So Your In Need 0f A Ripple(XRP) Wallet You Say!?

in #ripple7 years ago

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Honestly I don't remember how I came across this site. I found this a week ago but was too caught up with other things to even care to post. I noticed a lot of people including myself were having a hard time finding a personal wallet to store our XRP(Ripple).
I was shocked to come across this wonderful wallet and very happy to find out that no XRP will be held via the Ripple system when transferring your XRP to this wallet oppose to sending it to an exchange such as Poloniex and others. You see, the Ripple network is designed to reserve 20-50XRP to consider the wallet to be active(hmmm!)
Go to your XRP-Wallet within 'Poloinex', click on Deposit and you can read the rest. Better yet I'll save you some time. Below you will see the actual statement:

C0inPayments entices me to consider holding liquid STEEM due to them having a Steem-wallet also built inside. When my STEEM resides in the actual platfom I tend to transfer it to an exchange to convert to another coin. I know what your thinking, why doesn't it motivate me to hold liquid-STEEM @Steemit! f0r some reason it's an emotional thing meaning, When I'm @Steemit I think to myself that I can get more STEEM simply by interacting with the community. But when I have a personal wallet that's not attached to the @Steemit platform again, it entices me to want to hold(non-exchange wallet).

Here Are Some Shots(pics) 0f XRP Sent From P0loniex and then 0n over to 'C0insPaymentS'. This m0ney is what I call "FREE M0NEY" as it was made from 'lending' on over@P0loinex. I haven't been lending XRP as of late due to having it stored in my Polo-Margin Account ready to trade. So all of my earned interest from lending will go here just in case P0lo up's & leave ;)

4-9-17_C0insPayments Wallet.PNG
Fee's were insued f0r the transactions on both ends but, I can't complain!
I am now currently lending D0ge. I was able to mine 700 + Doge these past two wks on over@E0bot - I have it set to automatically withdraw/transfer to my Poloniex wallet and from there I transfer it on over to the lending section to be lent by others. And yes I use the Lending B0t ;) Now that I have enough Doge, I started to mine 'BitShares" hey, why not! it's cheap and it feels like a promising coin f0r the near future. And I will use the free faucet money for Doge so that I can still get @least 100 0r so Doge a wk ;)


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Now, this wallet isn't nearly as nice as the now popular 'Exodus' wallet but they too have a "Auto C0in Conversion" Tool to convert coins on the fly and again, it's a load 0f c0ins to choose 4rm as you will see.
W0w!!!! And as I write, an idea just sparked off. I notice that they also hold 'PIVIX' which means I can now hold on to some PIVIX simply by converting another coin in exchange. Yes!!!!!! PIVIX here I come! Had I thought of this earlier I would have been able to grab some PIVIX when or before it hitting a Dollar ha! But @least I can now scoop up some. I currently don't have an I.D. so, this fits my situation very well ;) My goal is to get@least one coin of each within this wallet, why not!

0k time for me to go and brain-storm. Hope this wallet is helpful to others as it is for me, especially my Ripple l0vers ;)

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They even have a "Public C0in V0te"
3URST C0ming S00n ;)
PUBLIC C0IN V0TE_3urs$tC0in_Current Rank Happens2Be 0n My B-DAy m0nth ;).PNG

PUBLIC C0IN V0TE_C0inV0te 4 Charity_Great 3ur$tC0in Pr0m0ti0n ;).PNG


So after checking, I see that they don't allow the exchange for PIVIX ???Why!!!
19 out of 60+ c0ins are convertible. @least I gave it a shot. Sorry PIVIX I guess our time has not yet come to be together UNLESS I just go ahead and put in a $1 f0r PIVIX once a week ;)
I rather just do it in this fashion oppose to purchasing whole, why not!
I must be tired ha! I forgot I can't purchase PIVIX for the simple fact that it's not listed on Poloniex ;(
Sorry PIVIX, you will have to have fun without me!

You may take a look at POSWallet. They have a large number of coins, mostly proof of stake types, and actually allow staking. I transferred a small amount of PIVX to my wallet and it began staking immediately. They have plans to add additional currencies which are voted on by wallet owners. You can also exchange between Bitcoin with a few pairs but against POSW with all listed coins. Their growth plan is quite aggressive so it will be interesting to see how it progresses. As well, they have some faucets which you can collect from daily. I have only been using them a short while so please do your own investigations.

Thx and I just opened up an account a few days ago and started staking free coins as well ;)
I was just about to see the results ha!

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