Eyes on the Highest Reward.

in #reward7 years ago


Bible Reading: John 4:27-38
“Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest.”
- John 4:35

In this passage, we can read and see the stark contrast between Jesus and His disciples view. Jesus is having conversation with the sinful woman and addressing her spiritual needs, talking about eternal truths while the disciples at the moment are caught up in the business of life which is about lunchtime.

This encounter with Jesus by the woman at the well eventually led to the spark which sets the whole town ablaze of spiritual hunger. But while we see the obvious discrepancy in the focus of the disciples’ vision don’t we see similar instances in our very own lives?

Oftentimes we live just to meet the needs of the moment. Bills that need to get paid, feeding ourselves, appointments and schedules we need to meet, and many others. While this daily grind can be pressing, Jesus told us to get a higher vision. The highest reward that we can have for this lifetime, and that is winning the souls of every men.

The substance of life is eternal. The activities we oftentimes focused on, are just its peripherals, the means or necessities of sustaining life not the substance itself. God is telling us to be reward focused, but for rewards with lasting values.

This daunting task is to be met with our prayer, reliance and trust to the Lord of the harvest. While the ability is coming from Him, the focus and desire must be awakened from all of us. May we all stand in the higher ground where God wants us to be.

I am refreshed everyday by listening to powerful messages or hearing inspiring music. Here is one of what I watched and listened today. Be inspired, be empowered, enjoy!

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