The Ridiculous Root Contest "Enchanted Roots Embrace" by Sunscape

in #ridiculousroots5 years ago

roots twisted.jpg

I visited a wonderful forest a couple years ago and it was just enchanting. Here are two of my favorite twisted root photos from that day. Enjoy your week everyone!

twisted roots forest.jpg

Thank you @kus-knee for all your fun challenges.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op - Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Website - Sunscapes Soap Shop


Great work!

Caramba amiga que lindas esas raices,ya esos arboles dieron lo mejor de si,saludos feliz dia de reyes

They sure did and Happy Kings day to you.

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