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RE: Nostalgic Game Design Focus - SpeedBall 2 - Brutal Deluxe

Great post, I don't think Ive heard of this game but Ill have to check It out, I love playing old games, Ive practically kept all old consoles and games from my childhood 😄


Thank you kindly, @xr-hammergaming, not only for the up-vote and your kind comment, but also for the resteem. :c)

Sadly I no longer have my old Apple but I do have my operational Atari ST and not-so-operational original PS1 stored away. :c)

So many great memories are trapped away in those games of old (along with some not-so-great memories - but hey - those were the 90s ;cP) and its tragic that the situation in the industry simply allows many of them to fade into obscurity and then oblivion.

Fortunately Speedball is in good enough hands - with the latest instalment being Speedball Evolution. Never played it myself but I hear that it expanded upon the original. ^_^

Thanks again and happy gaming. :c)

No worries mate, I resteem whatever I feel Is worthy, and this post definitely Is 😊

Fellow 90s child here and with older siblings I feel I had them all. Ive got an Atari, PS1, snes, Nintendo and a whole lot more in my attic. Mine arent In too bad a condition, just the odd controller and some wires that need replacing on some of them 😊

Whenever I see posts about old games and consoles on here I can't help but check It out, I love a trip down memory lane, we are the generation of nostalgia after all 😊

I may have to check Speedball Evolution, Im always up for playing games 😊

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