Initial Reviews for NO GODS, ONLY DAIMONS

in #reviews7 years ago (edited)

Reviews for NO GODS, ONLY DAIMONS are rolling in, and reader reception has been highly positive. Here are a few samples from Amazon:

Ray, May 5, 2017

Great book, that took a surprising twist on the usual mixing of Urban Fantasy and Military cloak and dagger genre, plus a bit of alternate history. I'll need to re-read it because there is a lot under the surface of this hard to put down well written book...
The action is fast paced and it reminded me of Larry Correia's Monster Hunter series that is just a fun read, but with a much more sophisticated, serious world view... The mythology makes sense and is not the usual urban fantasy drek. The attention
to detail reminds me of the Laundry Series by Charlie Stross. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

James Nealon, May 6, 2017

The book is damnably technical, or is it technically damning? Mr. Cheah wrote a very good military spy/thriller, of the type that pulls you into intense action... The book is very well written, with very good characterization of heroes and villains... I can’t wait for more in the series. Great action hook for the book, and a great hook for the series.

Koba, May 11, 2017

This is an action-packed story of "counter-terrorism with a twist"...The alternate Earth is extremely well-realized and convincing. It is just "different enough" that it is not too predictable... The system of magic and the "theology" of the book are also well thought-out and coherent... I would compare this favorably with Larry Correia's "Monster Hunter" series - action oriented, lots of weapons, but with supernatural elements. If you liked his books, you will like this book. I am definitely looking forward to the sequels from this exciting new author!

NO GODS, ONLY DAIMONS can be can found on Amazon and the Castalia House ebook store. If you have already bought a copy, do consider leaving a review on Amazon or your blog if you have one. That would help others find and enjoy this novel too.

Thanks for your support, and please look forward to the sequel, HAMMER OF THE WITCHES.


Very promising Cheah, I hope it sells well!

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