My Last Response To @beanzsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #response8 years ago (edited)

So their is a post made by the person that has been stalking me and flagging me. When I thought it was all over she drags me in more. Its full of people fucking with her with a couple shots of my name in there that has nothing to do with harrassment and is out of context. There is a pict of earnest saying something to me that I never even upvoted or responded to, making it out like I'm the leader of the people harassing her. I thought we were leaving each other alone? at the end ill add my response to it all.

sorry but from this point on I just give no fucks about spelling and grammer.

here is the post:

so I asked her to remove me from it. this is how it went

@skeptic :

Why are you trying to drag me into this again? The picts have me asking someone to remove the flagging your group does and the second one with me in it was me playing with the bot and advertising a post I made. Not harassment. Please remove the picts with my name in them (or edit me out) unless I need to defend my self from accusations of harassment with another post. I don't want anything to do with your playing the victim drama. Please remove me from this crap I have nothing to do with it.
Thanks for your time.

@beanz :

The past is in the past. You're being given another chance because you're posts have been good. This post is not about you, it's about users who cannot or will not redeem themselves. You don't have to worry about this, I'm pretty sure everybody who's bumping up your reputation already knows about this.

@skeptic :

Thank you but I would feel a lot better if you cut my name out of those pictures. if not I will feel compelled to defend myself as to why I should not be on part of your Petition. Please just remove me from your post because I have nothing to do with this. I'm even keeping my mouth shut in my comment to you right now. Please I am asking nice.

@beanz :

Unless you're telling me you're no longer going to an alliance to earnest?

@skeptic :

I have never been in an "alliance" with anyone. I can only be held accountable for my own actions.
oh you must have forgotten about me telling him not to dox you or how I told you to please stop flagging him so he doesn't dox you.
im done, have your fun this is beyond insanity.

@beanz :

You are not part of my petition. You do what you have to do. I have no problem with you defending yourself.

@skeptic :

-smh- why do you keep fucking with me? I finally got you to stop flagging me and your playing the victim again and getting payed again for it. the reason they are fucking with you if because you go around flagging people. just look at you flagging some person that leaves a comment in my post talking about how they are going to try to help fixing my rep after your little crew destroyed it. this is fucking sick. you make up lies and manipulate people. you must be proud you got 37 bucks outa stella after you push people with this flagging game and then play like they are harassing you.
you say im not part of the petition but you are not willing to remove my name from your picts of people "abusing you"? I have not had to deal with you for a day and it was wonderful.
why are you draggin me into your bullshit games again? I want nothing to do with your lies.
are you going to make another video full of lies saying I make sexual refrences about little kids again? why do you create this shit. I don't want this.
you push people and you push people and when they finally have had enough and snap you cry victim and make money from it because people are to lazy to go back and actually look stuff up themselves.
because you say it they believe you. its fucked up.
I hate the fact that you keep getting me to waste one of my 4 posts a day on you, all because you like drama and try to start it at any chance you have.
you obviously cropped all the screen shots so you could use them out of context and did not have to crop me into them. you are obviously trying to drag me into your drama and I want nothing to do with it.
its like once every 2 days you pull this shit. stop destroying accounts of people and they wont come at you with mean words. -smh-
stop making lies to get attention. stop trying to drag me into your bullshit. stop flagging people because you disagree with their opinions. stop playing the victim when you are the one creating his drama.
if your trying to get my attention by bringing me into your drama it got my attention. if you want my attention just talk to me but this shit Is fucking insane.
so leave the picts with my name to try to boost up your lie. anyone that wants the truth should look at the block chain them self and not take your word for it.
so why do you feel the need to drag me into this mess if I had already left you alone and you left me alone? you go around flagging all my followers on my posts that have nothing to do with you and then add me to this crap, why? did you not want me to go my spate way? doing this shit does not make me stay away from you and I have been.
fuck I got to take a break. not even 5 days ago your little group killed my rep and im just starting to get it back even tho you keep flagging all the people that are giving me up votes to try to fix the damage you did.
no proof read, typed out so fast might have typos, idgaf your not worth holding down shift and correcting grammer n spelling.
I thought I was don't having to deal with you

so after that last post I was hoping it was done. I said my part she leaves the pict. whatever right? nope. next she deciedes to go to my new post and leave a comment talking about her post is to fll of comments to reply in there. -smh-

so this is what she sent me:

@beanz :

We ran out of space to respond in my thread so I'm taking it here where it seems fitting with the theme.

