Is America great?

in #review5 years ago (edited)

Americans are often viewed, overseas, as being arrogant - much like the French are. Its tourists often act in ways that make us look bad because they tend not to pay attention to local laws, customs and beliefs, assuming that our Constitution protects us globally, making us look bad. Let us, though, focus on the government primarily. The following are just a few pros and cons about the US. In many ways, life in America can be thought of as being better than in other countries.

US flag

In other ways, however, it is like the veritable "gilded cage". The biggest problem with America, or any other nation, is the behavior of the people. You may not agree with me, but no one can deny the facts that America does good and bad things. If you're not satisfied, work to make your country a place everyone can admire from without, and be proud they're a citizen.

  1. Its citizens donate more to charitable causes than probably any other nation, hundreds of billions nationally and tens of billions internationally, and the US routinely gives aid to other countries when disaster strikes.

It uses charitable organizations to spy, some organizations that work in disaster areas do so only to enrich themselves, taking advantage of the situation to commit massive fraud and suck up donations that never reach or get used for refugees and those in need. Sometimes, the US uses disasters to enrich US companies.

  1. It polices nations in crisis, helping to overthrow dictators and save the repressed, claiming the moral high ground in doing so.

It does so with or without the consent of the UN and uses its position to enrich both mercenary companies that violate national law and international treaties, as well as certain companies - including those under indictment. It doesn't necessarily do this with the permission or request of the oppressed, and may actually engage in activities that are contrary to its stated goals. Sometimes, it states false reasons for a military invasion and uses deceptive propaganda to get US citizens to allow it. It rarely does these things due to anything other than selfish reasons.

  1. It allies itself with many nations around the world, encouraging peaceful negotiations.

When it doesn't get what it wants, it becomes difficult, or it may engage in pressure, blackmail, subterfuge, sabotage, theft or even violent action. It uses its position to undermine international efforts to improve humanity's lot and protect animals and the environment.

  1. It became the role model for nations seeking freedom from corrupt monarchies and oligarchies, and inspired revolutions in France and other countries.

It is a plutocratic oligarchy. It foments uprisings in nations that are uncooperative with it.

  1. It offers freedom of speech.

This is true unless you say something that it considers not protected by that Constitutional right. It passes laws that violate this right in the name of "protecting the US," and has engaged in illegal surveillance for decades, including not warning the public of vulnerabilities that left companies and individuals at risk so agencies like the NSA could spy on us. Also, people of some nations and religions get angry about what we say because it's not okay for them (wah wah boo hoo).

  1. It offers jobs and education in the military.

The soldiers don't get rich. They go home in body bags, or with serious mental problems like PTSD, depression, psychosis, etc. Big companies get rich off the warfare. Some veterans have a great deal of trouble getting any help, while many others experience barriers to getting the help they need. There is a high rate of divorce, abuse, crime and suicide amongst former soldiers. Recruiters often target poor areas because those people are easier to recruit due to lack of job opportunities, crime, etc. Whether there is also a focus on minorities is uncertain, but it is uncommon for people from wealthy families to join during times of war, and they may be protected (e.g. Bush disappeared when he was supposed to see active duty).

  1. It pressures other nations to stop abusing human rights.

It allies itself with nations (e.g. Saudi Arabia) that are famous for human rights violations, engages in torture and assassination of designated targets, denies certain prisoners any rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as international laws and treaties. It has illegally profiled and/or imprisons some groups (Asians, Middle Easterners) because of theoretical association with enemies of the time, yet ignored other groups (Germans, Italians).

  1. It leads the "War on Drugs."

Americans consume more illegal drugs than the citizens of any other nation on Earth, thus fueling the drug problem and empowering both drug lords and American companies and institutions that seek to benefit from it (including police). Because of some of the programs for the "war", police are monetarily encouraged in a negative way, and are often in possession of equipment that they don't need, including military vehicles and ordnance.

  1. It leads the "War on Terror."

The more it engages in warfare while behaving hypocritically, the more people radicalize and become its enemy due to various reasons, including false propaganda about the US, but also loss of loved ones due to US military action. This "war" is unwinnable, discourages an end to terrorism, enriches the pockets of the military-industrial complex, and has led to the violation of multiple US and international laws and treaties.

