This Is Why The Central Bankers Are Worried About The Global Economy Collapsing - Episode 1522a

in #retail7 years ago

We are now seeing stores that have existed for 70 years completely disappear while thousands of people will be out of work. Congress is ready to roll back Dodd-Frank. Trump wants to replace NAFTA with Bi-lateral trade deals. Germany and the central banking community is very worried about what Trump is doing, he is pushing the global economy over the edge. It is being reported that if Trump brings the economy down he should be impeached. We can see the battle is on, who will control the narrative, the central bankers have held everything in place with their laws that did not benefit the people, now its being taken away, be prepared.


IMHO I think the white hats want the old system to fade away instead of going out with a bang, but the cabal wants the system to go off like a nuclear bomb. There is no question that Germany has been for years trying to buy and control our most basic resources and needs from salt & agriculture seeds, potable water, to automotive parts and pharma, but they will never be able to take our guns away which scares the poop out of them. We have come a long way as a country in terms of non-violence, but through every means possible the deep state and the cabal has over the many years trained our population to be the attack dogs of the world through desensitizing television shows, movies, games, and glorifying the warrior. Guess what? It worked. So we have multiple generations of Americans who have no psychological barriers in-place to grabbing the enemy by the throat and doing whatever is necessary or just. We will just plan a group thing, march over to the Hamptons on a Saturday morning, get the job done, set-up a buffet or barbeque to feed the participants, go home in the afternoon, have dinner and watch a movie and go to bed. Done.

Thank You Dave, Your so right, I hope the people win this battle.

Dave, you're the man! You are always on point and have single handily helped wake up thousands. One of my favorite parts is, you always remind people to prep. I appreciate everything you do! May God bless and protect all those that seek the truth, in this world of darkness...potus__q_anon___the_storm.jpg

Global Economy Collapsing ... i'm not worried ... upvoted

Let's not forget Trump's 21 December executive order freezing/ceasing the assets of all enemies of the state - human rights abusers etc - both foreign and domestic ....... And what about all those sealed indictments .... & the March 1st amendment to the courts-martial code !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are these not the GREATEST MOVES any head of state has ever put into place ......

Long Live Steem. Where You Dave will eventually prosper. I will continue to support you now and forever more.

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