in #review8 years ago
Every website & blog on this planet needs images as part of their content.
Finding and editing these images is a tedious process – thats why WP FotoPress was created. WP FOTOPRESS Review
Now Anyone can FIND & EDIT millions of images from right INSIDE their WordPress admin panel without havig to leave the site or spend hours on google looking for images.
  • Add to any WP Site in 30 seconds
  • Finds 2 Million+ Images – Instantly for your use.
  • Adds a Full Photoshop like Editor to your site.
  • Apply Instagram like Filters to all your images – in 1 Click.
  • Newbie Friendly, Fully Tested – No tech skills needed.
  • Every WordPress Site on the planet needs this…
  • Adds 100+ Special Effects and Google WebFonts
  • Create & Edit Unlimited Images – with LAYERS Support

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