Cybersecurity that can be proved - Rivetz

in #rivetz7 years ago (edited)

One of the most important aspect we neglect when using our smartphones is security - the reasons can be multiple: we may believe there are no threats, no malware or no viruses that could hurt our handheld devices; we have placed a incredible trust in the operating systems our phones use (or the smartphone’s brand in itself); we rarely hear about phones that have been hacked, but rather of computers, websites or servers; we are simply to busy to worry about the small devices that help us communicate and make transactions. However, nowadays, cybersecurity seems to have its week points.

We don’t really know how our mobile applications work, how safe is our phone and how protected is our private information. Most of the times, we realize how fragile are all of these only when we lose them.

Did you know that today, more than half a billion smartphones are at risk of getting hacked for one very simple reason? Most mobile apps store and run critical functions such as transactions and verifications in the same place as everything else: two factor authentifications, private keys, contacts, photos, messages and more.

Luckily there is a kind of vault already included in most smartphones that could hide our sensitive information from prying eyes. This fault is known as the trusted execution environment. Inside the vault, sensitive data is processed in a completely isolated environment and does not expose any private information to the outside. However, until recently, taking advantage of hardware security has been too challenging for most projects and developers...

Introducing Rivetz

Rivetz is a state of the art toolkit that is designed to harness the trusted execution environment, in order to protect your secrets, your finances and your privacy. To do so, Rivetz uses the Rivetz token and blockchain to cryptographically prove that the vault in your phone is secure all the way from the manufacturer to your pocket. This blockchain can perform a health check to see if your fault is intact and if all transactions are exactly the ones you intend to.

Rivetz secures customers devices from being exposed and protects software development companies from financial exposure and public embarassment.

Ginni Rometty, IBM's chairman, president and CEO, stated that "Cyber-crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world." Many experts believe that during the next five years, cyber-crime might become the greatest threat to every person, place and thing in the world. Act now, learn more about Rivetz and join the Token Sale.

Go to to find out more about Rivetz - cybersecurity for decentralized systems.

Download the whitepaper:
This document will offer you many priceless insight into the world of trusted computing; also, it will enrich your knowledge concerning the network Rivetz creates, its architecture, the processes it runs, its protection model, its applications; moreover, you will understand why now is the perfect moment to invest in the RvT tokes and prepare for the crowdsale.

Article author:;u=999472

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