Faux Inspiration and the Pointlessness of Annoying Guitar Bro

in #review7 years ago

Faux inspiration is the information equivalent of a lollipop. Sure, they might taste good and are colorful, but they are mostly composed of sugar and are terrible for your overall health. They don't really make your life better or do anything for you.

But perhaps you are a true believer of such garbage and enjoy commenting how inspirational these posts are and are not phishing for upvotes like the leech you are. Let's analyze a piece of faux inspirational content from the trending faux inspirational leader of our times--annoying guitar bro.

Oh. You'd rather watch Netflix? Uh, Tomorrow is your day, I guess.

We will be analyzing the masterpiece entitled "The Most Important Job You Need To Do". Clearly, this is must read piece of information because it near the top of the trending page. Also it has lots of large upvotes meaning that those authors endorse such a piece heavily. It's not like they are sellouts or anything. So, clearly, this piece is the best that faux inspiration has to offer us.

the crucial job you should be doing is one that no one will notice, there is no way that they could

Well, we get our answer straight off the bat! You have to do a job that no one could ever notice. I'm not sure what that means or if that is physically possible. Clearly, you have to be hiding this job and the job can have no external consequences. Good luck finding something that fulfills that criteria. Or an other tangent, you could be God. Though as God, you probably don't need any faux inspiration and probably already know what the most important job you need to do is.

you could even say that it's also the the job that should never end, should never be completely done.

Man, this job is so important that not only is it THE job. It's the THE job. Thanks for emphasizing the importance of your writings annoying guitar bro. Also the job should never end and can never be completely done. Man I'm going to need some help imagining a job to fit these criteria. Here's the list of criteria that the job must fulfill:

  1. It has to be impossible to notice
  2. It shouldn't end
  3. It shouldn't be completed.

The journey of becoming the best that you can be, the path that leads you to attracting the right kind of people to your side

I'm sorry annoying guitar bro, but by attracting "the right kind of people," your job will be noticed and people will notice your job. This violates principle number one. Clearly you are talking about something else and this faux inspiration is simply filler as a build up to your true reveal of the THE job. Gotcha.

it starts with being comfortable with your needs and wants and having a clear idea of the things you don't want in your life

So, I need to know what I want and what I don't want in order to attain the key in order to unlocking the door that lies between me and the most important job. The one that fulfills the three criteria that you stated. Okay, this whole process seems a little convoluted since you could just tell me what the important job is, but I trust you for now.

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We get a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. This is peak faux inspiration form. I give you a spiritual round of applause for demonstrating faux inspiration so succinctly and beautifully there, annoying guitar bro.

many of us avoid time with ourselves, attempt to find distractions as much as possible as to not think of the most important things, the most pressing matters in our life.

Luckily for you, I'm really eager to get to this secret most important job that you are talking about. Certainly it can't be general self-improvement as that is vague, not very helpful, and violates the first criteria of the most important job that you laid out in your original thesis. Not only that, but your post would be a distraction in the way of a person's self-improvement and that would be hypocritical.

Since, we all know you are better than that and since this post is a masterpiece, clearly you are building suspense before the big reveal of the most important job I should be doing.

Where am I? Where do I want to be? should be questions we ask ourselves daily

I'm typing on my computer and I want to be doing the most important job that you are going to reveal to us at some point.

when this truth finally clicks in, that you are responsible for where you are in your life, when you stop blaming your current situation to circumstances and understand that you are not powerless, that is when change starts to happen

I take responsibility over my life and I have the power, so we are still good here. I think I have met all of the pre-requites to be gifted the knowledge from the grandmaster himself. I am ready! Apparently once the truth clicks in, change starts to happen. Weird considering that would violate the first principle stated above, but maybe that is some more garbage related to self-improvement. Show me the light!

Hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday... Success to you all

Wait, that's it. Self-improvement is "the most important job"? How am I supposed to do that and not have people notice? Not only that, but there is no information here that is remotely helpful to improve one-self. Just of bunch of inspirational nonsense and a soundbite from a guy that lived 150 years ago.

I honestly expected better annoying guitar bro. How is this information supposed to help anybody? It isn't. It's designed to draw in suckers and rake in the money and attention that you simply don't deserve. You could have saved everybody some time and said "improve yourself" and ended your post there. Because beyond those two words, you have said nothing. In fact you are wasting people's time and attention and preventing them from improving themselves because what you have said holds no weight and gives no direction.

And that's the problem with faux inspiration. It's a whole bunch of empty calories with no means of actually helping anybody go from Point A to Point B. And the scariest thing is that this guy thinks this material is worth hundreds of dollars. How did this guy get so much support?

Oh right. The sellouts.


Faux Inspirational Image
The Biggest Waste of Your Time - Annoying Guitar Bro



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