Quick Little Contest, to see who is reading... 5 INCIN-BOOSTS and 5 shares of Resource Credits goes out to 10 Lucky redddy-redfishes and or little minnows >>> LOOK INSIDE AND SEE!

INCINBOOST is like SBI but pays out higher...

TNKOB > Incin is the New Kid On the Block! I will be buying up to 5 shares for 5 winners, make your case in the comments below!


This one has some strings attached, I will look at your account and see if you are using what you have already. No super-newbys, I am going to set a fuzzy red-line of "over 40 Rep" just cuz I cannot think of a better line at this instant. @simplymike needs to get in here and comment, this was her idea and I need HEP!!! lol

Keep watching for MOAR CONTESTS from the

@SAPPHIC Witness Team


Also, remember to support @teamgood, dispensin' GOOD in Da HOOD!



Hey @underground. I accidently dtumbled upon your post, lol.
Could you explain what you need help with?

Yesssss…. @simplymike
I was wondering if you had an idea as to what Rep I should have for a lower cut-off for doling out SP/RC so I don't just have it sitting dormant in an account which has lost interest, and maybe some other things to look for in awarding the SP/RC?

Lol, the part of my brain where my understanding of English is processed is taking a day off today, I guess. I don't really understand what you mean.

a lower cut-off for doling out SP/RC ???

Wait... let me tell you what I think you mean: You're asking me what the minimum rep of a user sould be to be sure he won't just quit or do nothing with it?

If that's correct: I can't say. Among my redfish rockets are people with rep 40 who are doing great, while there are people with rep 45 who disappeared. I think 40 is the absolute minimum.

Also, I think it is important to take a look at their level of engagement. That's a bit more difficult since HF20 was implemented.
Before, I asked people to sign yp for @abh12345's engagement league to see how they performed, but with the new RC system that is not possible anymore.

But browse their comment feeds to check the quality of their comments. Are they all one-liners? Or do they leave real, genuine comments?

But as long as the price of Steem keeps dropping, you can not know who is gonna stay and who will leave. My guess is that the ones that are still here already found out that SteemIt is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Maybe you can ask them if they are part of one or more communities - people who fly solo will probably disappear quicker.

Truth is, it's a bit of a gamble. If you follow up how they are performing and you see they are gone, you can retract the delegation and have it back in 5 days. (I didn't do so well on that part - I have SP delegated to accounts that have been silent for weeks. I just never had the time to contact these people personally, and I didn't want to retract my delegation without contacting them first. The result is that the SP is just sitting there, going to waste)

You nailed it, I was looking for minimum rep to go by. And the rest of your analysis is pretty much spot on, I know that all these factors, well, they all "factor in" :D
Thanks @simplymike, that is exactly what I wanted. Or maybe better yet, you could have said 42.375 is the Magic Number,

works every time :D

PS: U get a "boost" for SURE, Meike :D


Is this a bid for the IncinBoost??? lol
you are leading @sgt-dan :D

You, as a member of #teamgood, have my full support! My delegation may not be huge, but don't forget, like the @steemitramble I have been a supporter from the beginning! Been a Steemian for a little bit, don't fall for crap or jump on the newest and prettiest train.




you too, Jony "OU" Dyer!
Incinboost Shares...

you are a gentleman, and a scholar

OK @jonyoudyer, @sgt-dan, and @simplymike will all get the IncinBoosts when that little Turd INCIN gets his Shtuff together :D

Incinboost is not taking any new accounts at this time. He's setting up a new pool as I understand. Which is a good thing, bigger and better!

It's a good thing that he closes the doors every now and then to make sure they can give out the promised votes. I just read the announcement his Discord channel that they will re-open tomorrow.

Thanks, btw :0)

Posted using Partiko Android

Very Cool, I like to give him grief because he was pushing his new voter-bot model and he asked how MBC worked and all that, bugged the dog-crap out of me until I "invested" and his latest model is working well! I'm not sure but I think I suggested he mimic SBI and this one is the similar mode, but at higher payouts :D

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