Venom 2018 Review

in #review6 years ago

I just came back from the cinema watching Venom so everything is pretty fresh in my mind!

This gonna contain spoilers so don't blame if you keep on reading!

The plot is a little bit different than the actual one so to all the hardcore fans out there, just chill guys and enjoy it! We get introduced to Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) a famous journalist that always tries to discover the crooked people behind famous corporations and generally every corrupted person that holds power. 

He don't care that much though about some "regulations" or "decency policies" so he doesn't listen to his superiors that much as he is focused to reveal the "evil" and lies of some "successful" people. Long story short he believes that a certain bio-genetic company called the "Life Foundation" does some pretty shady things and when he comforts with raw questions the man in charge he gets his ass kicked out both of the building and his job.


His girlfriend suffers from this as well ( i won't tell the details) and they end up breaking up. From there his life goes from worse to worst and he don't seem to have a great future ahead. At the same time the Life Foundation has taken some alien forms called symbiotic and they experiment on human beings in order to "evolve the species"

Somehow Tom Hardy becomes the Venom, the Foundation is after him to secure the symbiotic which is considered to have achieved the first successful merging  and then multiple fight scenes break over. 

What Did I Like

I really enjoyed the way they introduced Venom. Till now the image we all had was that Venom was one of the main villain and antagonists of Spiderman and a cruel monster. Now it seem to be more "human like" making funny jokes and showing signs of sensitivity towards humans and their relationships. At the same time though, he is still a total badass!

The second thing i enjoyed was the graphics that Venom and all the other symbiotics had. It seemed so realistic and you could actually see and understand what is going on in every fight scene. It wasn't like transformers were each time they changed from a car to robot and vice versa or when they fought you couldn't understand and see a single damn thing.

 Finally, one of the best parts for me was the introduction of Carnage as well as the introduction of the character that will get to play him. I won't reveal much about this but i believe they made the right choice!

What I Didn't Like 

For some reason i didn't like the acting and the way they "set" his girlfriend. Except the fact that she was literally everywhere even though there was no logic behind this, somehow they made her look too courageous that to my eyes seemed fake. 

The first time she met Venom she just screamed once and then everything was fine. She didn't even hesitate to become one with Venom for a while and also to take part in the final fight but i know why this happened!

This once again is due to "political correctness"! They wanted to show females are strong courageous characters like all women, not only the just the men. If you think i am overreacting in case you watched it or you will watch it just check the first 10-20 minutes. 

In those first minutes of the film we 3-5 blacks, 2-3 Asians, a Mexican, a Pakistani and some white guys. If you wanna do things like that you can spread evenly in the movie and don't show them all in 2-3 scenes, it looks kind forced and fake. 


If you don't mind watching an alternative story for Venom that has a more human side (still a badass though) then go right away and watch it. I have seen many movies, way more that the average guy and i honestly tell you that Venom look very very realistic! 

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