Artificial Intelligence Evolves- Delta playing its part

in #rnssol6 years ago

What it is?

Artificial intelligence (AI) simply is the intelligence demonstrated by machines which is closely related to human intelligence. These machines are not self-made but are built by humans. These machines become increasingly capable by perceiving their surroundings and taking actions consequently. Ever since, from Siri to Sophia, artificial intelligence has been evolving.


AI has been highly involved in reasoning and problem solving, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, motion and manipulation and much more (Luger & Stubblefield 2004). AI can outperform humans at nearly every cognitive task as it learns from experiences and adjusts accordingly.

Why it matters?

Artificial intelligence’s importance can be validated from the facts that; 1) The impact of AI technologies on business is projected to increase labor productivity by up to 40%, 2) It is evident that more than 80% of executives surveyed view AI as a strategic opportunity (Abramovich, 2018).

Therefore, for companies to cope up with their competitors, they need to necessitate the application of artificial intelligence in their existent systems to upgrade their operations and upsurge their efficiency. How will Artificial Intelligence make a difference?
• AI will automate repetitive learning and discover through data.
• AI will add intelligence to existing products.
• AI will adapt through progressive learning algorithms to let the data do the programming.
• AI will analyze more and deeper data using neural networks that have many hidden layers.
• AI will achieve incredible accuracy though deep neural networks
• AI will get the most out of data.

Where else we can see the use of AI?

One of the most recent implementation of AI is Mycroft. It is an open source knowledge navigator and intelligent personal assistant that uses natural language user interface. These can devices voice-enable your life. These can answer questions, control your loT devices, drive a stereo system etc.
“Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. This will be the ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We're nowhere near doing that now.” —Larry Page
This is very well said but it’s not about Google any more as well not impossible. Delta’s Knowledge Hub is here at your service.

So, perhaps how Delta is instigating Artificial intelligence (AI) that would benefit us?

Delta will use AI technology in its Knowledge Hub through Natural Language Generation and Speech recognition in the form of a computer-generated assistant known as DEIRO. Deiro can respond to queries desired for real-life circumstances by utilizing the information collected and processed by the users in the Knowledge Hub. Deiro will evolve and learn by utilizing the knowledge contributed by the users on the hub.


AI and Natural Language Generation

The Delta Knowledge Hub will exploit its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities through the automatic learning of DEIRO. It will engage its users to collect and map unstructured data for machine learning; DEIRO will be able to more evidently understand the sense of user-defined sentences with their speech recognition function and will provide more personalized information. Thereby it will assist more people to access the Internet by decreasing the necessary restrictions (for example, a certain level of literacy and sight) to obtain information.

There can be situation in which no nonspontaneous answers exist, for such cases Deiro will connect to the other users that are linked to the questioner and the contributor (the one who answers earlier) will be rewarded. For the convenience of the users, all the answers on the Knowledge Hub will be limited to 100 words. The information inserted in Deiro will be in the form of simple questions and answers. Deiro will be enabled to understand and interact using text-to-speech and speech-to-text services. The information feed on Deiro will be verified and reviewed by a large number of users on the platform resulting in increased credibility.

To cut the long intense story short, Deiro is simply an intellectual artificial intelligence based customer support representative. It will answer all our queries with the very right answers. But how it differs from Mycroft? Here is the answer…

Deiro will collect expertise in a highly impartial way using peer-to-peer evaluations. It will offer different answers every time on the basis of the preferences and interests of the users. It will provide fair, objective and unbiased information. Delta’s whitepaper identifies that 80% of all the data on the internet is available in the following languages at the following percentages: (Source: Web Technology Surveys, 2018)
• English 52.4%
• Russian 6.2%
• German 6.3%
• Spanish 5.1%
• Japanese 4.0%

Delta’s Knowledge Hub will do justice to the widely spoken languages like Korean, Urdu, Arabic, Chinese and many others which have no data base on the internet. Deiro will not only respond in English but in all languages that will have their data on the Knowledge Hub.


While Pew Research Center verifies that nearly half of U.S. adults (46%) said they now use voice assistant applications to interact with smartphones and other devices, the future of AI is not known. Even then we know that Delta Knowledge Hub is a project that will provide an innovative content platform which integrates artificial intelligence and block chain technology and will return the right value of data for the users.

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