Why do you keep fucking with me?

Okay I'm sorry. Not that I'm responsible for any of the accusations you've made, because I'm not, but I'm sorry for all the stress I've put you through.

I finally got you to stop flagging me and your playing the victim again and getting payed again for it.

This time I did play the victim. Yes. Most of the time though that has been you, and that's OK as long as you admit it to yourself and stop reflecting it on others out of denial. Remember what I told you, I was flagging you for harassment. You got me to stop flagging you by stopping the harassment.

The reason they are fucking with you if because you go around flagging people. just look at you flagging some person that leaves a comment in my post talking about how they are going to try to help fixing my rep after your little crew destroyed it.

His SP is way too low to affect my reputation or yours. And it was not because he wanted to help you, in case you didn't notice I've been upvoting you too.

You say im not part of the petition but you are not willing to remove my name from your picts of people "abusing you"?

First of all if you read the post it's not about people abusing me, it's about the people earnest abuses - or about earnest in other words. In fact the petition isn't even for him it's for making it easy to block people. Secondly, how many times did you write a post about me or moony or some other member of the community here who's ideology you were determined to offend?! You have the audacity to demand I remove one picture that has your name in it when you've created several of posts slandering other people?!

I have not had to deal with you for a day and it was wonderful.

You might notice if you read the petition that @dantheman has agreed to add the mute feature to our reply feeds. As long as it is impossible for you to harass me I will have no reason to flag you and you won't have to "deal with me" ever again.

You push people and you push people and when they finally have had enough and snap you cry victim and make money from it because people are to lazy to go back and actually look stuff up themselves.

No they can see it. They look. They know.

You are obviously trying to drag me into your drama and I want nothing to do with it.

Look sweet heart, you created that drama for yourself. You went around threatening people, and that's not even why you lost your reputation in the first place. You write posts to insult the people here. Don't you realise those are the people who could be upvoting you if you hadn't insulted them by writing a nasty post about them? We are meant to be your friends here. Treat us like your friends and we will return the friendship.

Stop flagging people because you disagree with their opinions.

The video I made for earnest was to explain how I disagreed with a lot of your posts but I never flagged anything because I disagreed with it. The only thing we disagreed on that caused a flagging was your use of the word faggot repeatedly to upset somebody else you were arguing with. After that "disagreement" you continued to harass me for answers after I had told you I didn't want to engage with you.

Just talk to me but this shit Is fucking insane.

Yes. It is. But it doesn't seem like talking to you ever gets anywhere because you are an expert in sophistry.

You go around flagging all my followers on my posts that have nothing to do with you.

They are often about me and because you post about me your followers come to my page to make silly accusations. I do NOT flag them unless they are verbally abusive. You're friend christianus lost his reputation for that reason.

Your little group killed my rep and im just starting to get it back even tho you keep flagging all the people that are giving me up votes to try to fix the damage you did.

You know perfectly well @adm flagged you for spamming. When you spam, everybody sees your spam because that's what spam is. It wasn't a collective group who flagged you they were all individuals who didn't like your spam. But I won't tell a lie, there is a place you can go in to report abuse, and after taking your friend christianus there he lost his rep.

I never took my case with you there. I never asked for help when you were harassing me because I felt it would be unfair. Instead I waited for you to get bored of me flagging your messages to me.

Honestly I am sorry. I have clearly caused you stress and it was never my intention although I must admit I was careless about it. You don't seem to care about others so I didn't care about you. But now that I've seen how stressed out you are I want you to know that I do care. I'm not going to change my post for you, but I want you to stop stressing. Nobody is out to get you. The people with power are bumping your reputation back up again and I don't want you to do something that will risk losing it all over again. Try not to let little things like a flag get to you. It only matters if the account has thousands of SP. Try to enjoy steemit instead of harassing people, make some friends and keep doing what you're good at. Because the trolling that earnest is putting you up to - that's not what you are.

It made my brain spin at first. I responded right away by telling her its all bullshit and that I was posting a link to her comment so people in her post could see what she is doing. after a couple min I looked it over and damn I had to make a response to it. so here is my response.


my god this is so insane I have to respond to it now that I took a min to actually read this.
so. lol here we go. I would like to say before I start this I have been asking you to stop with this bullshit. I guess I have no choice but t respond to the lies.

