What Do Social Media, Opioids & The BFT Have In Common?

in #revolution7 years ago (edited)

For the past few years it's become common knowledge that social media and search engine sites sell your personal information regardless of your consent. This is the cost of “free” services that seem harmless while satisfying the current demand for immediate stimulation. They create a Pavlovian response so long as the stimulus maintains its habit-forming, relevant and somewhat useful capabilities. Due to the newness of this digital drug, the side effects of social media abuse are only now being discovered. Loneliness, depression and suicide seem to be prevalent in the younger gen who is most active in the current trend.

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This overstimulated behavior has also been prevalent in opioids and the basic fare trinity (sugar, wheat, dairy). The current social media, drug and obesity epidemic in America suggests something is clearly amiss in our seemingly monitored, controlled and addicted society. These are clearly symptoms of a much larger problem. We are children of a dietary system designed against the health conscious and intelligent rationalists. We are children of a monetary system defined by credit and debt as its greatest source of power and dominance. We are even children of an outdated religious system still devoted to and governed by the theistic and illogically creationist mindset.

Could a healthy change in what we eat affect how we think, feel and interact with others? Could a more balanced and limited dietary approach open our minds to the failing world around us and collectively create a positive difference? My one true belief is in a healthy lifestyle. When the body is given what it needs, the mind reacts accordingly. I believe it’s time to limit the ingredients and foods we consume irresponsibly and create a set-list based on what is needed vs what is wasted.

I've listed a few choice items I use in my everyday cooking based on years of personal knowledge and research. As I post future recipes, you'll notice the incredible amount of variation that can be done with a handful of ingredients. I hope these serve you well.

Fats, Oils, Spices, Natural Sweeteners & avoiding Sugar as much as possible

Fats: Raw Almonds, Raw Walnuts, All-Natural Peanut Butter (no sugar), Chia Seeds (any seed is ok)
Oils: Coconut, Ghee, Avocado & Olive
Spices: Himalayan or Kosher Salt, Black Pepper, Chipotle Powder, Salt-Free Seasoning Blend, Turmeric Powder & any green herb (i.e. Thyme, Cilantro, Basil, Parsley, etc.)
Sweetners: Cacao, Cinnamon, Ginger Powder & Naturally Extracted Stevia

Farmers markets are the best way to support local growers and a sustainable source of healthy foods. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford local-grown produce and most of these items are simply not available through local farms. If you do have the means, however, I highly recommend buying locally whenever possible.

As for stores, most of my shopping for these items is done at Costco for obvious bulk savings but a few can be found at Trader Joes or your local grocery store. For the sake of keeping this post concise, I will only highlight a few items:
Compared to regular peanut butter, I can immediately taste the sugars added. Compared to other all-natural brands, I prefer this as Valencia peanuts are naturally sweeter than others. I usually eat this by the spoonful or on a frozen banana.


The best tasting coconut oil in the market, I use this on everything from sweet to savory dishes. Will last several months when stored in a cool place.

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In order to minimize salt intake or simply want more flavor in your foods with a nutritional bonus, this does the trick. I use it in most everything. Mrs. Dash Garlic Seasoning is also a personal favorite but is rarely found in bulk.


This has entirely replaced sugar in my everyday cooking. It’s an acquired taste but one that will help you become acutely aware of sweetened foods, which leads me to my next topic: Sugar.

There is little I could say here that hasn’t been discussed either in documentary form or medical study. However, added sugar is in everything from bread and marinara sauce, to frozen meals and deli meats. It can be disguised as corn in its many derivatives or it can be seen and tasted in virtually every food item on the shelf, in the fast-food industry and throughout the entire education system (from preschool to college). It has been hardwired in our psyche. The reward for a job well done. Good grades? You get candy. Thirsty? Have a Coke. Birthdays, holidays, camping trips...the list goes on. The entire American way of life is a marketing campaign designed around sugar consumption.

Therefore, eliminating sugar entirely may be difficult to achieve for those of us who grew up consuming it. I can relate from personal experience that consciously avoiding and minimizing it in my own diet has proven to be an unstoppable force in my intellectual and physical development. I can think clearly and rationally. I am constantly searching for knowledge in a well-researched and unbiased manner. My energy levels are high and emotional state is moderate. I am aware of the unsustainable consumerist society we live in and hopefully can inspire a few by changing the way food is perceived not only as a necessity of body, but of mind.

No one can change your lifestyle and food choices for you. If you want that change to happen, start by minimizing and/or replacing the addictive additives in your life; the social medias, the drugs, the added sugars. Find balance.

“Don’t stay safe. Stay free” -Edward Snowden.

My contribution to the revolutionist movement will be to turn the recipes I post on this blog into The Revolutionist Cookbook and eventually open a restaurant where only cryptocurrency is accepted, where tipping won’t be necessary as everyone will be paid full salaries and where simple and healthy ingredients will meet delicious cuisine. Like open source code, all of my recipes will be available to the public in full detail and any improvements offered will be embraced and possibly added to the menu in their perfected form. Any donations to the cause are much appreciated either by upvote or wallet below.


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