
Retro cassett tape player got me through a lot of long nights of studing Pink Floyd Kiss and Led lol

That's the Ipod of our time, many hours of music and disconnect from the world to have that in my ears

Greetings from Venezuela I hope we can continue reading a big hug for you

Holy shit! Every time I see one. Every time.
Last time I saw one was in Guardians of the galaxy (Chris Pratt listening to songs). Still I was thing - Holy moly that's a Walkman.
Nice reminder my man.

Wow, that took me way back! I remember the hissing sound of the tape or how it would sound if the tape was stretched... Also rewinding or turning it over.

A few months back I came across my old ZX Spectrum and its cassette player... Seems like a lifetime ago :/

A cassette music player that was then Sony's biggest hit!

I'm a 90s kid, but I still had one as a kid.

I was born in 89 but I’m familiar with the cassette tape Sony walkmans. It’s amazing how every couple of decades there is a new trend in devices to listen to music with. I wonder what’s to come next 🧐

The days of the cassette! How life has moved on!

Many hours of Aerosmith played on mine.

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