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in #rights6 years ago


I've said in the past that I don't "like" abortion, but I'm not passionate about the issue. People who are passionate about it make me uncomfortable, and anytime I write about it I know I'm inviting passionate people to descend upon me. Thus I don't mention it often.

I do not believe a zygote has rights-- you can't violate it. I believe a full-term baby does have rights, even though it isn't capable of exercising many of them yet. I believe those things as strongly as I believe gravity is a real force which I can depend on to be consistent, but I can't think of a way to prove it so I can't be 100% positive.

That means I believe somewhere along the path from zygote to blastula to embryo to fetus to baby, this living tissue- the zygote into the future, undergoing continual cell division- becomes a human. Not just human tissue or a unique human genetic thing, but A Human with human rights no one has the right to violate. And I don't know how to know where that happens so my position would be to err on the side of assuming rights earlier rather than later.

I do absolutely believe pregnant women have every human right.

It seems to me that rights could probably be said to correlate to nervous system function in some way. Yes, I know this opens the door to debating how functional a human's brain must be before I would say they have rights. And, like all the rest of this, I don't know.

This lack of knowing is why I can't be passionate about it. It's why I'm not going to go hard against others for their opinion, whichever way they believe. I'm not going to argue very hard for my opinion on the topic. Because, no matter how passionate you are on either side, it is an opinion (not based on enough facts) you are passionate about. You don't know, even if you believe you do. No one does. It depends on subjective definitions and assumptions. It leads to absurd declarations from both sides when passion gets involved.

And, usually, it leads to calls to make something "illegal". I don't believe it's ever right to get government or its "laws" involved in anything.

If you are passionate about the topic, on either side, do what you feel you must. Just don't expect much support or attention from me.


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Great sharing good luck

That means I believe somewhere along the path from zygote to blastula to embryo to fetus to baby, this living tissue- the zygote into the future, undergoing continual cell division- becomes a human. Not just human tissue or a unique human genetic thing, but A Human with human rights no one has the right to violate. And I don't know how to know where that happens

Nobody can really be know, which I think is why many people take an extremist position - bestowing humanity at the point of conception, or thinking abortion should be fine all the way up to the point of birth. There's a comforting certainty from the extremes you can't find by picking an arbitrary point in the blurry middle.

Nobody knows at which point a zygote becomes a human because it doesn't. It's human to begin with. Zygote is the earliest stage of human life so it's a human... If a human sperm fertilizes a human egg, that forms a human zygote, Oh wait just a zygote, not a human... LOL WTF? What else is it? An alien? Prehuman? Uh no. It doesn't just morph into a human.. this is simple biology, yeah? People don't want to offend these godless feminists who literally think murder is a right. The fact you have to clarify that you believe women have rights is ridiculous and shows the absurdity of this entire issue. Those who think abortion is wrong think its murder, not that it isn't a right. Those who think abortion is good DO think it's a right and don't give a fuck if its murder. This has nothing to do with rights and everything to do with murder.

I can understand your position, but I don't think it's right to say all pro-abortionists don't care that it's murder. If you believe what they say, at least, many of them see it more akin to removing a vestigial organ. I won't say that's right or wrong - I'm trying my best to keep my own opinion out of it so far - but I'm willing to believe they earnestly believe that.

Right. I'm not saying all pro-abortionists believe that but generally speaking, yeah the question of murder is secondary in their minds. When they want to argue about the lack of consciousness or development in a fetus, that really has no relation to vestige organs which are degenerated or functionless. Still, usually, they rather, most often, make the argument of women's rights, the right over their body, which they believe trumps the question of murder. That is my point, though I do understand your position. I will say that it's right or wrong BECAUSE I cannot keep my opinion out of it, regardless of whoever believes in whatever earnestly. Appreciate you ;)

It seems to me that the point at which it is genetically unique, it is a human with the right to not suffer aggression. It is the only point that makes sense.

So, scientifically speaking, at what point does it become genetically unique? I would think right at conception, but don't know enough to be sure.

That would be the point when a new genetic code is written. Once there is cell division, you have a new human life, albeit at the earliest stage. But rights do not depend on stage of development.

I appreciate your honest effort in searching for what you regard as the truth. Great post, people need to face this stuff whether or not they are passionate. Thank you!

I'll never have an abortion. Being a dude, its a pretty easy choice.

What difference does crossing the placenta wall really make? I think if one is really willing to advocate for abortion, they should equally advocate for infanticide. Its just that not much changes in those first couple days. Arguably they're not even human until well after the second birthday.

Your thoughts are always pointy, great

Much better and brilliant work in steemit life I like your work and I follow u

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