The Statistics of my Commentaries on the Confucian Analects

in #reviews6 years ago

Hello everyone! I am excited to say that this is the very last article in my series of commentaries on the Confucian Analects. In this article, I will be citing the statistics of the series, as well as a few of my favorite passages. Anyway, thank you so much for reading all of these articles. When I first started pre-writing these articles in November, I was overwhelmed because I knew it was going to take a long time to finish. We have finally reached the point that I was aiming for.

[Image Source:, License: CCO Public Domain]

Things to note

Some things to note are:

  • I used the dollar value of the last three articles (which haven't paid out yet) when I looked at them yesterday.
  • I calculated author value after SBD using the equation: (Author Payout/2)x3 + (Author Payout/2)
  • When calculating the payout values, I used an average of about 3 dollars per 1SBD. There were points when SBD was 10 dollars, and points when it was 2. I decided that 3 was what it was usually around.
  • The equation for combined payout is: (Author Payout/2)x3 + (Author Payout/2) + (Curator Payout)
  • The word count includes everything from the article, which includes the links at the end as well as my intros and outros.
  • Page count is of a copy of what is on Steemd in a microsoft word document.


Let's get into the statistics.

  • I as an author earned about $534.08 over 36 articles. That's an average of $14.84 each article! I made $231.87 as an author in my AOW review, which means I averaged about $12.20 per post.
  • Over the course of this series, curators earned about $63.01, which means they averaged $1.75 per article! In my AOW review, curators earned $55.71 in total. That's an average of $2.93 per post!
  • In total, these articles earned about $597.09, which averages at about $16.59 per article payout. In total, my AOW review earned $287.58, which means it averaged $15.13 per article payout.
  • The article with the highest total payout was Book 2 part 2, which made $63.35 in total. $6.87 went to curators. This article had 1,642 words (5 pages) in total.
  • The article with the lowest total payout was Book 14 part 3, which made $2.59 in total. 31 cents went to curators. This article had 2,262 words (8 pages) in total.

  • Combined, these articles reached 74,609 words. That is almost three times the amount of words I had in my Art of War review (26,402).
  • Combined these articles reached 249 pages in Microsoft word. That is 193 pages more than my Art of War review reached (56 pages).
  • The article with the most words was Book 16, with 3,448 words (9 pages). This article had a total payout of 21 dollars. $1.80 went to curators.
  • The article with the least amount of words was Book 4 part 2, with 1,414 words (6 pages). This article had a total payout of $6.54. 88 cents went to curators.

Favorite Quotes

Here are some of my favorite passages from the Analects. I recently used these when I presented about Confucianism to the 9th graders. You might recognize some of these because I took them from the first quote of the article.

“The Master said, ‘In language it is simply required that it convey the meaning.’” – Book 15, XL

  1. “Some one said, ‘What do you say concerning the principle that injury should recompensed with kindness?’
  2. The Master said, ‘With what then will you recompense kindness?’
  3. ‘Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.’” - Book 14, XXXVI

“The Master said, ‘In ancient times, men learned with a view to their own improvement. Nowadays, men learn with a view to the approbation of others.’” – Book 14, XXV

“The Master said, ‘The virtuous will be sure to speak correctly, but those whose speech is good may not always be virtuous. Men of principle are sure to be bold, but those who are bold may not always be men of principle.’" – Book 14, V

The Master said, "The man who is fond of daring and is dissatisfied with poverty, will proceed to insubordination. So will the man who is not virtuous, when you carry your dislike of him to an extreme." -Book 8, X

". . .(3.) When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honor are things to be ashamed of." – Book 8, XIII

“The Master was mild, and yet dignified; majestic, and yet not fierce; respectful, and yet easy." - Book 7, XXXVII

While passing the T'ai mountain, Confucius came by a woman weeping by a grave. After hearing this for a while from his carriage, he sent Tsze-lu to ask why she was weeping. Tsze-lu said "You weep, as if you had experienced sorrow upon sorrow." The woman responded "It is so. My husband's father was killed here by a tiger, and my husband also; and now my son has met the same fate." Confucius asked why she didn't leave. She responded "There is here no oppressive government." Confucius turned to his followers and said, "My children, remember this. Oppressive government is fiercer than a tiger." – Paraphrased from the preface

The Master said, "The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to lie at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete." - Book 15, VIII

Tsze-kung asked, saying, "Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life?" The Master said, "Is not RECIPROCITY such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." - Book 15, XXIII

Table of Contents

Thanks again for keeping up with this series! I would also like to say a special thank you to @remlaps for proof reading for me, as well as everyone who has left quality feedback. It has been a long time since I first started, but I am happy to say that I know this series has changed how I think philosophically in life. I am going to miss this series. I hope that it has been as much fun for you to read, as it has been for me to write! I also hope to see you in my next series, which will be premiering soon! Thank you!

Also remember to check for: My weekly 7 post, As well as my composer birthday posts (Note) In order to encourage meaningful feedback on the platform, I will check comment trails of users who leave superficial comments (ie "Awesome post," or "Upvoted.") and will mute any users who exhibit a pattern of leaving "spammy" comments.


Wow, maybe I should do the statistics thing too. Haha. I always don't calculate anything.

Those favorite quotes of yours are all gems. :)

The Master said, "The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to lie at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete." - Book 15, VIII
Very true.thanks for this insightful statistics

Nice work boys! @cmp2020
I wish you success and new achievements.
And I always live by the principle:

What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.
Thank you for your wise articles and thoughts.
Yours sincerely, @singa

P. S. Love the quotes of Confucius. Every storehouse of folk wisdom.

Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.

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