  1. It demands that nations honor treaties with it, and obey laws.

It has a long history of violating laws and treaties, and abusing minorities, including the Native Americans, blacks, certain religious groups - and these abuses continue into the present day. It stole land from peoples and nations, often spilling a great deal of blood to get what it wanted, and passed laws giving itself the right to invade foreign nations for its own interests. Along with China, France, Russia, and United Kingdom, it uses its UN veto power to hold sway in an unfair and self-interested manner, making the UN often worthless, while flaunting the fact that it doesn't have to obey the UN when it doesn't want to. It uses economic, military and UN power to unfairly influence the decisions of other nations, often applying great pressure to get what it wants in an unfair trade of "benefits".

  1. Its tertiary educational system contains several of the best universities in the world.

Yet most of its educational system is still mired in the principles developed in Europe in the 1700s, which were created to develop a large, semi-skilled and skilled base of workers, rather than help each person reach their full potential or even just teach them how to be entrepreneurs so they had other options available to them. America's educational ranking, internationally continues to be poor when compared to most other "first-world" nations, and even worse than some "second-world" nations, despite the adoption of "common core", which is just a revision of that ancient standard rather than being what is needed to help all Americans reach their potential.

  1. It demands transparency.

It routinely keeps things secret - not for reason of national security (despite that claim) but to protect individuals and agencies from embarrassment, legal action, etc. Released documents under the "Freedom of Information Act" are sometimes so heavily redacted (information blacked out) that they are useless. Some documents cannot be released, including the ancient files of JFK's assassination, despite the Act. The CIA, when it was forbidden to act on US soil (prior to 9/11/01), repeatedly performed highly illegally activities on US soil to the detriment of US citizens (e.g. Project MK-Ultra). Government spy agencies routinely work to undermine companies and nations, even engaging in highly illegal activities.

  1. It offers the "American Dream".

It doesn't teach citizens how to make that dream a reality and, through the public educational system, prevents such success. Getting rich requires a lot of hard work, but it is possible, especially if you come from an entrepreneurial background and/or have a strong work ethic.

Is American great?

  • Militarily, yes, although it certainly can be defeated.

  • Economically, yes, although this is propped up by teaching its citizens to be willing participants in unnecessary conspicuous consumerism and collecting, and planned obsolescence.

  • Spiritually, it is more bankrupt than not, with certain groups using religion and other things to justify abuse, unequal rights, torture, and even murder. People cleave to words of peace but encourage the opposite.

  • As a paragon of virtue, no. It is a government of diplomatic lies, deception and hypocrisy. Most politicians are corrupt and work for big businesses.

  • As a role model to lead the world into a better future, it lost that distinction not long after being created...or perhaps before. It struggled so hard to gain respect in the eyes of European nations and compete with them, that it lost its way and adopted Machiavellian methodologies to achieve its goals.

  • As a democracy, it is not. It is not a nation of, by and for the people - it is the elite and big businesses that control it, making it a plutocracy.

I always hope that America will grow up and become a better place, but it will take the strong efforts of many people for this to happen. The same is true of every country.

In closing, I quote from David W. Blight's book: "Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom".

Americans, Douglass believed, instinctively and culturally watched history and preferred not to act in it. Douglass summed up his bitter complaint as "this terrible paradox of passing history" rooted in a distinctively American selfishness. "Whoever levies a tax upon our Bohea or Young Hyson [two forms of Chinese tea], will find the whole land blazing with patriotism and bristling with bayonets." If some foreign power tried to "impress a few Yankee sailors," Americans would go "fight like heroes." ..."Millions of a foreign race may be stolen from their homes, and reduced to hopeless and inhuman bondage among us," he complained, "and we either approve the deed, or protest as gently as 'sucking doves.'" His "wickedly selfish" Americans loved to celebrate their "own heritage, and on this condition are content to see others crushed in our midst." Frederick Douglass

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America is great, but there are other great countries alongside America and also there are many factors and reasons that makes America great, one is its richness which spreads to all sectors.

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