
Thank you @akrid, both for your up-vote as well as your encouraging comment. :c)

Indeed I have a good amount of PS1 nostalgia myself (and it more or less represents the end of my console gaming experience). ^_^ However I expect that I'll be focusing upon the Atari for a fair time yet. :cP You'd be surprised how many gems one can find from back then!

Thanks again!

Nice, I'm looking forward to it.

I never owned an Atari, this should be quite interesting xD

This is my hope. :c)

A series like this also places me under less pressure to produce Earth-shifting thoughts with every post that I make. ^_^ So 3-4 #ngdf posts per week will go some way. :c)

I am looking forward to it as not only do I get to remember some great times but some people here seem to like what I'm producing. ^_^

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