Sword Art Online Review - Anime Review Series #1

in #review7 years ago


1) Story (5/10)

Sword Art Online had a generic plot with its done and dusted ‘trapped in a video game’ theme being overused in many anime shows over the years. But, the first few episodes still managed to keep things interesting and set up the show for a promising premise. But as newer episodes came out and the plot developed, the story arcs disappointed with its inability to live up to its promise.

The worst part about the show has to be its pacing. While significant episodes and plot points were rushed, the show wasted much time dealing with unimportant characters and sub-plots. The plot holes and lack of originality doesn’t help either.

But, if you haven’t watched any similar shows in this genre, chances are there that you might find the storyline to be intriguing. The anime is basically just a love story and if you find yourself rooting for the relationship of the main characters, it will turn out to be an interesting watch.

2) Art (7/10)

The artwork of the show can be termed to "pretty decent" for an anime in its time period. The sceneries were exceptionally good with snow-capped mountains, meadows and exuberant cities. With the story set in a fantasy video game, the art department could come out with an imaginative landscape which is a feast to the eye.

The character design, though generic-looking, was done beautifully as well. But, the animation during battle scenes seems to be a bit off-shade. The overuse of character still shots is a big letdown as viewers were expecting to see some high-octane action sequences.

3) Sound (8/10)

The sound department does an incredible job and the only thing that pulls them back is the lack of substance in the show’s plotlines. The music by Yuki Kajiura is stellar and both the background score and music of the show perfectly captures the mood and sequence of the story. The music used during fight scenes are exceptionally standout. The OP and ED music might seem a bit generic but it does manage to be catchy.

4) Character (6/10)

The characters in this anime happen to be a mixed bag. If you like your main characters to be more human-like, you might be disappointed as Kirito is a flawless protagonist. The same goes with the main female character who happens to be the love interest of Kirito. The supporting characters and the villains in the story lack proper character depth. The motives of the villains are either too unrealistic or too weak.

5) Enjoyment (7/10)

Despite all its flaws and inconsistencies, the anime as a whole does manage to be engaging. While the show lacks depth and the storyline seems to be a bit corny and childish, it does provide you with enough entertainment. The protagonist being too invincible and strong keeps the tension at a minimum and this affects your enjoyment a bit.

5) Overall (7/10)

Sword Art Online is an anime that offers a fair amount of entertainment. The intriguing premise it has might turn out to be an engaging watch if you haven’t seen too many similar shows.

Disclaimer: These reviews are based fully off of my own opinion and yours may differ greatly from mine. If they do, please do not hesitate to let me know and we can always have an open discussion about our opinions!

Follow me @dzboston33

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Good review, thanks for sharing

Of course, I started with this one since it was the first one that my wife and I had ever watched together!

A very good anime. I will follow you because I am fan of anime and I'm sure you would let me discover some very good soon. Beautiful blog project

Thank you for the kind comment, I'll post some reveiws of ones that are less popular and hope that you can discover some new ones that way!

I definitely agree with you on this one. SAO started off sooo good, but then they ruined with the horrible pacing. And then they wanted to make it a romance, and then add incest to it lol.

The incest part was awful! Wish they would have spent more time on the actual game, I've been okay with that. Although, I'm used to grinding as I used to avidly play MMOs myself.

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