Review Devil May Cry HD Collection

in #review7 years ago

Devil May Cry HD Collection was first released in April 2012 to the previous generation devices shortly before the release of DmC under the supervision of Ninja Theory Studio to give players the opportunity to play the first two parts alongside the special version of the third part with improved graphics and better performance, You did not see a problem in re-releasing the set again for the PS4 and Xbox One devices with little change, only the three games were transferred to the current generation, which would make any lover of the series very disappointed.

In fact, Capcom did not care to make any minor adjustments to the performance of the game. Even the movie shows and menus still retain the same original appearance as on the PS2, there have already been some improvements to the original kit released several years ago. But here the changes are almost non-existent, which makes the acquisition of the group back to anyone who has already tried on previous generation platforms is a waste of time and money.

The only changes that I noticed during my experience of the title was in the special list the main technical drawings and the work of the game display resolution 1080p and the speed of 60 frames fixed, without it there is no change mention the fact that the original group issued in 2012 did not provide the basis for significant changes which confirms that the idea of ​​versions bundled games and improved not feed hungry mouths, preferably publishing companies focused on re-offer classic games in Remake form so it will desirability and acceptance among users, as has already happened in many of this generation addresses.

Devil May Cry

Deville May Cry did not aim to present a perfect story or a dramatic plot when it was released in 2001 as it focused on presenting a fictional story about a demonic man who married a human being and had two children, each going on a different journey either to search for his mother's killer or to live in the dark world , From here the events of the story that the events of a fairly good enough to keep the player interested in what is happening around him, but personally considered the best element in this part is the method of playing without doubt.

Whether you are a new player on the series or have already experienced the parts of the series, you will feel at first glance that you are in front of a game once upon a long time, whether because of its graphical appearance or style of primitive control or artificial intelligence level of the enemies, despite being one of the most difficult versions of the series that built its reputation on This is especially true of the Dante character, which attracted the attention of the players and achieved great fame later.

For an entire 8 hours you will find yourself controlling a strange figure, half human and half demonic, mastering the use of combat skills, firearms and massive swords. Over time, he will gain more skills and expand his weapons arsenal dramatically and between flaming battles based on Hack & comedies that seem at the moment compared to the level of games that are presented, interspersed with those difficult moments set of puzzles in a way designed feature and perhaps the only one who will not feel that the player in front of the title was issued for more than 17 years thing.

The shooting camera here is closer to the first Resident Evil games and has a negative effect on the way you control the character, especially during the clashes, but the fact that this is not the main problem compared to the outdated game appearance, this combination may be logical if launched for smartphones which basically have games Better now both in performance and graphic level.

Devil May Cry 2

Was released in 2003 to complete the story of the first part where Dante is still looking for his mother's killer, but soon finds a more interesting adventure waiting for him, especially when he knows that the adventure will allow him at the end to control the world of demons, but overall events were not as exciting Part 1 At the same time, Capcom did not make major changes to the style of play or clashes as much as focusing on moving to the narrow streets of the city and providing battles in semi-open areas completely devoid of bystanders, making the game look older than the time period it appeared.

The events of the game were easier compared to the first part and artificial intelligence reached low levels, which bored me after a short period of the game when I felt Siri in a closed circle and turned the game into something like routine work and not an exciting adventure aimed at my surprise and make significant changes along the way.

Even Dante himself has a comic sense that helped him gain popularity in the first part, and chose to be personally serious in his actions and conversations, which made the character appear without spirit most of the time, in fact this part may be specifically the worst parts of the chain in its path, Play, characters, story, or even the appearance of menus and user interface.

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

This part is the most prominent in the trio in almost every element, beginning from the story that saw the return of Dante and his twin Virgil together to search for the same goal, and passed the style of play, which saw huge changes surpassed the first part itself and thanks to the Styles added to the game and contributed to Changing the playing style significantly through a variety of different combat skills, for example the main character can avoid enemies attack more easily when using this system, or slow down time and kill as many opponents as possible before things return to their nature, according to the style of each user's play and preferences With the further development of these For abilities, you will find yourself in front of a diverse game that can be re-played more than once without tirelessness.

The game presented enemies and battles more difficult than the second part, and the old Dante came back through sarcastic comments, speed-based gameplay, firearms and massive swords, while players had the chance to play Virgil instead of Dante.

However, the release suffers from other problems, such as the uneven design of the stages and the annoying camera. Although the game does not look very old in terms of graphics and overall appearance, the Capcom has prevented it from making any significant changes, yet it is the third most prominent part of the group as a whole In all its elements without exception.

User Manual

The Devil May Cry HD can deliver better performance and an acceptable graphics level rather than transferring the same version of previous generation devices to existing platforms with little change except 1080p resolution and 60 frames, making the group an unworthy experience for those who have already played The game before, but the newcomers will undoubtedly face many problems with the group in the appearance of the address or camera or the level of enemies except the third part.

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