Taking Responsibility for Myself and for Mother Earth

in #responsibility7 years ago

What does taking responsibility mean to you? How do you hold yourself accountable?

Taking responsibility seems like a scary thing to a lot of people, and many avoid it at all costs. When you look at the different definitions of responsibility on the internet, you can see why! They definitions include things such as (definitions source);

  •  The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. 
  •  The state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.  
  • A moral obligation to behave correctly towards or in respect of. 
  •  The opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization. 
  •  A thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation. 

I don't know about you, but having to be in charge of someone else, being the one to blame and having to make important decisions that go along with being responsible for something can seem pretty intimidating! 

It is no easy task and takes some courage and guts to take responsibility, especially if not only for yourself, but for Mother Earth in her entirety. And, to be accountable to oneself and to ones peers, that takes guts too. 

But what if I told you that being responsible was actually freeing, productive and empowering? 

By becoming accountable for your actions you can have a positive impact on the planet, your communities and especially for yourself! And honestly, there is no other way to go about it. Taking responsibility and becoming accountable are necessary for the future flourishing of our people and our planet, and it is a very rewarding practice if you do so wholeheartedly. 

A little intimidating, yes. A tad bit scary, yes. Incredibly rewarding on every level, yes!!!

Now, I do not want to have control over someone or be in charge, but I do recognize that we all have a duty to deal with the fuck-ups of the previous generations and other unmindful human beings on this planet. It is probably not fair, but regardless, it is our duty and responsibility to deal with the social and environmental implications of their actions. 

We are all in this together, whether we like it or not!

As a mindful and loving human being I feel that I do indeed have a moral obligation to respect the earth and my fellow beings on this planet, and to behave with respect and compassion as well. Indeed, I take this opportunity to make decisions about my behavior without any authority telling me to do so! The responsibility I feel is based in independence, and also my inter-independence with other beings on this planet especially. 

Now, maybe I am not required to be responsible because of any job or position that I hold, but I am responsible because of my roll as a mindful human being here on earth. No job could give me the sense of responsibility that I already have to take care of the earth and help other beings that I encounter. 

I embrace this responsibility, because it is part of my spiritual quest and life path. Honestly, I have no other serious life goals other then to embrace my responsibility as a STEWARD OF MOTHER EARTH. This is what calls to me, and I am not afraid of the responsibility of being part of a strong world wide community and of being part of the ecosystem that is Earth, since it is my passion and life-path. 

I am also joyfully accountable for my actions (though sometimes when called to be accountable, it is not joyful in that moment, but afterwards it is freeing indeed), and work everyday to reduce my footprint on the planet and to enrich the lives of others, even if it is one tiny tiny step at a time. I know that I am accountable to myself, and that if I strive everyday and reach my small goals sooner rather then later, then I am on my way to fulfilling my true responsibilities as a steward of Mother Earth!

It is very much a process, I am an imperfect human being, but I am nearly always noticing ways to become more accountable for myself and my footprint on the planet. If we all take the steps towards responsibility for ourselves, our community and our planet then we will make so much progress! Even if we are imperfect and can't do everything we would like to do, if we are mindful of our actions and their implications and do our best then collective progress is easily achievable! 

It is dangerous and destructive when people forget their responsibility, especially to the planet.


We often forget that the land does not belong to us, but we belong to the land. 

We all must become accountable for that ignorance many of us possess and step up for the sake of our species and for our earth herself! As I said, it ain't a walk in the park at first but in my opinion once you start doing the responsibility thing you realize it feels good and it gets easier!

There are a lot of ways in which you can become responsible for yourself, your community and for Mother Earth. Even if it is super intimidating, find the courage to overcome your self doubts and fears and stand up! 

There are thousands of ways to become more responsible and accountable in order to help our earth and our communities flourish... really, there are as many ways as your creative mind can come up with. This is out of no ones reach! Money or social status does not matter when taking responsibility and holding yourself accountable. Its pretty simple, you just gotta do it and figure it out as you go along!

For example: You can pick up trash, even if it is not yours. You can find compassion when you seek to blame another. You can admit when you are wrong or hurtful. You can start thinking about your footprint on this planet and choose alternatives to mainstream consumerism. You can buy local and organic. You can create connections with your fellow human beings. You can be an activist to protect our waterways and our forests by joining communities, volunteering and speaking up. You can research away any ignorance you may face within yourself. You can stop and admire the flowers without picking them. You can be creative and optimistic when coming up with small solutions, that together as a whole will lead up to BIG solutions!

Join us in becoming accountable and responsible human beings, who function with compassion and mindfulness first and foremost. It is a life without guilt or deception, and it is a life blessed with freedom, joy, passion and beauty beyond imagination. Who would not want to take responsibility for the earth and for themselves, when it brings such a joyful sense of satisfaction with every action?

Thank you for joining me on this self-exploration and outer-exploration on the topic of responsibility, in response to a contest held by @livesustainably, the only sustainable contest on Steemit! Do check out the @livesustainably blog, they are doing great work promoting a more sustainable lifestyle! 

I hope you enjoy your journey to become more responsible and accountable for your actions alongside me! 

 If you enjoyed this post, do not fret, there is more! Check out these links for more recent and quality posts from @skycae!

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 Starting Spring Seedlings - Knowledge-Seekers Homesteading Photography Contest

 The Forest is Queen - Steemit Vision Quest





We are indeed the Stewards of this Earth. It is the only planet we have so far.

It is by doing the little things that we start caring for it.

Yes Yes Yes I love this @skycae, we are the ones we have been waiting for, change comes from us and big fat yes we need to take responsibility. I am 100% with this way of thinking and living xx

I absolutely love your point about responsibility making you independent and free! So many people are afraid of it and shirk it and don't realize the bondage they live in as a result.

I usually ask my not-so-earth-friendly acquaintances these questions:

"In the not too distant futute, will you be able to afford a $100 apple or $50 potato? How about a $10 , 33 oz. bottle of water?"

Somehow, the money aspect brings the point home!



Interesting piece. You got it all right.

Human take things as granted. Mother nature is dying slowly and only small population of us notice it. Start do our part to grow a plant or recycle. This helps back the mother nature.

Wow! wow! You have just hit the nail on the head, we are all stewards of mother earth and it's our duty to protect her.

Mother Earth is important and it is so sad that many treat it the way they do. I think that we all need to stand up like you said and take a little action, between all of us we can make a difference.

Beautifully written.

I agree that we are not owners but stewards of the land.

Thank you for sharing.

Having a moral responsibility! I agree. Thanks for taking the time to share this.

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