Review of the American Dream Animation Movie: Uncovering the Financial System Conspiracy

in #review7 years ago (edited)

This animated film is presented by Provocateur Network. With a duration of 30 minutes, this film tells the origin of financial systems that apply in America and also in the world.

The film is presented in a cartoon version with two main characters namely Pile and Hartman. Pile is told as one of the American people who weave his American dream and live a life cycle like any other American.

Apparently this just makes this trapped in debt until the house and dog is confiscated. Hartman-a childhood friend of Pile-then appeared and helped Pile reach his American dream again.

In the process, Hartman tells the history of the origin of the financial system and the conspiracy behind it. The history Hartman discovers is true that will make us feel that we have been entangled in this system too far. Systems that have been applied hundreds of years before we were born. I will summarize the core of the story from this movie. For the movie storyline, readers can watch the movie live.

Hartman (right) and Pile (left)

The film begins with the narrative "American Dream, there's a reason why they call it a dream". Beginning in the winter of 2006, the first American National Bank was formed based on the approval of the people. What is a bank? The bank is a place of wonder, where space, time, and irony are located.

The main processes in the bank are as follows. There are people coming to deposit their money in a safe place or bank. At the same time, there are people who intend to borrow money for a particular purpose. The bank provides a depository of money. Over time, there are people who want to borrow money but the bank has no money because all the money has been lent. Therefore the bank raises interest. From the banks the money gets the money so the working principle of the bank is "the more money it lends, the more interest the community endures, the more money the bank gets."

Banks continue to offer loans to the public to earn more money. Even banks lend to parties with bad credit at risk and on people who actually do not need a loan! Despite lending money to many parties, Banks still need people who borrow to continue to earn money. This is the attitude of the creation of Credit Cards. Culture of consumerism spread. Many people buy things they do not really need.

The big question is: if we get money from the bank, and the bank gets it from the Federal Reserve and then the Federal Reserve gets its money ?. As a Federal Reserve record or better known as the Fed is the centralized financial system of America. The Fed was formed in 1913 to respond to the financial panic that began in 1907.

In fact many mysteries are stored in the Fed. No one can enter the Fed office, including the American population, elected congressmen even the supreme court, the legal department, the CIA, the FBI. How can the government not enter its own building? Behind it all, the Fed is a secret bank owned by shareholders.

The process of money circulation is as follows: National banks contact the Fed to ask for more money because the National Bank run out of money while many people want to borrow money. The Fed lends its money to the national Bank. The national bank should return the money to the Federal with interest.

Back to the previous question, where did the Fed get the money? Federal just contact the American money press. The problem is that this printing is unconstitutional. Unfortunately the Fed has already mastered the printing of American money.

Now, no one can have dollars that are not scattered by the Federal. Federal prints money and lends it to the Government with interest and taxes the Government uses to pay it. Government tax comes from people's money. We can rudely say that we pay money to the Fed for their inexpressible prints.

We will briefly return to the history of the creation of money. Money began to be used in the 10th century. In ancient times people used barter. However, in its development barter felt not effective and inconvenient. Until someday someone said "let's use gold as a legal means of exchange". Gold began to be used because gold has a fixed price so that people feel safe to use it. However, in its development piles of gold felt dangerous until the person was offered a gold storage room but with flowers.

We save gold and get a legal letter from the bank that we have gold. We use the legal letter to be a new transaction tool or the first banknote. In its development, due to the introduction of the system of interest, inflation occurs, the price of goods rises and the value of money decreases.

Why did this happen? Without even thinking about the reason and analyzing further, we've been preoccupied with the ever-changing life. We begin to work harder to earn more money. We feel enough to continue to make money then our financial problems will be completed.

Meanwhile the bank continues to develop itself by printing more money. But this new money has no gold value at all. Banks continue to lend the money. We do not realize it at all unless we all take money at the same time. Bad Man sees this criminal opportunity by continuing to print money that has no gold value at all but can earn money because of the enactment of the interest system.

Bad Man creates machines to steal money and enslave all the countries on earth. The Discovery of the Wicked Man is kept in a heavily guarded secret. Such financial systems enslave people and even trigger chaos, war, mutual distrust.

In history, one of the bitter historical stories of this financial system was at the Waterloo War in 1815. There was a war between England and France. Both parties fund the war funded by the Evil Man. The wealthy banker of Germany financed both sides. The banker fooled by preaching the news of war and Napoleon's victory to the British.

The Wicked Man Banker in England pretended that England lost and started selling British stocks. Bankers buy english at very cheap price. when the English leaders know, they have no choice but to serve the Wicked Man. they are also enslaved by the debt of war.

Since then the British people pay taxes directly to the secret bank. Nathan Rothschild is one of the Wicked Man. For them if they have control of the wealth of a country, then they are not concerned with who makes the law.
The Wicked Man also wants to rule America but their efforts are always hindered by Thomas Jefferson and the patriots who are aware of their evil plans.

Thomas Jefferson is the 3rd American president. Jefferson said, "To safeguard our freedom, we must not allow our lives to be ensnared in an endless debt. we must make a decision between economic and freedom or wealth and slavery. I put the economy above everything for this country, and the debt of the state is the most frightening thing. it is an obligation for each generation to pay taxes accordingly ".

The Wicked Man remains urgent for the establishment of a Central Bank that serves to secure the state's finances. Jefferson argues that if the American people ever authorized the Secret Bank to control their money issues, first with inflation then with deflation, the banks and corporations growing around them would alienate society from everything they have until their children become homeless and colonized in their own country.

The secretary of the first American treasurer remains urgent, the Alexander Hamilton. In the American Dream movie, Aaron Burr, Jefferson's vice president shot dead Alexander Hamilton. However, the Central Bank is still formed even if only lasted about 20 years. Wicked Man continues to oppose policy in the era of Andrew Jackson's presidency.

Jackson that was almost killed. Luckily Jackson survived and defeated the bankers in 1836. When asked what accomplishments were achieved during his life, he replied, "I killed the bankers". Using genuine gold as a medium of exchange rather than an interest-based financial system, the United States is experiencing the most rapid growth in the history of any country in the world.

But the Wicked Man remains thirsty for power and wealth and designs the most ambitious plan that is to finance the American economy. In 1910, a secret meeting was held at J.P.'s home. Morgan on Jekyll Island, Georgia. This meeting is very secret, very hidden, and away from public attention where the invitees use a pseudonym.

One of the secret meeting participants was J.D. Rockefeller an American oil king. The big idea of ​​a secret meeting is to get the American people themselves to run the bank. First they create panic and then show the solution. With people who have previously been inserted in government, they are confident of having the Central Bank.

They attacked on December 23, 1913. They ran a betrayal plan through their newly-nominated champion, Woodrow Wilson, who signed the plot even before he was elected. The Fed now has the exclusive right to print American money. They lend money to banks and governments in various forms of interest offerings, so we will borrow money again because our money is never enough to repay the debt that continues to accumulate. The Fed is designing inflation. We have to pay more taxes. We must work harder and we begin to lose our identity.

The last American president to dare to oppose the Wicked Man or the Fed is John F. Kennedy. JFK says, "We oppose all monolithic forms and cruel conspiracies that rely on secrecy to spread its influence". On June 4, 1963, JFK signed Executive Order 11110. This agreement granted the American treasury the ability to control money without Federal assistance.

But six months later, JFK went to Dallas and never returned. Who was the one who killed JFK? Many questions and theories. The new president, Lyndon Johnson dismissed Kennedy's plans. The Bad Man is getting blind, they build bigger banks, print more money without accountability, undermine the country's wealth and take advantage of it.

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