Amazing Computing’s Tech Amiga Volume 1, Number 3

AC's Tech for the Commodore Amiga was a technically oriented magazine for the Commodore Amiga...but you probably got that from the title. Volume 1, Number 3 includes:

  • CAD Application Desing Part II - Develop an event-driven program which will let us move, resize, and rotate objects, or pan and zoom our model world using just the mouse.
  • C Macros for ARexx - Accessing the full pwer of ARexx from C, using glue routines and pragmas.
  • VBRMon: Assembly Language Monitor - Explore your Amiga with this unique and interesting assembly language monitor.
  • The Development Of An AmigaDOS 2.0 Command Line Utility - Using the new features and structures of AmigaDOS 2.0, develop the "TO" command-line utility - a way to automatically change the current directory based on a wildcard name.
  • Programming the Amiga's GUI in C - Part II - Start really programming the Amiga in C by creating your first window.
  • Programming for HAM-E - An introduction to libraries and techniques required to program HAM-E.
  • Using RawDoFmt in Assembly - If you want to delete files, find out the sizes, attributes or the amount of disk space, create or read directories and even run processes from inside your program, read on!


  • Editorial
  • Source and Executables ON DISK!
  • List of Advertisers

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