Product Reviews: Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, Hair Strong, and Belted Bull

in #reviews7 years ago

I hope you enjoy the product reviews for Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, Hair Strong, and Belted Bull. One of the projects I've been pursuing is gathering past reviews that I've done and creating more product reviews to develop a portfolio. I was not paid to write these reviews however, in the future it's possible that I could get free product in exchange for an honest appraisal.

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit @merej99 see her Red Boa Reviews

When sharing these, I will label whether or not there is an affiliate or referral link to the product.

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

Someone's already written a great article about ACV benefits. I'm just sharing my experience because I've been drinking my Bragg's Apple Cider mix consistently for about two months in order to report any benefits that I've personally noticed.

  • I stayed relatively healthy when everyone around me was sick.
  • My morning energy increased better than a coffee boost! WHAT!
  • It suppressed my appetite enough to lose a few pounds in a healthy manner.
  • I didn't have heartburn at all (though I attribute this benefit to stopping the consumption of white bread).
  • I haven't been craving sweets as much.

To make the Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar drink

12 oz. water
1 TBSP. local honey
1 shot of ACV
Sometimes I add a pinch of cinnamon
Stir until the honey dissolves.
Drink up!

You might make an ugly yukka face the first time you try it. Maybe even the second time too. It is an acquired taste but the tartness is similar to a strong lemonade. After a while I actually began to enjoy my drink.

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ps - I use Bragg's specifically because it is organic, raw, and unfiltered. Consider using LOCAL honey too. The bees gather from local flower, which has many benefits which include helping you build an immunity to pollen (if you have allergies) - and you're supporting local business.

Hair Strong

Have you ever been told about a product and you were like, "pffffft! Whatever, dude. I'll believe it when I see it."

Well, I'm about three weeks into trying this supplement and I am honestly surprised that I'm seeing results! I may have shared that my intention is to donate my hair to charity while participating in @nepd's @hairshares project.
I've got 18 inches of donate-able hair and I'd like to get that to at least 20 inches of healthy hair.

This would be my fifth ponytail and it will probably be my last because most hair donations need to have less than 5% white hair and... well... I'm getting old. Maybe this will actually be my sixth ponytail? Meh! I don't know. I've lost track.



My ponytail is thin because for years I've been losing hair by the fistfuls whenever I brushed or took a shower. In the three weeks that I've been trying this supplement, my hair feels healthier and the proof is in my hairbrush. Look! A month ago my shower drain would have been covered in hair and the brush would have been jammed full of broken locks.

The package states that it helps nails and skin too. Honestly, my fingernails have always been strong and healthy but I do notice that they are growing faster. Taking a new supplement makes me nervous because I'm often sensitive to some ingredients. I usually read the label before making a purchase, then keep my fingers crossed that I haven't developed some new allergy. Thankfully I haven't had any adverse reactions to Hair Strong plus it doesn't make my Rosacea flare up. 🔥

The team at VALI Nutrition are really cool too.

You can check them out on
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If you subscribe to their website you they will send you a 10% off coupon code.

Like any supplement, do your research first. If you're taking medications be sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure it won't affect your prescription.

That being said, I would definitely recommend this to my friends.

Belted Bull Rosewood Waiters Corkscrew

I'm so impressed with this product that I wrapped a red feather boa around it.

My corkscrew also has a permanent spot on my table and does not get hidden away in the utility drawer.

This was the 5-star review I left on Amazon.

In addition to being a fan of wine, my husband and I grew up in the bar/restaurant business. We've used and abused quite a lot of corkscrews over time but I can honestly say that I LOVE this corkscrew.

Right out of the box I was impressed with the weight and feel of this tool. The stainless steel, rosewood and rivets actually match my finer cutlery set. In addition to being beautiful, this corkscrew feels solid and smooth. Twist the worm into the cork with confidence because there is no wiggling between the worm and handle! The spring in the bootlever is also a very nice touch. The BB logo is amazing too.

I would definitely recommend this as a must have for bar owners, bartenders, and wine drinkers. With the quality at this price point I think our bar staff is going to get one gifted to them. My brother was very happy to pop the cork on a Merlot and let me record his assessment too.

If you love wine or have a bartender in the family, this is seriously an awesome gift.

Get your own


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That's it for now!

I'd love to hear your feedback.


Out of the 3, I've only heard of ACV and my wife buy that to drink.
I'm almost going to tell her to put it in coffee until I check the ingredients for your drink :-)

The traditionalist coffee drinker in me just gasped. Don't put it in the morning coffee! LOL
Try it as a light sprinkle on your salad or if you like hot drinks, maybe like a hot toddy: ACV with hot water and honey. :)

I'm think tea should be ok. Maybe it may taste bit like lemon tea. :-)

I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon juice for a couple of years... with great benefits. And Braggs is the one for me as well.

I've been thinking about sprinkling ACV as a salad dressing.
And I buy lemon juice to make my own lemonade instead of buying powder mix.
Do you mix the ACV and lemon juice to make one drink or do you make separate drinks with them? What's your recipe @kyusho?

I am very interested in your experience of use, I do not know if you knew, I have long hair, I compete with the women of the house, I use a lot of product to keep my hair, lately I am very down, this could come to me very well.
As for the energy I have felt tired lately, maybe I should try these products. Many thanks for the data
I wish you a beautiful day dear friend / @ merej99

@jlufer ! I never imagined you with long hair! That's wild. My husband has very short hair now but when we were in high school his hair was very long. He loved the rock band Nelson

It was the 80s. He still talks about his long hair and how much he misses it. LOL

I wanted to try the cider house rules...I mean apple cider vinegar drink bc I heard about it helping tummy issues. I've never done it. Why? My dental hygienist said it would ruin my teeth. She talked me out of drinking my lemon and hot water every morning too.

White bread equals heartburn......ugh. I hate heartburn.

I am interested in the hair product. I am thinning on the top and I have THICK hair bc I am a redhead. We have thick hair but that doesn't translate into a lot of hair....seriously, I'm getting embarrassed about the scalp showing . John says he can't see it, but he's older than me so I figure he can't see :) lol

I will check with my pharmacy about the vinegar altho I can't see what it would interact with - it's vinegar??

This is clever doing product reviews. I like this.

Hey lady!
Bragg's has been around for over 100 years and it's just as acidic as distilled white vinegar but when you get the raw, unfiltered ACV it has potassium, calcium, iron and a few other things. My good friend swears by Braggs. Says it helps prevent muscle fatigue (she has MS). There is also Kevala, White House Organic, and I believe Heinz has their version out. Just remember: Raw, Unfiltered, Organic. It will not be a clear liquid and will probably have some settling so you have to shake it up good.

Being naturally acidic, it's supposed to help digestion and reduce GERD/acid reflux. But, like I said, I quit bread again but I haven't suffered with heartburn since I've been taking this drink. I was worried about my teeth too because I heard vinegar eats the enamel but most of my teeth are still in my head - I can blame hard candy for my bad teeth. LOL

My mother and sister have the same problem with thinning hair with parts of their scalp showing. I'm ordering my second month bottle and probably going to ship a bottle to them too. I didn't want to write about Hair Strong unless I was seeing results. Well, I'm seeing results in the strength of my hair and nothing new was added to my diet except this supplement.

Product reviews! We can do reviews, woman. I would love to read what you'd have to say about the things you use because I trust you.

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