuedit sekarang...hahaa..

Sudah yaaa...😂

Nggak apa2 mas... Cuma mau mengingatkan aja kedepannya usahakan gimana caranya agar ksi bisa menjadi perwakilan steemian Indonesia karena saat ini banyak yang merasa ksi hanya mewakili beberapa golongan saja. Itu Saran Saya.

Kami dari KSI Cahpter Bireuen selalu berkordinasi dgn KSI Pusat, dan saya berharap akan adanya kordinasi terstruktur dari atas ke bawah.

Saya yakin KSI Pusat akan terus berbenah deni kita semua: Steemian indonesia yg gigih berjuang menyebarkan kebaikan di Steemit.

Terstruktur boleh tapi tidak tersentralisasi. Seperti halnya sistem blockchain, semua miner memiliki hak yang sama... Siip :) nah yang dimaksud KSI pusat itu apa...nah ini perlu diperjelas supaya nggak salah paham. Mengingat Kita sebagian besar penggiat komunitas blockchain. Jadi kata2 pusat bikin agak alergi...ha...ha...! Sekedar Saran Saya. :)

Karena adanya chapter saya ssbut KSI pusat...gimana dan dimn kita pusatkan? Itu msh harus saya ikuti saranmu my friend..hehe..thanks

wah nah ini, kata2 pusatnya jadi agak alergi...ha..ha.. ! santai aja mas.. jalankan saja programnya. Nggak perlu bingung pusat-pusatan.. kalau memahami masalah filosofi blockchain mungkin mengerti yang saya maksud... siip mas.. lanjut berkaryanya. :)

Mantap... maju terus steemian Indonesia

Harus maju bersama2 demi kesuksesan bersama. Thanks my friend.

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Woww... ber"fire" :D

Thanks...edited 😂

wow very beautifull

Seperti yang pernah disebut kurator Indonesia @aiqabrago;sub-komunitas ini juga memperkuat Komunitas Steemit Indonesia pada akhirnya. Kita saling memperkuat, bukan sebaliknya.

Iya bang Ayi. Setuju.

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