Revenue Sharing in Steemit – Devise A New Formula

in #revenue7 years ago

I saw somebody quoted that currently, the steem distributes around $ 5000 per day to the content creators. That too, they give mostly to the 1st day. I think , the day 2 onwards, the contents won’t allowed to generate recurring income like YouTube or any other revenue sharing platforms. That’s not the right method. As long as it generates more views, it should be allowed to generate income proportionately. Then only, it can be called ‘equitable’ and equal opportunity platform. You can decide nearly 75 % of the money for the new content and at least 25 % should go to the existing content. The ideal strategy is irrespective of whether the content is old or new, based on its views and votes it should get the revenue. Otherwise, somebody else will emerge and create a better revenue sharing system to lure this audience. Steem is still in Beta stage, so there should be some course correction required. Let’s do it now and let’s do it with prudent. The truly incentivized platform should give incentives not some fixed period, but forever.



Completely agree with you.

Thanks. I think the platform is evolving. In the Beta stage itself, we have to correct it to create a truly holistic, decentralized revenue sharing platform.

This is a problem and I agree with you. I have over 800 videos on YouTube, some are nearly 5 years old, yet they are still paying me as some are still watched everyday. Our posts here are indexed by Google and will be viewed in the future, just like YT videos. I followed you :)

Thanks. When try to dismantle the status quo, then we have to think different. Steemit have to create some convincing formula for revenue sharing. Otherwise, nobody will show interest. As long as your content is generating money, you should get the proportionate share. That is logical and sensible.

Long term revenue for content creators is an important issue, but for reasons of scalability, it is very difficult to resolve with the payout fund. The amount of payouts being dealt with by nodes would grow parabolically, it wouldn't be computationally sustainable.

You have certainly pointed out a real problem. But the solution will have to be something different, I'm not sure what.

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