We ran out of space to respond in my thread so I'm taking it here where it seems fitting with the theme.

bullshit, I added a link to this comment in your post. there is plenty of room to keep going on your post. maybe you didn't want people to see how full of shit you are?

Why do you keep fucking with me?

Okay I'm sorry. Not that I'm responsible for any of the accusations you've made, because I'm not, but I'm sorry for all the stress I've put you through.

you are just saying your sorry and don't mean it or you would not be doing this shit. what accusations have I made that are false? when was it said your responsible for something I say? you have not put me through stress, just hurt my brain with your stupid bullshit lies and manipulative ways.

I finally got you to stop flagging me and your playing the victim again and getting payed again for it.

This time I did play the victim. Yes.

yeah and every time.

Most of the time though that has been you, and that's OK as long as you admit it to yourself and stop reflecting it on others out of denial.

nope I have not called for attention or sympathy once. your confusing me pointing out to the community how stupid you are with playing victim and asking for money like you do.

Remember what I told you, I was flagging you for harassment. You got me to stop flagging you by stopping the harassment.

bullshit, you were flagging me way before I started making posts about you and memes. I got you to stop flagging me by posting about it with and drawing attention to the community about how you play this game. you flag people then when they ask you why you freekout and pretend they are harassing you and flag them more. you even have your brother flagging people as of yesterday. then when they finally lose it you cry that they are saying mean things. that is why I say your playing the victim, because your not the victim you're creating this situation. (red herring much?)

The reason they are fucking with you if because you go around flagging people. just look at you flagging some person that leaves a comment in my post talking about how they are going to try to help fixing my rep after your little crew destroyed it.

His SP is way too low to affect my reputation or yours. And it was not because he wanted to help you, in case you didn't notice I've been upvoting you too.

his rep is so low because your flagging. I have been noticing you were upvoting and I even added a snap of it in my post telling everyone thank you for trying to raise my rating after you all killed it in 4hrs. I do not understand how you upvoting something makes it so the there people upvoting me aren't trying to help. (strawman much?)

You say im not part of the petition but you are not willing to remove my name from your picts of people "abusing you"?

First of all if you read the post it's not about people abusing me, it's about the people earnest abuses - or about earnest in other words.

then why not remove me?

In fact the petition isn't even for him it's for making it easy to block people.

then why not remove me from it?

Secondly, how many times did you write a post about me or moony or some other member of the community here who's ideology you were determined to offend?!

never once, I wrote posts about you and your actions after you were flagging me and I made a post about moony making fun of her for posting ass shots on a post about how people need to stop treating and looking at her as a sexual object. that is all in my right to do so. it had nothing to opinions I disagreed with. (red herring much?) freedom of speech is the right to offend. no matter what you say someone is going to be offended.

You have the audacity to demand I remove one picture that has your name in it when you've created several of posts slandering other people?!

I have not demanded anything, I asked you. my posts were not slander. I did not say anything that was a lie. telling the truth is not slander. you again are accusing me of stuff I have not done. I cant even keep count how many times this is. supplying a screenshot that is not proof of your accusation will not work. last time you got called out on making lies and about trying to provide false proof that when looked at proves you wrong. (lie much?)

I have not had to deal with you for a day and it was wonderful.

You might notice if you read the petition that @dantheman has agreed to add the mute feature to our reply feeds.

have not noticed and do not care. I'm not the one throwing fits and wanting to block people.

As long as it is impossible for you to harass me I will have no reason to flag you and you won't have to "deal with me" ever again.

then why are you dragging me into this? I have not had anything to do with you for a full day. only now having to deal with you because your posting bullshit with me in it when I have nothing to do with it. I have never harassed you once (more lies?), I have only defended myself from your flagging and lies, like the video and shit. I want nothing to do with this drama. it is all you. just think if you didn't add me to this I wouldn't even be dealing with you now.

You push people and you push people and when they finally have had enough and snap you cry victim and make money from it because people are to lazy to go back and actually look stuff up themselves.

No they can see it. They look. They know.

I call more bullshit. when you go back in the chain you can see I have not done anything you have accused me of. that is why I can go back and prove it and you cant.

You are obviously trying to drag me into your drama and I want nothing to do with it.

