Rights are individual

in #rights4 years ago

In the near future, it may become essential to understand this: Governments/corporations have no rights. None. Zero. Only individuals have rights.

The individuals in corporations/government have rights, but they have no right to violate your rights for the sake of their government/corporation (collective).

Joining forces with other like-minded individuals who also want to violate your rights for their purposes doesn't manufacture this imaginary collective "right". Rights aren't additive-- two people don't have more rights than one has. That would just be an example of "Might makes right"-- might through superior numbers. Also known as democracy or mob rule.

This results in taxation, eminent domain, property codes, licensing/permit schemes ("vaccine passports"?), censorship, mask mandates, business shutdowns, or whatever some collective wants to do to you "for your own good" or for "the common good". None of it is even slightly legitimate.

This doesn't mean it's a good idea to give government the power to control corporations. It's not, just as it's not a good idea to let corporations control government. But I'd rather they be adversaries trying to control each other than allies conspiring to control me. I'd be content to watch them destroy each other. Yes, I realize the hardships that might create. I don't care.

When they join forces you get economic fascism. You get "private-public partnerships". You get cronyism. You get legislation that protects incumbents, the mega-corporations, and "the system" from anyone who might threaten their supremacy. You get corporations that cater more to the state than to the people who are their supposed customers. You get governments that favor the imaginary "rights" of corporations over the actual rights of the people. They both know who really butters their bread, and it isn't you and me.

Anyone saying "corporations have a right to..." or "government has the right to..." doesn't understand what a right is.

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I agree with you that The government should not be given the responsibility of the corporation.

government is in individuals, gives more priority, and Corporation take place in the middle of way for a functional path beside the citizens. only they are capable of handled of their own business.

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