My Notes from the The JUJU GUM Conspiracy

in #review7 years ago (edited)

This month we were rolled out the red carpet, and given VIP tickets to witness a historical moment for both film and the blockchain as we saw the World Premiere if the The JUJU GUM Conspiracy here on steemit over the last few weeks (last episode was released on Jan 21).

If you haven't watched the movie yet, you still have few days before it's removed by its director @vachemorte.


I enjoyed the movie. There are possible places for improvement, but I think it's a nice one to have in a director's portfolio.

Episode 2:

  • Ah, it would look better if you guys showed what's inside the magazine they Paul is sitting at the bench.

  • The lights test at 8:32 could also show what exactly they are playing with

Episode 4:

In a nutshell I felt the movie's atmosphere here.

Episode 9:

At the How many of me are there scene, it's somehow logical for Paul to make an image with his phone and send it as a proof.

He was surrounded and chased by people filming him on the street, so it makes sense for him to also use his phone somehow.

Well, this is my own view.

Episode 11 is that important point giving us a hint that we are approaching the culmination.

Favorite roles:

Ivano (Franco Descrescentis) and Paul (Guiseppe Giancaspro ).

Both are playing authentically and definitely deserve taking significant roles in some of the next movies.

Favorite episode:

Episode 11: Like a mouse in a maze

Favorite episode:

Episode 11: Like a mouse in a maze

It's a turning point that gives a juicy clue that a happy end is possible.

Favorite scene:

Episode 14: Dr. Sabrozi's awakening and exercise.

I enjoyed his authentic acting. Oscar is another great talent. Just checked his IMBD bio.

I tried discovering the name of the actors at the Credits


Ah.. you were right.. it would be a tough issue persuading my wife watching a movie as The JUJU Gum Conspiration.


Yesterday I was travelling downtown by metro. I stared at people's faces and I had the impression that I've seen their faces somewhere.

Thank you for sharing the movie Jose and Julia!

Would you mind sharing what your next plans are?


Hey, congratulations! Not everyone can brag of a Steemit first.

Absolutely! I as understood the guys will be pulling out the movie soon. And I admire people who are able to complete successfully all the work involved in a featured movie... Heck.. even short movies are huge projects.

Yes, they are. As for the movie, I'm watching it now through your link.

EDIT: I wonder what city they filmed it in?

It's filmed in Montreal. Well, it's not what you probably expect. You should watch it without any expectations.

Oh, I was wondering if it were Ottawa. So far it looks like a good art film: a bit like "Pi."

I wonder what these folks could do with a post-apocalyptic / post-SHTF film...

(Anyhoo, back to the flick.)

Hm.. didn't know about Pi, I thought you are referencing me to Life of Pi.... Enjoy watching!

Yes, it was a good art-house-tier film. Neonoir, I believe.

Thanks, I've just checked Neonoir in Wikipedia. Didn't know about that type of movies at all.

Thank you sharing your thoughts on the film. We have some undisclosed plans right now, but users from Steemit have to check our pages if they want to be the first to be informed when we are ready to announce it.
With the film I don't think our goal was to give answers to the audience and we are actually glad if they have unanswered questions :)
Once again thanks for making it to the end and writing about it!

Got it! I'll stick around and follow. Greetings to all the guys from the stuff out there!!! :)

All right! I'm following you now.

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