Look sweet heart, you created that drama for yourself.

yeah i created your post with picts of me in it. -smh-
you realize i would never have had to deal with you if you had not jumped into a convo and started flagging people because we were using "bad words"? the fucking guy was talking about killing cops and trump protestes and when i call him out and ask him why he wants to kill people you jump in and try to white knight and flagg the shit out of me. he even went back and deleted his comments and changed the post because he was embarrassed about the stuff he said. you then went and told the person to "flag the shit out of" me. so i would have never had to deal with you if you did not go out of your way to flag me in a conversation you wernt even in or part of. stop trying to play like it is not your fault. quit playing victim for things you do.

You went around threatening people, and that's not even why you lost your reputation in the first place.

then why am i still on your post?i have never threatened anyone of anything but writing a post about them flagging me or saying I would flag back and I never have.

You write posts to insult the people here.

i write what ever i want when ever i want, you have no right to think you're entitled to tell people what they can and cant post. your opinion is not the rulling standard of what can and cant be posted on steemit.

Don't you realise those are the people who could be upvoting you if you hadn't insulted them by writing a nasty post about them?

don't you realize im not trying to play to people? im doing what i do because i want to. not because im trying to impress some jackass to pay me out. if people like what i do and support it am gateful, im not doing it to get upvotes. i give no fucks.

We are meant to be your friends here. Treat us like your friends and we will return the friendship.

bullshit, i have tried being nice to you, you take it as weakness and attack harder. this post you just made is perfect proof. if you really are wanting to be friends you sure have a weird way of showing it.

Stop flagging people because you disagree with their opinions.

The video I made for earnest was to explain how I disagreed with a lot of your posts but I never flagged anything because I disagreed with it.

it was an 8min video and you finish talking about earnest after 1:24. and the first bit of that is you laughing and fake crying. the rest of it is you trying to justifiy yourself and your actions, you even make the lie that i was making sexual refrences to little kids, it is not true and the proof you provided had nothing to do with a sexual refrence about a kid. you had people calling you out on it before I woke up and had a chance to defend myself because the proof you provided proved you wrong. so i didn't even need to defend myself on that. also your bragging about killing my rep and laughing about it. i posted picts showing you telling people to flag the shit out of me and all this was after you already started flagging me and i made my first post about it. also in the video you say you walked in on a convo you had no clue about and started flagging us because were using words you didn't like "faggot". all i have done after that is ask you to remove the flags and then made posts about what you are doing to people. you know I will never flag you so you do it because you are not worried about it.
anyways, the video and all of this is a red herring and has nothing to do with you putting me in your post and all this crap.

The only thing we disagreed on that caused a flagging was your use of the word faggot repeatedly to upset somebody else you were arguing with.

one, that does not give you the right to flag me and try to censor a word because you find it offencive. you are not the word police. two, he called me a faggot as in gay, i started calling him faggot as a pussy/bitch. three, you must be homophobe or not know many gay people if your triggered by the word faggot. this is how it all started. you came to a post, started flagging people over the word faggot. you flagged him to but he submitted and said sorry and accepted your flagging for using "bad" words. i said hey take my flag off and asked why and you just kept flagging everything. so i made a bunch of posts and you kept flagging and following me around. then finally after you got my rating down to nothing, after upvoting anyone that flaged me or your flagging. I made another post about it. then after proving you wrong on everything and having others watching and pointing it out you finally said you were done and asked me to just stop talking about it and your would stop flagging me and we could go our own ways. it worked for 24hours about. now im in your post where you're beggin for money and donations with little clips of comments i said that are not harassment or someone saying something to me that i never upvoted or responded to but because it has my name better throw it in. just like the video about earnest doxing you and then you had to drag me into to it and start making lies. the video was after i sent you a message saying you win and i would never flag you and please stop. you stop for a day then start it up again. how much you make on the video post making lies about me and saying you are flagging me because a word (faggot) and saying i make sexual refrences about liitte kids? the picts from me asking moony was after she flagged my posts and comments. i did not harass her, i took the picts from her post and put some quotes from her post on them. i did not accuse her of anything or call her anything. i made a meme. art does not deserve to be censored because some one does not like it.

After that "disagreement" you continued to harass me for answers after I had told you I didn't want to engage with you.

by disagreement you mean my not accepting your flagging and you continuing to ask you to remove the flags while you continue to flag me for asking why or to remove them? so because you want to flag people but don't want to answer why if they want a reason its harassment? how is your follwing my every move and flagging it when im not even enteracting with you and flagging anything i do me harassing you when i ask you to stop? i only kept asking because you kept flagging me. i never once flaged you because if i did i would be like the other people in a never ending flag war with you so you can play victim. i guess me avoiding you was not good enough, you had to drag me into this post. and now you are dragging it to my other posts. who gets to decide what is harassment and bullying? if i was not in fear of getting flagged again i would say lets keep talking about it but it is pointless if your going to go cry about what i say and claim it is harrassment. i have been trying to stop this shit, you are making it continue.

