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RE: Book Review: "In Order to Live," by Yeonmi Park

in #review5 years ago

Good morning (here) 🌄 @patriamreminisci.

"For the self-righteous and entitled twenty-somethings who made up most of the Occupy Wall-Street movement, this account of life in North Korea stands as a reminder of just how truly privileged most of the self-proclaimed "99 percenters" truly are."

Amen to this! One key thought, from my recent "road to recovery" trip, was to reflect upon the word we can (and often do) throw around far too casually here in America (and, I would imagine, much of the western world ...) - wealth! I could write a whole post (and may yet ...), but absolutely agree.

Very limited time (my usual dilemma ...), but in checking your account for a quick "how is he doing" check, saw this one and ... Here I am ...

Hard to comprehend for us "softies" here in a lot of the West, a young girl going through all of the effort to escape NK, getting across that river, then finding she has "jumped from the frying pan, into the fire" ... At least part of the issue presumably (perhaps you have written on this specifically somewhere?) is the Chinese "policy" of forced abortions / sterilizations to reach their "one child" objective. Resulting in what? From my understanding, the much greater percentage of girls than boys ... uhhh ... "terminated!" Resulting in what? Well, part of the answer is found in the story of this poor girl's descent (again, hard to comprehend ...) from one part of hell into an even hotter corner of it ...

Very sorry to have missed this post (I do not spend anywhere near the time "in here," as others ...) during the payout period. And wishing you were getting more return for the excellent content you are creating. I can not do as much as I might like, but I can do something. So ... I need to make some adjustments (gotta figure it out ...) in my schedule, where I don't miss these ...

Very well written, as always @patriamreminisci. Keep "fighting the good fight" and don't give up! Looking forward to your future efforts and content!!

P.S. You may already know this, but an upvote on a comment and / or post are of the same value. My point? If you will comment on this, then I can still "upvote" this post, by upvoting your comment ...

P.P.S. "Country to remember" ... Got it! 😉

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