Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 7: 'Toldja' Review

in #review5 years ago

[SPOILER ALERT! Beware of spoilers from the episode]


Games, games, games. Happening in Kitson, far out in Space... and here on Earth, on our very own SHIELD base. And yes, we're back to the Planet Kitson. Fitz, Simmons and Enoch did not teleport to Earth as I'd hoped would happen. Guess even Chronicons make mistakes. Big Sigh.

That's not to say Kitson's not interesting though. Especially as we get to meet two new characters, Mr. Kitson himself, who I'm sure will pop up sometime in the future, and the mysterious Izel. Izel shows up just in time to save the trio from death after being captured by Kitson's men, enlisting them in a journey to Earth. What exactly her ppurpose is though, we never find out. Fitz and Simmons jumo on the oportunity to help her, as it's just what they need to take them home. But now there are much more questions than answers. Who is Izel? What does she want on Earth? Is she up to good, or evil? I fear the answers might not be as easy to swallow as the offer.

And this is the point where Agents of SHIELD absolutely broke my heart, when Enoch, having secured his charges' passage home leaves them on his own mission. Farewell, Enoch. Hope we meet again soon--that long distance communicator you gave Fitz cannot go to waste!


Meanwhile, down on Earth, Sarge is the one playing games. He has been captured, yes. Emotions are running out in the SHIELD base, yes. All his teammates are in custody, yes. Guess who is not bothered by any of this? Yup, Sarge. Sarge coolly quips out sarcastic comments to everyone but refuses to answer any questions, telling Mack outright that by the end of the day, he would be in charge, not the director. Turns out, he was right.

The agents, acting as predictably as ever, use Sarge's device to track down two more anomalies who seemed to be heading towads each other and pick them up. THen they make a fatal mistake that even I, a non-trained agent could've foreseen:: they place them together in the containment module. Almost immediately, the Shrike within the two detonate and it takes the timely intervention of Sarge (by listing his demands) to prevent it from taking down the entire Zephyr. Mack loses his cool, but when Daisy asks 'now what', it is not to him they look, but to Sarge.


Also, some answers were given here. First, the Shrike feed off life energy. Two, the cold destroys them. And three, SHIELD is going to have to make a decision, to keep to their high moral graounds, or follow Sarge and make compromises by killing the hosts.


On SHIELD's part though, a little credit must be given to them for stopping the Dragon, one of Sarge's plays. Turns out the giant Jaco never had a respiratory problem, exactly. What he was breathing was something that prevented his breathe from turning into fire and immediately they took them into custody, he began the process of bringing out that reaction. However, with Daisy back on the team, stopping him was short work.

And speaking of Daisy! I have to say, her shrugging off the entire Sarge matter was just badass. But she is right, they've seen stranger things. But when Mack tells her Sarge and Coulson bear an exact DNA match, she point blank tells him 'That isn't Coulson', which makes me think there's a serious twist coming up soon.

But Poor Deke! After a year of fantasizing about the girl, she returns and doesn't even pay him the slightest attention. Except when she tells him about the Fitz paradox... and finds out he didn't even know Fitz died. This was the first time Deke has shown any hint of depth this season. I felt for him too. But without his grandparents, his is really the biggest brain they have and its past time they realize it. With Fitz (who has no idea who Deke is) and Simmons on their way back for the 2nd half of the season, it's clear things are about to get way, way heated!

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