Just talk to me but this shit Is fucking insane. (this is not even half a quote)

Yes. It is. But it doesn't seem like talking to you ever gets anywhere because you are an expert in sophistry.

that is not even half the quote. i said if your trying to get my attention and want to talk then just talk to dont have to pull all this crap to get my attantion. has nothing to do with being an expert in anything, it has to do with the fact that you continue to lie and are not stopping this minipulation crap. still none of this has anything to do with you putting me in your post.

You go around flagging all my followers on my posts that have nothing to do with you.

They are often about me and because you post about me your followers come to my page to make silly accusations. I do NOT flag them unless they are verbally abusive. You're friend christianus lost his reputation for that reason.

bullshit, you flagged him on my post thanking people for trying to restore the damage you did to my rep with your little crew of account destroyers. all he said was he was going to try to boost my rep more with upvotes. the person you are talking about was someone that started out flagging me and standing up for you but then he said something you didnt like so you started flagging him. than after reading all the posts about what was going on he realized he was in the wrong and appologized. then when he tried to talk to you about it he became your new target. if you would have not started flagging him he would not have said anything "mean" to you. he was defending you and flagging me till that good job you did it again. -smh- oh no i make posts about how your flag crazy and because they come and tell you that its messed up that your flagging people and killing reps daily they are making accusations? besides how can you hold me accountable for things they do on their own accord? i have not told them to do it, infact i have been telling them not to harrass people. still nothing to do with putting me in the post.

Your little group killed my rep and im just starting to get it back even tho you keep flagging all the people that are giving me up votes to try to fix the damage you did.

You know perfectly well @adm flagged you for spamming. When you spam, everybody sees your spam because that's what spam is.

lies again, all i did was post one single link to my post in the comments and over half the people liked, upvoted, and followed. they also liked dickbutt. but because dickbutt is offencive and upsets fweelings the bot got flagged to shit too.i have also posted the picture of you upvoting him for killing my rep and picts of you flagging all my stuff. lies upon lies. also the person that was using @adm talked to me a little. that is an account used by alot of people to destroy you upvoting adm was only to show me you had something to do with it.besides because some one else did something once has nothing to do with what you did 400 times no matter of the steem power. i had under 5 steem power when all this went down.pluss if they were single comments on posts not everyone could see them unless they read through the whole post. i see people daily that do the same thing. every new post the hop in and paste a cheesy "hey great post, could you check out my post and maby upvote it if you like it" they dont get flagged by you and your flaggot friends.

It wasn't a collective group who flagged you they were all individuals who didn't like your spam.

is that why i have picts posted with you telling people to flag the shit out of me? how is that possible when more then half th people liked the post and upvoted and followed. the only people that didnt like it was you and your little group of flaggots. why was your brother helping out with the flagging on chris if its not a group action. stop your lies this is all old stuff we have proven your you are making lies.

But I won't tell a lie, there is a place you can go in to report abuse, and after taking your friend christianus there he lost his rep.

haha funny(not at all), the only reason that started is because your harrassment of other steemers. -smh- are you that unaware of the stuff going on in the steemit community? that is a whole group of people trying to defend from your little group of flaggots dolphin/ are sick bragging about killin his rep. this shit is wrong and you need to be stopped by someone.

I never took my case with you there.

because they would tell you that you are full of shit like everyone else have been proven wrong about all of the lies you push.i have not harrased you stop playing the victim. people calling you out for making up lies and trying to minapulate people is not harrassment.

I never asked for help when you were harassing me because I felt it would be unfair.

i never harrassed you and that is why it would have been unfair and you know it. it is insane you think me telling you to stop flagging me and to remove the flags is harrassment when your following me around and flagging my sttuff out of opinion.

Instead I waited for you to get bored of me flagging your messages to me.

more lies, yeah you continued to flag anything I did till I finally made a post pointing out what happened and a wave of the steemit community came and pointed out how you are full of shit so you asked me to stop and said you would stop flagging me. then chris told you not to stop and you started flagging him. now that his rep is destroyed from your little flag games I guess you have to drag me into your mess again because everyone elese you have flagged to death is gone or invisible. I have said so many time I want nothing to do with your crazy shit.

