Retro Review of my days with Zelda II - Adventures of link

in #review7 years ago

Anyone remember the age old day of 8-bit gaming? Lets go back to the end of 1988... Big hair, bit tvs with little screens and the hopes that you got a Nintendo for Christmas the year or two before. And if you were lucky you got the old TV to hook it up to.


Now I remember when I got this game I wen t around stacking wood and moving lawns for weeks and weekends on end until I cold afford it. Finally I was able to get it and play. This quickly became my spare time. I would play it as often as I could. I would even take it to my friends house and we would work on playing it over a weekend.

This game was great for its time. It was a Zelda game and the Cartridge itself was gold. It was a treasure for sure. We would turn it on and listen to the opening music and start playing and trade off at dungeons or death. whichever came first. This was awesome for a one player game. We did everything we could to level up and continue the adventure.

zelda2cartrage.jpg zelda2box.jpg

Now we were used to the first Zelda game and its top view and loved the little story searching for the master sword and defeating everything until we reach and faught Gannon. This was great and now we had a 2D side scroll adventure to do it again.


So it was 8-bit gaming at its best so far. It was like a Mario game but playing as link. We had to call it an RPG because we had to level up through the game. This was tedious if we wanted to power level because things were not worth much until the bags dropped. the further in we got the bags were worth more. 50 from the start or get to where we could get bags worth 200 experience was always the challenge. It didn't matter, we just kept playing.


So now we were hooked and trading off the game all the time just to see who could beat it from start to finish before we traded it back. We also just played so all we had to do was fight the last bosses of the game including our own shadow. We learned a lot about ways to get through the game and fight different enemies at different point like using the down jump attack or the jump and slice as we were about to be hit by them. Woohoo! It was great times as a child playing this game.


Now this was in 1989 for the release and I think it was in the summer of 1989 that we got this game and it was one of the most played games for years. Even after my best friend had moved away. But it always brought back memories of the days we had as kids having fun playing games between trekking through the woods behind his house or walking the harbour docks for the mile or so they were.

Reviewing the game nearly 30 years later we cant say good about it if it was released now but back then It was awesome. The gold box and the gold cartridge. The nintendo controller in hand and the 2D side scroll action. It was the Zelda game to take our attention from Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. Only this game seemed better because we could sit and play through it in a day or 3 depending on how we played. The map seemed huge and we at least had an idea what we were doing because we had the map and the idea of what the game was offering to us. This game brought us away from playing through Zelda and so many other games at that time.

We had no clue back then that a game that was second in a series would become such a huge franchise with such a mass amount of games over the years. Some reviews would say it was the worst game in the series and some would say the best. It was not relevant because the games all were different and it eventually evolved. It was the baby game that helped the series explode over time.

Zelda II: Adventures of Link (commercial) not my video

Till next time, enjoy and GAME ON!

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