AC's Tech for the Commodore Amiga (Volume 1, Number 4)

in #retrocomputing6 years ago (edited)

AC's Tech for the Commodore Amiga was a technically oriented magazine for the Commodore Amiga. It was a spinoff of Amazing Computing, a more typical consumer oriented magazine for the Amiga. Volume 1, Number 4 includes:

  • State of Amiga Development Denver DevCon Address
  • - CATS Vice President, Jeff Scherb, shares his Keynote address with AC TECH readers.
  • GPIO - Low Cost Sequence Control - Take control of your Amiga with this Video Toaster-inspired General Purpose interface. Ken's combination of a simple controller circuit - which you can build! - and a little software magic provides for precise automatic or manual control.

  • Programming with the ARexxDB Records Manager - Learn to use this powerful new ARexx-based database engine by creating a phonebook/autodialer for use with the popular shareware telecommunications program, VLT.

  • The Development of a Ray Tracer - Part I - The first of a two-part series featuring the theory and application design of a full-featured implementation of an open-ended ray-tracing package.

  • The Varafire Solution - Build Your Own Variable Rapid-Fire Joystick - Give your favorite joystick new power with this simple, yet detailed step-by-step tutorial.

  • Programming the Amiga's GUI in C - Part III - Paul continues his popular tutorial series with handles, structuring display modules, an introduction to programming graphic images, and much more!

  • Using Interrupts for Animating Pointers - Jeff demonstrates a better way to animate pointers as well as the proper use of two types of interrupts.

  • STOX - An ARExx-based System for Maintaining Stock Prices - Stay on top of the market with The Advantage spreadsheet, the BaudBandit telecommunications program, the GEnie Information Service, and ARexx to tie it all together.

  • Language Extensions - Strings of Type StringS - An introduction to the implementation of strings of type StringS using C constructs.

  • Departments
    • Letters
    • Source and Executables ON DISK!
    • List of Advertisers

...and more!

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