Honestly I am sorry.

bullshit, more lies. if you were sorry you wouldn't be still trying to pull this shit.

I have clearly caused you stress and it was never my intention although I must admit I was careless about it.

what was you intention then? you didn't cause me stress only a headache from dealing with your retarded logic. you are trying so hard to manipulate this around so you are the victim more but you are not in this situation. you're just a lier and making yourself look bad as more and more people realize the lies when they go bac and look at everything.

You don't seem to care about others so I didn't care about you.

I care about others, just not your stupid ass. I never asked you to care about me. I have only asked you to remove the flaggs and leave me alone with your lies and false accusations. I wish you cared enough about yourself to stop this crap because its making you look bad. I don't care if you do that to yourself but I do wish you cared about yourself and had more respect for yourself then to come off how you are now.

But now that I've seen how stressed out you are I want you to know that I do care.

again not stressed and another lie, you do not care and we all know it. if you did you would not have added me to your post and dragged me into this shit again.

I'm not going to change my post for you, but I want you to stop stressing. Nobody is out to get you.

yes I know your not going to change the post because you have no problem telling lies to play the victim, good job! another lie you care not about stress or you wouldn't be doing this shit. and a third lie, nobody is out to get me as she stalks everything I do and flags everyone im talking to no matter what er are talking about. then pulls this shit making a post begging for money because harassment with me made outto be the bad guy in it. you could only find 3 single things that you had to take out of context to make me look bad ond one of them is just something someone said to me that I never upvoted or responded to.

The people with power are bumping your reputation back up again and I don't want you to do something that will risk losing it all over again.

is that a threat? if so fuck you! fuck off with your threats. if not a threat, fuck you. "they" are not the ones running around getting people to flagg people over lies you make up. this is all sorted out in the old posts and in the block chain. how many times do you have to be proven a lier before you stop with the lies?

Try not to let little things like a flag get to you.

says the person flagging people to censor them because she doesn't like a word. maybe take you own advice and not let a little thing like someone asking you why you flagged them get to you. -smh- do you even logic?

It only matters if the account has thousands of SP.

a lie, all flags add u. when you flagg me 400 times in a night and I only have 5 steem power compared to your 580 steem power it is a huge hit. that still has nothing to do with ythe fact that you are doing to make the comment invisible to censor that person.

Try to enjoy steemit instead of harassing people, make some friends and keep doing what you're good at.

wow ok, I have not harassed you at all and considering the level of bitch you are projecting I feel I have been very polite considering.i have been making friends and I have been doing what im good at. none of that has anything todo with your flagging, playing victim, and adding me to your post when you said yourself I don't belong in it. do you think if you just keep saying someone is harrassing you, people will believe it no matter what you are doing?

Because the trolling that earnest is putting you up to - that's not what you are.

WTF??!?! I have not been trolling you and earnest has not put me up to anything. I do what I want when I want. I do not need yours or anyone elses approval on it. so again stop trying to drag me into your bullshit you have going on with other people because you cant stop flagging people because they wont follow "your" rules.

now that my whole evening has been wasted on you im going to leave with one last statement.

fuck you! leave me out of your shit. I am no going to be responding to anything you say to me unless I find it really funny and need to make fun of you for it.that does not mean i wont comment on your post or talk to others in it. feel free to leave all the comments on my posts and replys n stuff i dont care. feel free to point out where i was wrong or how im an asshole or whatever i dont care. i would actually enjoy it. at this point im guessing everyone else is doing to point out how stupid you are acting. i dont need to help.dont flag me and i wont be making posts about you flagging me. dont say stupid shit and i wont point it out. dont make lies about me any more or i will point out how you are making lies. we can go our seprate ways if you would stop following me around doing stuff to get my attention.

so have a wonderful night and dont expect to hear from me. you can do all the work to try to cover your ass on the stuff you have said.

also all of this was a red herring and had nothing to do with the original question/argument about removing me from your post. same ass all your arguments. nothing changes and you continue to play victim and manipulate people to cottle you because of it.

im done I wash my hands of it.

p.s. tell your brother to stop flagging me


Stay out from their posts.
You have no chance.

this is what they are doing when I sleep.

Did she just flag your post Bullion? wow!

That's is abuse

Agreed. I can't figure out what you said that deserved that? I tried to bump it back up, but didn't have enough power.

They are kinda weak, only -4, had expected more.

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