Reply To @dragonanarchist

in #response8 years ago

So here is my reply to @dragonanarchist. the original post is here.

I left a comment on his post that said:
wow pure cancer. you cant group everyone into 2 catagories. might as well make a post about how people are either good or bad. it is not only black or white there are shades of gray.

I got a 2 part reply from @dragonanarchist
So lets do this shit yo!


Apparently you didn't take the time to carefully read the beginning, you saw what you wanted to see.

assumptions, I actually did read your post carefully. Do not understand how you think you can tell if I only see what I want to. please elobrate on that.

Also, anyone who actually takes the time to observe my thoughts over time and follows my writing knows I'm the last person to think in black and white, and that I of all people know of the greys.

I have not seen any of your other posts, are you trying to say that your post is not in context unless I have followed all your other posts? that is good you know the grays but u sure like to make things a false dichotomy (black or white) and it might be that you don't realize it. I will give you the benefit of the doubt for sake of argument.

And as far as different approaches in a certain mindset, sometimes there are two different distinct approaches that are necessarily opposed.

Yes different mindsets have different approaches and sometimes their are 10 distinct approaches or 100, making it only 2 is more false dichotomy. It is not only black or white.

For example, I can't both be pro-slavery AND anti-slavery, if I think slavery is wrong then I think it is wrong.

Do you not know what mental gymnastics are? people very often think something is wrong and still do it. many people are anti-theft but still go out and steal. many slave owners are ok with slavery as long as they aren't the slave. Look at the slave wifes that are owned but still live in a culture where slavery is considered wrong and if you asked the people with the slave wifes if slavery is wrong they would still say yes it is wrong. people do things they think is wrong all the time, they even justify it to them selfs. Are you not aware of this?

In this sense, I'm discussing that you either have a mindset of taking responsibility, or you have the mindset of someone who believes they are caught in the wind of circumstance.

Again a false dichotomy. it is not black and white. can you take responsibility for your own actions and at the same time hold others for their actions? So you can be "caught in the wind of circumstance" but still take responsibility for your own actions. Are you trying to say that when a stray bullet from a drive by kills a kid in a house a block away that the parent cant take responsibility for living in a bad area but still be "caught in the wind of circumstance" and still a victim?

Some people actually have MOSTLY one of these mindsets, while in certain areas of life the other mindset will show itself.

I can almost agree with this statement. I will agree to the idea that people have a mix of both mindset but that is not one or the other. also it is a mix of those 2 mind sets with millions and billions of others at the same time. it is not one or the other ever.

Some people feel empowered and responsible for their lives part of the time, sure, and then other times they blame everything on something else and fall into victimhood.

Again, it is not a false dichotomy, people can and do both at the same time. you can take responsibility for your life and still be a victim and hold others accountable for their action or as you like to call it "blame" and "victimhood".
I am in no way trying to support people that play the victim but that is not the same thing as actually being the victim of something.

For the purpose of conversation, I'm talking about 2 mindsets, not black and white people.

Yes you are trying to make is out to be only two mindsets. No one mentioned black or white people at all. The statement of black and white is a fallacy also know as false dichotomy.

But if you understand the use of logic and philosophical speaking, you understand that has nothing to do with avoiding the greys of life.

I do understand the use of logic and philosophical speaking and that is why I'm saying your pulling a false dichotomy fallacy and is nothing but avoiding the grays. If you weren't avoiding you would not be making it a one or the other argument.

For the purpose of this article I'm talking about two mindsets, I'm not saying "this is all there is in life" and anyone who is paying attention to my writing knows that.

For purpose of this article? So if it wasn't for the article what your opinion was would change? If you are not saying that is all there is then why are you trying to make it a one or the other? i did pay attention to your post, if i didn't how would we be having this conversation? maybe your trying to say that if i actually went over all your other post it would change the words in this post? -smh-


First paragraph: "Really, the difference between the two sorts of people is mental approach and outlook.

Again you can't group everyone into two groups. There is way more then two mental approach's and outlooks.

They're really not two different kinds of people in any outward obvious way, but their mindsets are drastically in opposition to each other.

This statement is in drastic opposition of it self and that is why you throw the "but" in after you make a true statement. just like when someone says "I'm not racist but" then they say something racist. you start it off by saying there are not two types of people then you add "but" and then say there is only 2 because they are opposing ideas. You really think there is only two possible mindsets in this opposition to each other?

I have seen one and the other, but I don't really see a mix of these approaches in one person, not where this is concerned."

So in this concern you do not see a mix of these approaches in one person even though you have seen people from both sides. That is making it black and white situation AKA false dichotomy. you are saying you have to be one or the other and are also saying you cant be a mix of them.

If you didn't understand what I was conveying here, I intentionally pointed out that they aren't really 2 different KINDS of people (the title is a hook, obviously), because people are outwardly varied and nuanced.

Yes and after every time you say that you then follow it with a statement taking it back to an either or situation. you add "but" then contradict yourself. -smh-

But the MINDSETS are opposed.

See. in order to say "the MINDSETS are opposed" you are returning to this one or the other crap. -smh-

Meaning, I can't be in both mindsets at the same time.

You can, and this is the problem with you trying to push a false dichotomy. it is a fallacy and that is a horrible argument stance.

One day I am in one sort of mindset, perhaps, and maybe the next day or week I am not in that mindset.

Yeah but never at the same time right? Well I hope you realize at some time it is possible to be both and to also be other options that are not mentioning. Its is not black or white.

My last sentence of saying I don't SEE a mix of these in people is not a statement of "objectively people are not mixed on this", it means what I said it means

It means what the statement says, if you mean it to mean something else then you would have said something else.

that as a GENERAL rule (emphasis on general), I have OBSERVED that people will have a trend of being mostly in one mindset or the other.

What would the difference be if the word general was removed? would the statement not have the same meaning? Again you are trying to put people into two categories. It is not a black or white situation as I have been saying the whole time. Maybe one day you will observe that people are not one or the other as you claim now.

Sorry I took so long to reply, long day.
I am not going back and spell checking or anything so I hope there isn't to many typos in it.

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