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RE: “Read a Damn Book – 172: Red Nails”

in #reviews5 years ago

I haven't read much pulp-era fantasy, although I have begun adding that to my library insider requests. In D&D games, the Barbarian character class is arguably based on Conan, but in the few stories I've read, he's much more well-rounded than a game character template. He can go full rogue when circumstances demand. He can think enough to outwit a wizard when the situation arises. And, of course, if you need someone to hit the thing until it stops moving and leaks out all its red goo, he can do that, too.

As for the post-colonial attitude, that is indeed a feature of the era. I like G. A. Henty's historical fiction books from the late 1800s, but they do suffer from some of that, too. For his era, he's generally pretty good, but still, it shocks modern sensibilities. One of his books in particular from early in his career as I recall was much more blatantly racist. later on, he improved to proper gentlemanly Victorian paternalistic colonialism.

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